XML Editor
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Subject New Replies Views Started By Last Reply
0 new messagesproblem converting json to XML, included URI cannot be used011234Bruce Cantor
10/26/23 12:58pm
10/26/23 02:46pm
0 new messagesProblem base64 decoding string - base64 string cannot be converted to pdf file021368Bruce Cantor
10/26/23 08:43am
10/30/23 09:09am
0 new messagesProblems posting multipart form via http-post041429Bruce Cantor
10/06/23 01:50pm
10/10/23 08:43am
0 new messagestrouble with download of pricestockfile011575Bruce Cantor
08/14/23 11:06am
08/14/23 02:53pm
0 new messagesProblem with http-post not being accepted, 022233Bruce Cantor
04/25/23 01:13pm
04/26/23 08:58am
0 new messagespath problem, xps_file:writeAll081988Bruce Cantor
04/18/23 01:35pm
04/21/23 11:26am
0 new messagesXquery update support? 012061Bruce Cantor
03/29/23 01:56pm
03/29/23 05:28pm
0 new messagesproblem with Stylus studio trying to evaluate downloaded xml via DTD042457Bruce Cantor
02/24/23 12:47pm
02/28/23 01:14pm
0 new messagesadding dtd reference to xml output via Xquery032376Bruce Cantor
02/01/23 09:58am
02/02/23 01:49pm
0 new messagesxquery escaping ambarsand when downloading delimited file022779Bruce Cantor
08/23/22 12:08pm
08/24/22 06:24am
0 new messagesWhitespace problem when returning csv file within xquery 043551Bruce Cantor
07/25/22 01:19pm
08/23/22 11:56am
0 new messagesProblem with namespace prefix in xquery044368Bruce Cantor
12/15/21 11:11am
12/21/21 09:29am
0 new messagesSending via SFTP returns unexpected exception004095Bruce Cantor
08/31/21 01:19pm
08/31/21 01:19pm
0 new messagesQuery and Sftp clent034198Bruce Cantor
08/09/21 10:52am
08/13/21 04:24am
0 new messagesxquery and try - catch024306Bruce Cantor
07/30/21 01:55pm
08/02/21 07:53am
0 new messagesQuery + ddtek:http-post options045563Bruce Cantor
06/02/21 09:00am
06/07/21 06:21am
0 new messagesExample files referenced in documentation024730Carol Gipson
05/13/21 04:32pm
05/13/21 05:33pm
0 new messagesAutomatic Error Detection and Quick-Fix Corrections025870Sharad Karkera
03/02/21 08:01am
03/04/21 12:53am
0 new messagesWorking with result of ddtek:http-post016209Bruce Cantor
01/28/21 11:43am
01/28/21 01:03pm
0 new messagesProblems with FTP upload via XQuery027232(Deleted User)
06/04/20 11:40am
12/16/22 06:41am
0 new messagesWhat path notation works when in xQuery0511581Arthur Gardner
09/08/17 03:13pm
09/14/17 09:50pm
0 new messagesXquery Exception0010585sud rall
05/02/17 11:22am
05/02/17 12:55pm
0 new messages[java] [Fatal Error] Test.xml:33:428: The reference to entity 0146482Sama K
02/28/17 03:57pm
02/28/17 07:44pm
0 new messagesunable to produce correct XML with namespace out of XML without namespace0112263Sebastien Vinchon
11/10/16 04:02pm
11/11/16 11:04pm
0 new messageswhere can I find stylusxql utility 0211344Ewan Hopkins
09/14/16 10:13am
09/14/16 05:18pm
0 new messagesTrouble Mapping Multiple Elements to one unique Node Element0212246breydon stangeland
08/18/16 04:04pm
08/18/16 04:54pm
0 new messagesinput parameter 0011883Ivan Pedruzzi
08/15/16 06:16pm
08/15/16 06:16pm
0 new messagesset element value0011372Ivan Pedruzzi
08/06/16 04:15pm
08/06/16 04:15pm
0 new messagesXquery Performance Issue02012899sud rall
07/07/16 03:01pm
07/19/16 03:40pm
0 new messagesRun Xquery Program using Java0212309sud rall
07/06/16 05:49pm
01/04/19 12:06pm
0 new messagesXQuery XML to CSV0211709Rick Scofield
03/19/16 02:44pm
03/23/16 10:09pm
0 new messagesXQuery MySQL connector0312580Rick Scofield
05/20/15 08:58pm
05/20/15 10:32pm
0 new messagesXQuery with JDBC connection issue0213481Rick Scofield
08/31/14 11:18am
03/14/19 10:56am
0 new messagesCreate FTP Server0112236Rick Scofield
03/01/14 09:33am
03/03/14 09:11am
0 new messagesXQuery Nested Loop Lookup0413528Rick Scofield
02/09/14 10:27am
02/10/14 03:11pm
0 new messagesXpath using a Variable for [@ID=1234]0113296Peter Buswell
10/12/13 05:03pm
10/14/13 06:13pm
0 new messagesMy xqDoc option is disabled.0012912chris misztur
08/10/13 03:27pm
08/10/13 03:27pm
0 new messagesXpath ancestor selection0314242chris misztur
08/09/13 08:47am
08/09/13 03:58pm
0 new messagesException: sequence of more than one item is not allowed as the result.0114160chris misztur
08/08/13 10:32am
08/08/13 03:27pm
0 new messagesXQUF usage0215350chris misztur
08/08/13 08:47am
08/08/13 07:04pm
0 new messagesxquery rule execution0011869chris misztur
08/08/13 08:44am
08/08/13 08:44am
0 new messagesLoving XQuery0211410chris misztur
06/11/13 09:34am
06/11/13 02:31pm
0 new messagesCross Referencing Country Names0312731chris misztur
06/10/13 02:17pm
06/11/13 12:22pm
0 new messagesCreating a Pivot Table with xQuery0111724David Gokcedag
05/27/13 11:06am
06/04/13 07:14am
0 new messagesError Please Help0211378Myron Chavez
05/16/13 12:01pm
05/16/13 12:27pm
0 new messagesError Please Help0011345Myron Chavez
05/16/13 11:56am
05/16/13 11:56am
0 new messagesXPath descendant question0112020George George
05/11/13 10:49am
05/12/13 07:48pm
0 new messagesjava/lang/OutOfMemoryError Running large data file0112228dulmini s
02/28/13 12:32am
03/01/13 12:17pm
0 new messagesXquery key value lookup0712655Rick Scofield
02/21/13 05:23pm
02/22/13 05:26pm
0 new messagesImprove xQuery Performance0211710dulmini s
02/13/13 02:41am
02/18/13 07:53pm
0 new messagesMS SQL Server - Disable order by clause in the generated SQL0917480Yi Chen
01/21/13 04:38am
01/24/13 11:03am
0 new messagesproper use of fn:distinct-values0111604Neal Walters
12/06/12 10:22am
12/06/12 11:05am
0 new messagesIgnore DTD0612857Fred Foo
11/07/12 08:52pm
11/14/12 06:10pm
0 new messagesThanks Ivan0010420Mark Shortt
11/04/12 03:04pm
11/04/12 03:04pm
0 new messagesTrying to get 2nd value of node (query holds but emply result)0410990Mark Shortt
11/03/12 11:24pm
11/04/12 03:05pm
0 new messagesOuter joins0310949Roel van der Hoeven
10/15/12 04:38am
10/17/12 04:08pm
0 new messagesFigured Out Issues From Last Post, BUT Processing Time On Full Job Takes Forever0111678Wilhelm Beck
07/25/12 11:59pm
07/27/12 04:14pm
0 new messagesBest Way To Generate Complex XML Doc From Spreadsheet - Help!0215124Wilhelm Beck
07/20/12 06:44pm
07/20/12 09:35pm
0 new messagescount in xquery0311905pattex007 ex007
07/10/12 10:24am
07/10/12 04:43pm
0 new messagesleft/right presentation0211981David Mare
05/10/12 11:29pm
05/12/12 07:59pm
0 new messagesnew to stylus - connecting to Access db0111336Richard Will
03/22/12 11:05am
03/22/12 02:35pm
0 new messagesXQuery problem with namespaces0313350Roel van der Hoeven
02/28/12 03:43am
02/29/12 11:56am
0 new messages.conv and xquery problem0211990Jolene Meyer
02/16/12 05:28pm
02/20/12 05:51pm
0 new messagesCan pass text into CONV file0111484Ethan Stein
02/13/12 12:38am
02/13/12 09:29am
0 new messagesdoc-available not working as expected0313532Ethan Stein
12/14/11 11:41am
12/14/11 04:26pm
0 new messagesddtekjava write to file only executed if return used?0413867Ethan Stein
12/13/11 11:32pm
12/14/11 12:36am
0 new messagesarrayindexoutofbounds with ddtekjava recrusive call0613393Ethan Stein
12/13/11 05:24pm
12/14/11 12:37am
0 new messagesXSD: Structure definition depending on element or attribute value0113013Alexander Becher
11/18/11 11:50am
11/18/11 05:44pm
0 new messagesFatal Error whitespace expected0219722Felix Garcia
10/28/11 12:38pm
10/28/11 02:40pm
0 new messagesExecuting a pipeline sequence in .net0112275Jason Axel
10/25/11 03:21pm
10/25/11 04:51pm
0 new messagesData Transfer0011718sam shik
10/24/11 08:58am
10/24/11 08:58am
0 new messagesSpecifying the SEF File Location ...0312248andre goldi
08/26/11 09:20am
08/31/11 12:41pm
0 new messagesMultiply numbers...0115818andre goldi
08/16/11 08:05am
08/16/11 08:20am
0 new messagesUsing Generated Java-Code...0414198andre goldi
08/15/11 08:42am
08/22/11 11:12am
0 new messagesMapper does not show all nodes!0412378andre goldi
08/11/11 12:26pm
08/12/11 02:54am
0 new messagesXul tree search using XQuery XPath Expression0012441Karthik RANGARAJ
07/02/11 06:17am
07/02/11 06:17am
0 new messagesconverting XML to CSV0112245brian w
06/09/11 04:48pm
06/12/11 03:13pm
0 new messagesdatadirect licenses0011785brian w
06/09/11 04:37pm
06/09/11 04:37pm
0 new messagesgenerate a uuid0113913David Mare
05/17/11 11:21pm
05/19/11 07:04am
0 new messagesHelp to write Xquery 0112528Neno Man
04/30/11 09:08am
07/21/11 01:07am
0 new messagesXQuery java ddtek:serialize-to-url Problem0113458William Basabe
03/25/11 02:48pm
03/30/11 10:43pm
0 new messagesEDI to XML Automation0113950Eurick NEwbill
03/23/11 11:19am
04/02/11 05:28pm
0 new messagesGenerating XQUERY to use in Oracle OSB0116710John Mcculley
03/22/11 04:56pm
03/30/11 10:57pm
0 new messagesStylus is not easy to learn XQuery0112465majid Latfi
03/09/11 11:54pm
03/14/11 09:59pm
0 new messagesjava.lang.OutOfMemoryError0012587cheryl culwell
03/02/11 12:38pm
03/02/11 12:38pm
0 new messageshow to save to xml format0112579cheryl culwell
02/22/11 04:55pm
03/06/11 05:53pm
0 new messagesFormating a date in xquery0113275Jon Gallegos
02/12/11 08:37am
03/06/11 06:02pm
0 new messagestwo xml statements when mapping xml0413942Jon Gallegos
01/29/11 01:03pm
02/05/11 10:34am
0 new messagesXQuery0112721Brent Bates
12/28/10 07:22pm
01/04/11 01:43am
0 new messagessaxon-license.lic Not Found0114733senthilkumar M
12/19/10 12:13am
12/19/10 10:08am
0 new messageshands off conversion to final xml0112460cheryl culwell
12/06/10 12:00pm
12/09/10 11:50pm
0 new messagesfn:substring in XQuery to Oracle db gives LONG error0315073Michael Reitsma
11/22/10 08:37am
11/26/10 02:37am
0 new messagesUsing Saxon with XQuery to insert into relational Oracle database0313865Michael Reitsma
11/12/10 10:56am
11/26/10 02:44am
0 new messagesCan't SAVE or DO a SAVE AS From Stylus0112178Angie Tran
11/04/10 05:03pm
11/11/10 11:07pm
0 new messagesSaxon Unexpected token < e o f >0114988Alessandro I
11/04/10 05:25am
11/05/10 12:29am
0 new messagesInserting and selecting data into DB by XQuery0113233Simon Tuson
10/22/10 12:16am
10/23/10 01:21am
0 new messagesconvert sql statement into xml statement0013372cheryl culwell
10/21/10 05:00pm
10/21/10 05:00pm
0 new messagesneed help in converting this access query to an xml query0115755cheryl culwell
10/13/10 03:17pm
10/13/10 10:48pm
0 new messagesIS IT POSSIBLE TO DO AN XQUERY FROM A DATABASE 'VIEW'?0111765cheryl culwell
10/07/10 12:12pm
10/07/10 10:23pm
0 new messagesXQUERY RESULTS NOT IN PROPER FORMAT (SEE BELOW0112063cheryl culwell
10/05/10 03:18pm
03/25/11 02:44pm
0 new messageshow to get data from database format into xml documents0112421cheryl culwell
10/01/10 02:24pm
10/04/10 11:48pm
0 new messagestree view in xquery0111090cheryl culwell
09/30/10 11:48am
10/01/10 01:33am
0 new messagesNeed help with SelectsingleNode XPath to find a node that ends with a particular string.0414257Bob Chauvin
09/30/10 10:35am
10/02/10 02:20am
0 new messagescounting in query0010378Giuseppe Frattura
09/15/10 05:02am
09/15/10 05:03am
0 new messagesWebApplication with Xquery0211013Giuseppe Frattura
09/13/10 04:24pm
09/15/10 04:53am
0 new messagesLimit to number of elements in an xQuery0211628Lance Faig
08/24/10 04:02pm
09/03/10 08:07am
0 new messagesAutomate xquery Conversion0111759Ted Loomos
08/10/10 10:45am
08/10/10 12:18pm
0 new messagesddtek:wscall problem0111652jose jkjlk
07/19/10 10:05am
07/20/10 04:20pm
0 new messagesProblem with case sensitive0010998Karen Lopez
05/18/10 07:30pm
05/18/10 07:30pm
0 new messagesIs this the formal tech support offered to new users?0110882Michael Nevins
05/03/10 09:23am
05/03/10 02:43pm
0 new messagesproblem with Conditional Expressions 0412026Karen Lopez
04/30/10 11:58am
04/30/10 12:52pm
0 new messagesproblem with Conditional Expressions 0010527Karen Lopez
04/30/10 11:57am
04/30/10 11:57am
0 new messagesconnect to mysql for xquery?0111075Dean Melia
04/19/10 08:20am
04/21/10 03:22pm
0 new messagesNOOB Help0011032R Morgan
03/30/10 07:25pm
03/30/10 07:25pm
0 new messagesGetting rid of empty namespaces in the result0011726java dev
03/24/10 01:52pm
03/24/10 01:52pm
0 new messagesXquery not yielding results0211223Ivan Pedruzzi
03/16/10 12:20pm
01/08/12 10:37am
0 new messagesfn:replace() inserting spaces in results?0010590Tom Masciovecchio
03/14/10 12:53pm
03/14/10 12:53pm
0 new messagesXquery XML document with spceial characters0611208Ahmad Abusalah
03/09/10 01:31pm
03/14/10 04:17pm
0 new messagesXLS (MS Excel) to XML Converter 0213516Dexter Parungao
02/11/10 02:31pm
02/17/10 03:10pm
0 new messagesLittle Help :)))0111816Darko Stev
02/05/10 02:29am
02/19/10 08:43am
0 new messagesXquery tag position0111721Cristian Mandelli
01/22/10 11:10am
01/25/10 02:11pm
0 new messagesCan I connect to MonetDB/XQuery?0011129Dave Ashton
01/20/10 05:33am
01/20/10 05:33am
0 new messagesIs there a way to format a number to force two decimal places?0113072Vincent Visconti
01/14/10 12:18pm
01/29/10 04:19pm
0 new messagesPlease help convert SQL query to Xquery0215760Vincent Visconti
01/12/10 11:30am
01/12/10 04:15pm
0 new messagesConnect to SQL Server Express 20080211924Marc Hoogerwerf
01/08/10 10:19am
01/11/10 01:23am
0 new messagesConvert HTML to XML within C# application0014508Gregory McKenzie
12/15/09 07:00am
12/15/09 07:00am
0 new messagesreturn different result based on conditions0612131Steve Anderson
11/15/09 11:54pm
02/09/10 08:58am
0 new messagesJava Heap Space0111526Page Basheer
11/11/09 06:38pm
11/12/09 04:15am
0 new messagesXQuery Results export to multiple files0212495martie odendaal
11/03/09 11:52pm
11/04/09 01:49pm
0 new messagesNO RETURN0411683Arne Johnsen
11/02/09 06:57am
11/04/09 05:48am
0 new messagesPart of a csv into a current XML file0210847sjil lis
10/27/09 06:12am
10/29/09 02:09pm
0 new messagesHow to escape ampersand in xquery?0131591(Deleted User)
08/13/09 02:13am
08/13/09 09:33am
0 new messagesHow to Convert CSV lines to individual XML file and submit to Web Service0413899Angie Kennedy
08/12/09 08:10pm
08/18/09 03:48pm
0 new messagesData connection Stylus Studio 2009 - SequeLink - MS Access0111836Thomas W. Hoehle
08/06/09 08:47am
08/10/09 11:26am
0 new messagesNested XQuery FLOWRs with RDBMS joining all tables?0212765David Isaac
07/27/09 03:46pm
07/29/09 02:58pm
0 new messagesobserving xquery at work0111938David Rogers
07/25/09 12:42pm
07/26/09 04:15am
0 new messagesalternative for 'exists' 0312686DG Sarbo
07/16/09 05:07am
08/11/09 10:07am
0 new messagesXquery and webpages how?0112702scott reachard
07/09/09 02:14pm
07/09/09 02:28pm
0 new messagesHelp with another DataDirect processor error0414437Kam Chan
07/08/09 03:05pm
07/10/09 09:43am
0 new messagesHow to resolve XPTY0004 error0218419Kam Chan
07/08/09 11:19am
07/09/09 09:26am
0 new messagesSearch a sequence of siblings (for each ??) within a delimited range0213834Peter Robert
07/08/09 11:12am
07/09/09 03:18am
0 new messagesDataDirect process getting XPST0005 error0112043Kam Chan
07/07/09 05:38pm
07/08/09 06:27am
0 new messagesFind the parent who doesn't have a particular child0212157Kam Chan
07/06/09 05:28pm
07/07/09 10:18am
0 new messagesHelp with a basic FLWOR query0212025kaustubh misra
07/02/09 03:50pm
07/06/09 12:09pm
0 new messagesxQuery Efficient Performance Best Practices0413626Ethan Stein
07/01/09 05:04pm
07/07/09 04:48pm
0 new messagesHow to break down a sequence and return a few subsequences0213011Kam Chan
06/30/09 07:18pm
07/01/09 09:18am
0 new messagesXquery returning odd number format0112862guy-francis vella
06/29/09 10:53pm
06/30/09 11:36am
0 new messagesProblems with Java date parameters using DDTEK XQuery engine0213146David Isaac
06/29/09 10:39am
07/07/09 05:04pm
0 new messagesXquery filter on multiple values0111846(Deleted User)
06/26/09 07:44am
06/26/09 08:36am
0 new messagesXquery filter by using contains0414765(Deleted User)
06/26/09 07:39am
06/29/09 12:09pm
0 new messagesmultiple xslt execution using Stylus Studio0111458Izrail Grinblatas
06/25/09 10:07am
06/26/09 06:24am
0 new messagesHow to access to global variables0513583Kam Chan
06/18/09 04:53pm
06/26/09 06:20am
0 new messages"Value can not be converted to requested type" error again0311726guy-francis vella
06/14/09 06:21am
06/15/09 04:13am
0 new messages(simple) problem with xquery0211326erik augustin
06/12/09 03:33pm
06/15/09 05:59am
0 new messagesVersion of xQuery Included with Stylus Studio 20090211494Melissa Sterrett Baron
06/11/09 07:05pm
06/12/09 11:05am
0 new messagesxQuery 1.0 Produces XPTY0004 Error 0213838Ethan Stein
06/10/09 03:53pm
06/15/09 01:01pm
0 new messagesReplace Node with Set of Nodes0113585Ethan Stein
06/10/09 04:21am
06/10/09 03:52pm
0 new messagesUnable to Use File Name as External Variable With stylus Studio 2007 XML enterprise suite 0411937Ethan Stein
06/09/09 06:58pm
06/10/09 04:20am
0 new messagesEDI to XSD and validation0114955Roel van der Hoeven
06/04/09 05:42am
06/04/09 06:10am
0 new messagesSample XQuery extension using .NET and Saxon0111964James Holcomb
06/02/09 03:16pm
06/02/09 06:52pm
0 new messagesAnother EDI problem0612653Roel van der Hoeven
05/27/09 09:20am
08/11/09 10:11am
0 new messagesRemoving xmls:od and xmls:xsi from output0111694Ethan Stein
05/24/09 05:41am
05/27/09 10:09am
0 new messagesConfiguring MarkLogic with Stylus0911864ROSS ADJEI
05/16/09 06:05pm
10/10/09 03:49pm
0 new messagesEDI to XML0613055Roel van der Hoeven
05/15/09 10:03am
06/08/09 09:14am
0 new messagesCan't write to SQL-Server0310903Thomas Zapf-Schramm
05/15/09 03:05am
05/15/09 10:54am
0 new messagesXQuery and SQL-Server0110578Thomas Zapf-Schramm
05/14/09 01:26pm
05/14/09 04:28pm
0 new messagesConnection to MS SQL Server in SS09 Enterprise under Vista SP10110910Thomas Zapf-Schramm
05/14/09 06:01am
05/14/09 06:33am
0 new messagescopy/modify with Stylus Studio 2007 R20410699Ethan Stein
05/12/09 08:35pm
05/24/09 05:37am
0 new messagescopy/modify with Stylus Studio 2007 R20010611Ethan Stein
05/12/09 08:28pm
05/12/09 08:38pm
0 new messages[SQLServer JDBC Driver]Value can not be converted to requested type.0415548guy-francis vella
05/09/09 04:15am
05/12/09 05:02am
0 new messageswild card chracter usage in XSL0112176Harpreet Gangyan
04/27/09 11:23pm
04/28/09 08:06am
0 new messagesXquery with SQL NEWID function0319574(Deleted User)
04/26/09 01:20pm
05/05/09 12:03pm
0 new messagesChange Only One Line0411632Ethan Stein
04/24/09 03:46pm
04/28/09 03:56pm
0 new messagesFormat DB xQuery results0210868Mike Lucas
04/17/09 02:30pm
04/20/09 09:04am
0 new messagesAdding MsSQL Database to XQuery Source causes Studio to Freeze0210813guy-francis vella
04/17/09 03:11am
04/18/09 01:24am
0 new messagesNeed help with using XQuery in Stylus Studio to convert and transform flat file to xml0111027Dwayne Bordelon
04/15/09 02:10pm
04/17/09 05:22pm
0 new messagesplease help! simple XML transformation with xquery!0110798Emiliano p
04/13/09 06:26pm
04/17/09 05:08pm
0 new messagesxquery for invoice data0211188scott reachard
03/27/09 03:19pm
04/02/09 11:49am
0 new messagesXquery to cross reference two files0212233(Deleted User)
03/25/09 12:31pm
03/27/09 05:33am
0 new messageshow to list distinct value?0416952ho man
03/13/09 02:52am
03/14/09 02:23pm
0 new messagesReading XML Files Across Network0711224Mike Jordan
03/08/09 10:54pm
03/10/09 01:22pm
0 new messagesI want to automatically check that xml data follows certain rules0311722JD McLean
03/04/09 12:20am
03/04/09 10:28am
0 new messagesParent tags0411606Rajat Nair
03/03/09 04:09pm
03/05/09 11:54am
0 new messagesRemove Empty tags0111077Rajat Nair
03/03/09 11:48am
03/03/09 10:24pm
0 new messagesdynamic function call | dynamic module importing 0211963Yi Chen
02/18/09 05:31am
02/18/09 08:54pm
0 new messagesCan I define a function like fn:concat which has flexible number of arguments?0211685Yi Chen
02/18/09 05:29am
02/18/09 08:53pm
0 new messagesremove empty tags0313366Jolene Meyer
02/17/09 10:21am
02/17/09 04:24pm
0 new messagesLoops0610789Jolene Meyer
02/13/09 12:26pm
02/16/09 01:53pm
0 new messagesflat to XML with xQuery0311550Jolene Meyer
02/10/09 11:09am
02/11/09 08:34am
0 new messagesXquery for timer based events.0110651Chandra M
01/29/09 04:24pm
01/29/09 06:02pm
0 new messagesCleaning up Word 2007 xml0213488Paul Rayner
01/26/09 10:20am
01/27/09 03:35am
0 new messagesXquery string-pad function0416154(Deleted User)
01/26/09 03:57am
01/26/09 04:48pm
0 new messagesDB to XML Data Source0111371Sravan kumar
01/22/09 08:52am
01/22/09 02:54pm
0 new messagesXML Streaming not working0112749George Willis
01/15/09 09:01pm
01/16/09 09:53am
0 new messagesXQuery General Question01014331Mike Jordan
12/27/08 08:57pm
01/04/09 11:00am
0 new messagesERROR XQueryMediator Error during the querying No value supplied for required parameter $appName0112784Nalini D
12/23/08 12:56am
12/23/08 03:13am
0 new messagesPrint Date in XML File0111804samar elnaggar
12/21/08 03:19am
12/23/08 03:21am
0 new messagesAritmetic in Xquery0111787Ad van Uffelen
12/16/08 03:31pm
12/16/08 03:41pm
0 new messagesUse content of node as node name in xQuery0111488Sebastien Vinchon
12/10/08 11:32am
12/10/08 12:42pm
0 new messagesBetter way to do this?0211965scott reachard
12/10/08 10:11am
12/12/08 08:49am
0 new messagesGet output line by line!!0112295Raghav Tulshibagwale
11/19/08 02:16pm
11/19/08 02:36pm
0 new messagesUse of if-then-else0111850Raghav Tulshibagwale
11/18/08 01:47am
11/18/08 08:40am
0 new messagesManipulation of XQuery output!!0311861Raghav Tulshibagwale
11/17/08 02:57pm
11/19/08 03:51pm
0 new messagesSubtract times0513974(Deleted User)
11/14/08 09:55am
11/15/08 03:56am
0 new messagesUsing xQuery to call a Conversion Program to write to new Variable (XML node)0212478David Gokcedag
11/10/08 10:07am
11/12/08 03:30am
0 new messagesHow to add a custom class to the CLASSPATH for Stylus xQuery engine to find it0211955Sebastien Vinchon
11/06/08 06:21am
11/06/08 07:02am
0 new messagesHow to get rid of multiple occurences of xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" in output0114483Sebastien Vinchon
11/04/08 01:31pm
11/04/08 03:39pm
0 new messagesProblem with conditional JOINing of SQL database tables0713390Rodolfo Vegas
11/03/08 05:51am
11/07/08 08:27am
0 new messagesXQuery editor whitin Stylus Studio cannot read full structure of some SQL Server tables0211900Rodolfo Vegas
10/27/08 07:55am
10/27/08 12:12pm
0 new messagesGet rid of spaces in returned output0313475Rodolfo Vegas
10/24/08 06:29am
10/27/08 06:59am
0 new messagesCan XQuery be embeded in a Javascript code?0112162k a
10/18/08 06:46pm
10/21/08 08:46am
0 new messagesNeed help on converting <br/> into & lt ; br/ & gt ; inside a complex node0212001Sebastien Vinchon
10/10/08 10:58am
10/10/08 11:57am
0 new messagespostgresql 0212055andy standley
10/07/08 09:51pm
10/08/08 04:46pm
0 new messages No format-number functionsupport in an xQuery0313565Sebastien Vinchon
10/06/08 10:52am
10/06/08 11:11am
0 new messagesSwapping elements using XQuery?0112486Tony Zanella
10/06/08 10:13am
10/06/08 10:57am
0 new messagesTrying to contact DataDirect dor DataDirect XQuery information request0211106Rodolfo Vegas
09/29/08 11:51am
09/30/08 04:24am
0 new messagesExternal Java functions with built-in XQuery processor = implementation not found0411507David Isaac
09/26/08 01:56pm
10/02/08 04:58pm
0 new messagesLooking for xQuery help0511852sebastien vinchon
09/18/08 01:04pm
09/19/08 05:15am
0 new messagesBuilt-in processor & filtered expressions0111952Hans-Juergen Rennau
09/05/08 05:11pm
09/05/08 05:24pm
0 new messagesMultiple Sibling Matches0111759Jeff Smith
08/29/08 03:51pm
08/29/08 04:09pm
0 new messagesIssue with data($element) 0310961neo k
08/21/08 12:34pm
09/05/08 06:20pm
0 new messagesconvert text to xml from more than one source?0111141Phillip Ankerson
08/21/08 12:12pm
08/21/08 12:47pm
0 new messagesxquery syntax0111121neo k
08/15/08 03:48pm
08/15/08 03:58pm
0 new messagesSQL Table To XML using XQuery0311331Jerry Beech
08/15/08 03:22pm
08/18/08 11:51am
0 new messagesdelimiting values of attribute and element0211586neo k
08/14/08 05:11pm
08/14/08 05:35pm
0 new messagesempty child nodes0811110Bernard Quinn
08/14/08 01:42pm
08/14/08 03:52pm
0 new messagesIllegal XML characters0318350Bernard Quinn
08/14/08 11:33am
08/21/08 01:32pm
0 new messagesComplete SQL Server database transform to XML03316317Bernard Quinn
08/14/08 11:30am
09/03/08 05:15am
0 new messagesPrevent xquery from converting < and >0711697Mike Koporc
08/05/08 05:35pm
08/06/08 09:46am
0 new messagesAnother edi question.0510738steven nourse
08/05/08 12:56pm
08/05/08 02:35pm
0 new messagesRunning xquery with a source conversion from command line0310939steven nourse
08/04/08 12:07pm
08/04/08 01:57pm
0 new messagesxml to edi segment count quest0211509steven nourse
07/31/08 11:16am
07/31/08 11:32am
0 new messagesRunning xquery from the command line0611435steven nourse
07/30/08 03:38pm
07/30/08 05:28pm
0 new messagesHow to change the node name in xQuery0414296Fairy Lee
07/29/08 11:52am
07/29/08 01:18pm
0 new messagesHow to loop through a set of extraxt values from a xml file and update corresponding records in a table0913365ling shen
07/18/08 01:55pm
07/25/08 08:46am
0 new messagesCan I pass a parameter/vaiable as the address in ddtek:wscall?0211163ling shen
07/15/08 04:22pm
07/15/08 06:55pm
0 new messagesgenerating an XML file0210535yotta you
06/17/08 10:42am
08/14/08 04:05pm
0 new messagesgenerating log files of Xquery operation0111334R Kannan
06/10/08 01:39pm
06/10/08 09:47pm
0 new messagesStylus Studio crashes when editing query file0211240Urs Keiser
05/28/08 05:14am
05/28/08 10:44am
0 new messagesChecking for Values in an Array0211887Brian Dong
05/22/08 07:49pm
05/22/08 09:14pm
0 new messagesAdding embedded functions01012264David Costelloe
05/14/08 09:15am
05/14/08 03:29pm
0 new messagesmultiple DTPs at the same level in HIPAA 834 file0115213Lance Merrifield
05/06/08 01:33pm
05/06/08 01:49pm
0 new messagesjava.lang.OutOfMemoryError: Java heap space0213326rajat nair
04/21/08 03:04pm
04/21/08 03:12pm
0 new messagesxml validation against wsdl0119053JIB JIB
04/10/08 10:18pm
04/11/08 05:43am
0 new messagesUsing same Xquery0318009rajat nair
03/13/08 11:27am
03/13/08 11:48am
0 new messagesChanging name value pairs to table structure in xml0316072s g
02/23/08 04:43pm
11/07/08 11:51am
0 new messagesremoving unwanted attributes resulting from database conversion to xml0312685david mare
02/20/08 08:38pm
02/20/08 10:56pm
0 new messagesRepeated Crashing of System0112058Emma Smith
02/19/08 11:10am
02/19/08 11:37am
0 new messagesCreate multiple XML Files0411461Emma Smith
02/19/08 07:37am
02/19/08 09:42am
0 new messagesBest xQuery engine?0112810Tizo Nash
02/03/08 04:29pm
02/03/08 11:25pm
0 new messagesXquery outputs XML attributes sorted by attribute name0312094Dominic Vieira
01/31/08 01:43pm
01/31/08 03:33pm
0 new messagesDataDirect SequeLink as a DB-to-XML data source0112036Keven Kudelka
01/31/08 01:05pm
01/31/08 03:56pm
0 new messagesUsing same xquery for 2 xml files0414857rajat nair
01/30/08 04:54pm
01/31/08 01:33pm
0 new messagesPerformance of XQuery0111980Charles hui
01/28/08 08:31pm
01/28/08 09:01pm
0 new messagesfail to use Saxon Process for calling a web service0311849Charles hui
01/23/08 09:40pm
01/23/08 11:22pm
0 new messagesConditional statements in xquery0113063rajat nair
01/18/08 02:24pm
01/18/08 02:34pm
0 new messagesOption Declaration Using Saxon0112901stanley armstrong
01/17/08 11:42am
01/24/08 09:05am
0 new messagesMultiple option declarations0112852rajat nair
01/15/08 01:38pm
01/15/08 03:53pm
0 new messagesImporting modules with a Custom URI Resolver0212354Christopher Arthur
01/15/08 12:12pm
01/17/08 09:43am
0 new messagesPossible bug: Problem with automatically created URL argument for collection function in Stylus Studio 20080413337Rodolfo Vegas
01/15/08 07:42am
01/16/08 11:48am
0 new messagesgetting the value of an attribute0313738rajat nair
01/10/08 09:54am
01/10/08 05:14pm
0 new messagesMemory problems using xQuery0513474Julio de la Vega
01/08/08 08:01am
01/08/08 10:14am
0 new messagesAdding a namespace0513911rajat nair
01/07/08 05:33pm
01/08/08 04:56pm
0 new messages[DataDirect][XQuery][err:FODC0005]Exception thrown by URIResolver:0816947Julio de la Vega
12/20/07 07:17am
12/21/07 03:33am
0 new messagesMapping Trouble0312936rajat nair
12/19/07 12:43pm
12/19/07 03:58pm
0 new messagesTwo level grouping0413810Julio de la Vega
12/19/07 08:47am
12/19/07 11:15am
0 new messagesError: A parameter of the operator is not a single node or empty [err:XPTY0004]0212007Julio de la Vega
12/19/07 08:28am
12/19/07 08:41am
0 new messagesGrouping in xQurey (Nested For command)0614081Julio de la Vega
12/18/07 10:13am
12/19/07 08:59am
0 new messageserr:XPST0005 - Error at line 92, column 81. Static error. The static type of step 'child::agent-name' is empty-sequence().0314120Tony Serva
12/12/07 01:21pm
12/14/07 07:40am
0 new messagesError at line 1, column 126. Unexpected token "" for step expression.0530085Tony Serva
12/11/07 09:09pm
12/12/07 01:24pm
0 new messagesStrange output0112532mackan mackan
12/03/07 08:21am
12/17/07 05:00pm
0 new messagesword count for each category0012841c doniat
11/27/07 09:41am
11/28/07 03:17am
0 new messagesNeed help with this xquery0111454Minollo I.
11/26/07 10:11pm
11/27/07 07:54am
0 new messagesXML DOM0213091Josephine Elizabeth
11/23/07 01:01pm
11/23/07 01:30pm
0 new messagesLicense issues related to XQuery and Java Code Generation0212804Matthew Fadoul
11/22/07 03:25am
11/23/07 03:24am
0 new messagesXQuery, ddtek:wscall, and an empty payload0814769Matthew Fadoul
11/22/07 03:09am
11/26/07 11:29am
0 new messagesHow to give sub equation nos0212658sweet sweety
11/22/07 01:04am
11/23/07 02:31am
0 new messagesXML DOM0212638Josephine Elizabeth
11/21/07 06:39am
11/21/07 02:41pm
0 new messagesforcing empty elements to have full open/close tags0317642david mare
11/16/07 09:08pm
11/18/07 11:50pm
0 new messagesSQL Server 2005 XQuery help0312123Anees Shaik
11/07/07 03:47pm
11/14/07 02:41am
0 new messagesType error0414998rajat nair
10/29/07 11:02am
10/29/07 06:27pm
0 new messagesMarkLogic queries0111522Tim Meagher
10/26/07 12:59pm
10/26/07 01:16pm
0 new messagesrelative uri0211871rajat nair
10/23/07 04:12pm
10/29/07 04:01pm
0 new messagesRecursive Template Funcion From flat to tree0112546Dude Petrovich
10/04/07 11:30am
10/05/07 08:21am
0 new messagesCreate RDF for xml0012369Muhammad Akram
09/24/07 04:56pm
09/24/07 04:56pm
0 new messagesSchema validation errors0111701Sarju Ladwa
09/19/07 05:53am
09/20/07 06:53am
0 new messagesKEYWORD EXTRACTION FROM XML DOCUMENT0514645Muhammad Akram
09/10/07 03:49pm
09/25/07 08:18am
0 new messagesNewbie struggling with nested FLWOR expression0313030Jim Salmons
09/05/07 08:30pm
09/06/07 11:37am
0 new messagesPath evaluation bug (?) concerning constructors0111450Hans-Juergen Rennau
09/04/07 04:13am
09/04/07 08:09am
0 new messagesXPath query0212829v i
08/31/07 12:59pm
08/31/07 04:48pm
0 new messagesmake sequence0312258Geoffrey Nutting
08/16/07 08:06pm
08/17/07 09:22am
0 new messagesXPath Query Editor Schema-Aware?0211836Matthew Rawlings
08/16/07 10:55am
08/17/07 06:34am
0 new messagesNewbe To This Form of programming style0113068William Soughers
08/08/07 12:57pm
08/09/07 12:07pm
0 new messagesConnection to remote database0112656askalakdi sadasfd
08/08/07 02:23am
08/09/07 12:04pm
0 new messagesAddnamespace using xquery0313110Rajat Nair
08/07/07 04:43pm
08/08/07 04:09pm
0 new messagesFATAL ERROR: Invalid document structure0218652Rajat Nair
08/03/07 10:02am
08/03/07 10:21am
0 new messagesFLOWR Loop Counter0415999Keith B
08/02/07 11:28am
08/03/07 09:48am
0 new messagesStylus Studio XML generation from relational database0112787Hrithik Roshan
07/30/07 04:59pm
07/31/07 04:42am
0 new messagesPotential bugs?0111818Dominic Vieira
07/20/07 03:47pm
07/20/07 03:56pm
0 new messages hierarchical XML into tables0112981huff bob
07/11/07 06:51pm
07/11/07 11:52pm
0 new messagesIncremental line counts0312253Dominic Vieira
07/04/07 03:18pm
07/10/07 01:53pm
0 new messagespreceding-sibling syntax help needed0113037Bob Chauvin
07/02/07 10:42am
07/02/07 11:20am
0 new messagesCreating hierarchical identifier attributes0413267Joseph Greene
06/29/07 09:16am
07/04/07 07:23am
0 new messagesConvert decimal to Hex.0219139Dominic Vieira
06/28/07 02:05pm
12/22/11 10:25am
0 new messagesXQuery automated comparison of node values0212885Tom Redfern
06/27/07 03:26am
06/27/07 03:30pm
0 new messagesvalidating schemas0116486Dipa Shah
06/26/07 09:39pm
06/27/07 03:19pm
0 new messagesvery simple fn:string() problem0413615Jack Tan
06/22/07 06:19pm
06/25/07 09:08am
0 new messagesNeed help with a XSL file0113690Brian B
06/17/07 06:27pm
06/19/07 02:07pm
0 new messagesProblems with conversion from Stylus Studio Enterprise Edition 2006 rel3 to 2007 rel20213681Jack Tan
06/14/07 05:08am
06/18/07 03:28pm
0 new messagesMS Sql Server0112086Bob Scott
06/13/07 11:38am
06/14/07 10:32am
0 new messagesXQuery equivalent of xsl:result-document0112483Philip Young
06/12/07 03:01pm
06/12/07 03:17pm
0 new messagestokenizing a string - problem with < and &0212677Jack Tan
06/07/07 05:16pm
06/08/07 02:37am
0 new messagesXQuery and eXist error processing an XMI file.0113823Jose Lacal
06/07/07 12:36pm
06/11/07 06:32am
0 new messagesDeploying an xquery file with more than one XML source document0112804Dominic Vieira
06/04/07 11:59am
06/04/07 12:45pm
0 new messagesNewbie struggling with simple query0312633froz frozdick
06/01/07 08:09am
06/05/07 04:54am
0 new messagessumming up the figure in the nodes retrieved.0713546shirley tay
05/31/07 09:46am
06/01/07 09:29am
0 new messagesVariable as part of a tag?0113761Yvonne Tan
05/31/07 06:35am
05/31/07 07:56am
0 new messagesxquery element tag name0118477Jimmy Wu
05/31/07 01:44am
05/31/07 07:57am
0 new messagesxquery - question for count function0212636Jimmy Wu
05/30/07 12:25am
05/31/07 01:46am
0 new messagesget multiple values from multiple tags0313205Meno K
05/27/07 12:11pm
05/27/07 05:46pm
0 new messagesIs it possible to add new database types to Stylus Studio?0613490(Deleted User)
05/24/07 02:23pm
05/25/07 10:28pm
0 new messagesCan't connect to DB - MS SQL Server 2005 Express01555625(Deleted User)
05/24/07 01:55pm
05/25/07 09:15pm
0 new messagessequence distinct values0312743sreekanth mopuru
05/23/07 12:02pm
05/25/07 06:05am
0 new messagesXSQL QUERY0112985Proddy Proddy
05/19/07 05:45pm
05/21/07 02:34pm
0 new messagesExternal xquery functions0114084Dominic Vieira
05/18/07 12:23pm
05/21/07 02:31pm
0 new messagesError in Xquery V3.00612960Juan Alfonso
05/16/07 05:25pm
05/24/07 03:20am
0 new messagesProblem getting distinct values0112785Bilbo Baggins
05/11/07 09:04am
05/14/07 04:21pm
0 new messagesXQuery reference book recommendation0113129M Kline
05/10/07 09:38am
05/11/07 10:28am
0 new messagesit's possible to have a where clause with variables?0112402Matthew O'Brien
05/09/07 12:59pm
05/11/07 08:38am
0 new messagesXSLT sorting parent nodes by multiple child nodes0114577john jenkinson
05/08/07 03:55pm
05/09/07 09:10am
0 new messagesCatalyst EDI Mapping0115340Nina Jackson
05/04/07 04:24pm
05/07/07 12:18pm
0 new messagesh2 element is there but XQuery doesn't return h20118518loes mertens
04/28/07 09:14am
04/30/07 09:29am
0 new messagesAdding the XML header to an output0114768Alexander Jiteg
04/26/07 05:14am
04/28/07 09:37am
0 new messagesNewbie question regarding dynamic input0112061Alexander Jiteg
04/26/07 05:04am
04/30/07 09:18am
0 new messagesGroup parent elements in target XML0414867Dominic Vieira
04/19/07 03:50pm
04/25/07 12:10pm
0 new messagesNeed XPath to return just immediate child nodes0322493Jeff Michaels
04/17/07 04:18pm
04/17/07 11:00pm
0 new messagesXQUERY Java run-time error0318341Jack Tan
04/16/07 06:21pm
04/19/07 09:10am
0 new messagesdbxml and collection()0112073Iv Bo
04/13/07 11:34am
04/17/07 04:59am
0 new messagesNothing returned when namespace used0212064Nick Radov
04/12/07 10:01pm
04/13/07 12:48pm
0 new messagesXQERY and Stylus Studio support of svg0212859Jack Tan
04/12/07 03:35pm
04/15/07 12:45am
0 new messagesx12 837 convert to xml fail with java.io.IOException0212716Vlad Z
04/09/07 12:35pm
04/09/07 01:17pm
0 new messagesChoose more than one attribute0111752Meno K
04/08/07 08:36am
04/09/07 09:55am
0 new messagesXQuery Engine0311936Meno K
04/05/07 10:44pm
04/06/07 01:45pm
0 new messagesfinding nodes in source document0111837Joe Robe
04/02/07 08:26pm
04/05/07 03:49am
0 new messagesunable to create any xquery 0212223Andreas Stiller
03/29/07 09:20am
03/29/07 09:40am
0 new messagescounter in xquery0415052nisha nickhil
03/27/07 11:47am
03/27/07 04:41pm
0 new messagesHow to change JVM settings -Xmx as suggested0321964Hans Lutsch
03/24/07 11:10am
03/27/07 01:57pm
0 new messagesPostgresql0211695Dominic Vieira
03/22/07 12:59pm
03/27/07 11:13am
0 new messagesCan I call an xquery file from another xquery file0415597Glenn Brand
03/19/07 02:08am
03/20/07 03:17pm
0 new messagesHow to output a text with a mix of XML significant characters and function invocations?0212144Jack Tan
03/16/07 03:39am
03/16/07 01:49pm
0 new messagesMapping - How Include the Schema info at top of file.0516915Hans Lutsch
03/13/07 10:45am
03/15/07 12:24pm
0 new messagesXQuery beginner problem0111889John Towers
03/09/07 08:39am
03/09/07 02:58pm
0 new messagesNo output from StylusFile Converter0211693Glenn Brand
03/08/07 04:53pm
03/09/07 07:17pm
0 new messagesgetting all nodes leading up to a given node but no descendants...0212499jake feeder
03/06/07 03:23pm
03/08/07 01:29pm
0 new messagesJava exception when apply regular expression0413681Jack Tan
02/28/07 07:36pm
03/07/07 01:37pm
0 new messagesX12 resources not reachable (Tomcat web deploymnet)01213511Glenn Brand
02/25/07 06:16pm
02/26/07 07:21pm
0 new messagesXQuery error on Oracle views0412821Rusty Manesiya
02/22/07 04:50pm
02/23/07 08:37am
0 new messagesResults multiplied by number of subrecords0211818James Hanson
02/22/07 02:19pm
02/23/07 07:00am
0 new messagesContinous sequence check0011310Santhosh Thottingal
02/22/07 07:08am
02/22/07 07:08am
0 new messagesNo results for second row of source document01313772James Hanson
02/15/07 02:56pm
02/21/07 10:17am
0 new messagesProblems connecting to DB2/400 via DB to XML Source0512691James Hanson
02/13/07 02:02pm
02/14/07 10:05am
0 new messagesExternal Class : Invalid linking operation0712288Robert Mattax
01/29/07 09:08am
02/01/07 02:59pm
0 new messagesError during SQL execution: [Oracle JDBC Driver][Oracle]ORA-00972: identifier is too long0114544Juan Alfonso
01/24/07 05:42pm
01/25/07 09:00am
0 new messagesWarnings when running Schema aware Saxon with SS.0114146Bill Riegel
01/20/07 11:20am
01/25/07 10:25am
0 new messagesXQuery basics0111958Christian Gutermann
01/13/07 04:46pm
01/15/07 03:03am
0 new messagesXPath Query Editor - not visible0212721karla okawa
01/11/07 11:47pm
01/12/07 10:59am
0 new messagesDocument loading and unloading0211818Steven Fancher
01/11/07 05:24pm
01/12/07 09:04am
0 new messagesXpath to return xmlns 0212901Neal Walters
01/09/07 11:00am
01/09/07 11:41am
0 new messagesHow to execute xQuery and execute xQuery in javascript?0217717Ming Liu
12/19/06 10:35am
01/01/07 07:57pm
0 new messagesSchema Aware Saxon0413079Dan Sullivan
12/15/06 03:47pm
12/17/06 08:34am
0 new messagesWant to execute a XQuery by API0613125Midas Wang
12/13/06 10:10pm
12/14/06 12:12am
0 new messagesUse a user-defined adapter as built-in adapter0112104Midas Wang
12/13/06 09:06pm
12/14/06 03:25pm
0 new messagesRDB collections versus DB-to-XML datasource0412264Midas Wang
12/13/06 05:07am
12/13/06 09:55pm
12/04/06 09:16pm
12/05/06 12:10pm
0 new messagesXquery question0312890john huysing
12/04/06 06:07am
12/04/06 11:34pm
0 new messagesXQuery 1.0 is now a Proposed Recommendation0012373SSDN Admin
11/30/06 04:33pm
11/30/06 04:33pm
0 new messagesI can't seem to get my xml "re-arranged" properly.0613780Doug Lundin
11/27/06 05:39pm
11/28/06 07:43am
0 new messagesCustom pipeline elements0312227Thomas Villadsen
11/21/06 05:00am
11/24/06 09:30am
0 new messagesFIND ALL ELEMENTS WITH SAME NAME WITHOUT XSLT0212719Victor Tischuk
11/20/06 09:28pm
11/21/06 01:33pm
0 new messagesCONCATENATE COMPLEX TYPE ELEMENTS0013743Victor Tischuk
11/16/06 02:22pm
11/16/06 02:22pm
0 new messagesXQuery & MySQL0315635Lawrence Harris
11/08/06 10:17am
11/08/06 11:51am
0 new messagesReferring elements from an imported document using XQuery0012438Sam Jones
11/08/06 04:21am
11/08/06 04:21am
0 new messagesSelecting operator from XML to xquery0413005Santhosh Thottingal
11/07/06 11:22am
11/09/06 07:11am
0 new messagescopy-namespaces mode0415278Hans-Juergen Rennau
11/01/06 07:26pm
11/10/06 04:06pm
0 new messagesXQuery and Javascript 1.5+ on IE60114545Frederick C. Lee
10/27/06 03:41pm
10/30/06 01:22am
0 new messagesXQuery sort & extract data0316021M Kline
10/25/06 07:08pm
10/26/06 08:32pm
0 new messages[DataDirect][XQuery]No value has been set for external variable0814043Juan Alfonso
10/25/06 02:06pm
10/26/06 04:47pm
0 new messagesAbout typing system for XQuery in Stylus 0413590Zhen Wang
10/22/06 05:06am
10/23/06 10:45pm
0 new messagesroot() vs // - saxon and builtin differ ... why ?0213006David Lee
10/19/06 11:23am
10/19/06 11:45am
0 new messagesXQuery or XPath "between" function ... how to write ?0315891David Lee
10/17/06 05:27pm
10/19/06 11:19am
0 new messagesXpath Query Editor button greyed out0213622Celia Vince
10/14/06 08:09am
10/14/06 02:44pm
0 new messagesProcessing Instructions, Built-in processor and SAXON confusion0312368Steven Fancher
10/11/06 11:48am
11/08/06 08:41am
0 new messagesXPath parser in Java0213710Klarinda GW
10/09/06 05:17am
10/19/06 11:54am
0 new messagesXQuery "declare xmlspace preserve" not working0917258David Lee
10/03/06 10:15am
10/04/06 11:37am
0 new messagesSave results of XQuery as CSV?0613666Doug Lundin
09/27/06 03:19pm
10/03/06 11:03am
0 new messagesCleanup and combine question0214000Doug Lundin
09/27/06 12:02pm
09/27/06 03:16pm
0 new messagesxquery function from within xslt0313027Sebastian Feese
09/18/06 10:00am
12/13/08 09:20pm
0 new messagesSaxon XQuery error0315448ambika sony
09/01/06 04:32am
09/01/06 12:42pm
0 new messagesxquery and 1gb xml files0212615Luis garcia
08/31/06 10:57am
08/31/06 11:17am
0 new messagesHow can i output key words such as "<,>" in XQuery?0412994matt su
08/30/06 10:49pm
09/04/06 10:33am
0 new messagesViewing XQuery0312950D S
08/25/06 02:47pm
08/25/06 11:34pm
0 new messagesWebinar: Using XQuery and DataDirect XQuery 2.00012091SSDN Admin
08/15/06 10:41am
08/15/06 10:41am
0 new messagesJava code generated by Xquery & java.sql.connection0513001Karlheinz Alber
08/07/06 04:28pm
08/08/06 09:20am
0 new messagesMultiple items in return0111776Neal Walters
08/02/06 03:54pm
08/02/06 04:27pm
0 new messagesConfused using match0112230(Deleted User)
07/25/06 01:48pm
07/25/06 07:22pm
0 new messagesCounting distinct node types 0613038Neal Walters
07/24/06 02:59pm
07/26/06 02:49pm
0 new messagesXQUERY Newbie question 0211638ina robis
07/20/06 10:58am
08/16/06 04:46am
0 new messagesReceiving a function as a parameter, and operate it.0612167Maya B
07/18/06 11:31am
07/19/06 09:19am
0 new messagesXpath Version - and Doc for Release 30112113Neal Walters
07/13/06 06:30pm
07/13/06 06:48pm
0 new messagesConvert namespace?0112408Doug Lundin
07/12/06 04:45pm
07/27/06 06:27am
0 new messagesCan I search for one line and replace it with multiple lines...like a macro?0212727Greg Spahn
06/22/06 12:35pm
06/22/06 12:59pm
0 new messagesReading Data from Soap Response.0114353Venkata Prasad
06/01/06 01:20am
06/01/06 12:00pm
0 new messagesAccess To XML Query Question0316178mirko mehnert
05/30/06 08:03am
05/31/06 07:00pm
0 new messagesXquery find avg and count0215311sap page
05/29/06 08:05am
05/29/06 10:38pm
0 new messagesBug using global variables in xquery module?0213016Jerry Beuree
05/26/06 01:23pm
05/26/06 02:21pm
0 new messagesProblem uploading XSLT to xml document0011902alex F
05/16/06 01:18pm
05/16/06 01:18pm
0 new messagesBug? HTMLTidy does not support URL parameters0112352Doug Lundin
05/11/06 04:11pm
05/12/06 10:11am
0 new messagesFinding a string within an XML document using XQuery0312951Doug Lundin
05/11/06 11:17am
05/11/06 01:41pm
0 new messagesStore query result in java.lang.String using Saxon Xquery0113019venkatesh rajupalepu
05/03/06 10:18am
05/04/06 10:43am
0 new messagesComparing databases and XML.0212680Thomas Wnuk
05/03/06 07:58am
05/03/06 10:07am
0 new messagesnamespace information with XQuery0313155David Jaramillo
05/02/06 10:54am
05/02/06 12:40pm
0 new messagesSingle row to multiple row transformation?0213731Doug Lundin
04/28/06 04:19pm
04/28/06 05:11pm
0 new messagesWebservice call failed0116271saibabu Valluripalli
04/28/06 11:00am
04/28/06 11:11am
0 new messagesStylus Studio has encountered a problem and needs to close!!!0114372kir sid
04/28/06 04:59am
04/28/06 09:10am
0 new messagesMy XQUERY on Berkley DBXML seems not to like any where statement0112540dreuzel prummel
04/27/06 11:17am
04/27/06 12:43pm
0 new messagesFiltering multiple values from xquery0416692kensky schulz
04/26/06 09:25am
04/26/06 04:00pm
0 new messagesSaxonB8.4 testing0713738Jack Tan
04/25/06 02:33am
04/26/06 09:09pm
0 new messagesProblem with oracle large tables0212991Mikhail S
04/21/06 05:53am
04/21/06 09:00am
0 new messagesincorrect syntax?0212481Adriaan Vanderende
04/19/06 02:16am
04/19/06 07:10am
0 new messagesXQUERY-based app usage0312464Jack Tan
04/18/06 04:00pm
04/19/06 01:18am
0 new messagesposition() and last() in XQuery0214260Klarinda GW
04/17/06 03:23am
04/17/06 05:42am
0 new messagesReturning Values0412033TL W
04/05/06 10:14am
04/06/06 09:37am
0 new messagesnew to XQuery- "expected cardinality"0113593sean s
04/04/06 08:22am
04/04/06 09:04am
0 new messagesusing XQuery to keep all data in one XML doc0113071Minollo I.
04/02/06 09:52pm
04/05/06 06:57am
0 new messagessearch in XQuery0516172TL W
04/02/06 09:21am
04/03/06 12:34pm
0 new messagesDefined source and destination folder0112562malathi T
04/01/06 04:25am
04/01/06 09:23am
0 new messagesStopping running xquery in R20312794Steven Fancher
03/31/06 06:42pm
04/05/06 09:04am
0 new messagesXQuery where can i use it?0413295TL W
03/31/06 07:47am
03/31/06 11:17am
0 new messagesScheduling the conversion0113071malathi T
03/31/06 06:12am
03/31/06 08:54am
0 new messagesConverting Oracle table to XML document0416405Mark Slavutsky
03/30/06 02:53pm
03/31/06 09:41am
0 new messagesFormating and Indentation Preserving0012304Minollo I.
03/30/06 08:41am
03/30/06 08:41am
0 new messagesOmiting the XML declaration from Xqueries0316584Steven Fancher
03/26/06 02:35pm
03/27/06 09:34am
0 new messagesDefine function0312684bryan craven
03/22/06 09:39pm
03/22/06 10:44pm
0 new messagesExternal Java class problems01413434Steven Fancher
03/22/06 12:29pm
03/27/06 02:58pm
0 new messagesC++/COM API for XQuery0212736venkatesh rajupalepu
03/20/06 12:44pm
03/20/06 12:54pm
03/09/06 02:02pm
03/10/06 05:04am
0 new messagesCobol Flat file to XML0013077(Deleted User)
02/20/06 10:04am
02/20/06 10:04am
0 new messagesxpath question0112259David Chan
02/13/06 03:06pm
02/13/06 04:10pm
0 new messagesXQST0059 cannot locate the requested module error0515740Ignacio Hernández-Ros
02/11/06 07:42am
02/11/06 09:18pm
0 new messagesHow to generate XML with processing instructions0113768David Jaramillo
02/10/06 04:12am
02/10/06 09:24am
0 new messagesODBC Connection refused01115550Howard Krupp
02/03/06 01:06pm
02/07/06 04:07pm
0 new messagesnode search and replace0212893First Last
02/03/06 12:24am
02/04/06 12:08pm
0 new messagesgenerate xml file on web server0413507Simon Meneely
01/31/06 04:09am
01/31/06 01:48pm
0 new messagesHow to navigate to a ref node 0415316Bob Chauvin
01/29/06 11:45pm
01/30/06 02:55pm
0 new messagesHow to query when a default namespace is specified0113122Budy Ackerman
01/27/06 08:19pm
01/27/06 09:00pm
0 new messagesfull xpath to a node0213988farshad farzan
01/17/06 09:30pm
01/18/06 08:39pm
0 new messagesPerformance bench0112579Matthieu Briottet
01/17/06 10:10am
01/17/06 10:19am
0 new messageshow to run xquery using java0113251prashant jain
01/13/06 12:18am
01/13/06 08:32am
0 new messages[ convert dtd to xsd ]0215182TheMoon ...
12/19/05 10:52pm
01/13/06 09:13am
0 new messagesHow to map a recursive node?0816738Shane Garringer
12/17/05 12:05pm
12/18/05 11:51pm
0 new messagesjava class implementing external function not found0212689qiang fang
12/02/05 11:09pm
12/02/05 11:39pm
0 new messagescontext to context reference0112435phani veeravalli
11/26/05 01:40pm
11/27/05 08:30pm
0 new messagesProblems with Replace0612637k m
11/18/05 02:30pm
12/08/05 02:23pm
0 new messagesUse of special characters in Xquery generated HTML 0413821Jack Tan
10/31/05 05:30am
11/02/05 03:40pm
0 new messagesHow to write XML Parser IN VC++0119197Neeraj Joshi
10/28/05 06:15am
10/28/05 11:53am
0 new messagesXquery0412306nido abu
10/25/05 06:46am
10/27/05 06:30am
0 new messagesTrivial XQUERY application question0112323Jack Tan
10/20/05 02:34pm
10/20/05 04:04pm
0 new messagesXML as a data model0113078Premkumar Srinivasan
10/11/05 11:33am
10/11/05 11:52am
0 new messagesXQuery0112657A P
10/10/05 11:42pm
10/12/05 11:55am
0 new messagesRelative path0112383A P
10/08/05 02:39am
10/10/05 12:01pm
0 new messagesSupport for xml is-idref 0312177subhojit dasgupta
09/28/05 08:23am
09/29/05 09:52am
0 new messagesAccessing the document context of a node that is in a sequence0212589Lee Humphries
09/21/05 02:10am
09/22/05 05:38am
0 new messagesGetting recursion return type right0312363Lee Humphries
09/20/05 08:09am
09/20/05 09:52pm
0 new messagesParsing XMLFormatted as String within XML 0413451Bob Sunbury
09/19/05 08:36pm
01/18/06 12:16pm
0 new messagesXQuery Replace0112737First Last
09/16/05 03:08pm
09/19/05 03:51am
0 new messagesHow to join the two table using XQuery in YUKON?0012989Apsar Sultana
09/16/05 09:13am
09/16/05 09:13am
0 new messagesUpdate variable value inside block0413433Marius Enache
09/13/05 05:55am
09/13/05 07:11am
0 new messagesRun XQuery on XMLDB databases0112544Marius Enache
09/08/05 05:31am
09/12/05 05:36am
0 new messagesTreatment of reserved characters in text0512874Jack Tan
09/01/05 04:24am
09/01/05 05:55pm
0 new messagesXQuery Core0513175John Panjoe
08/31/05 03:50am
09/06/05 09:46am
0 new messagesBuilt-In Saxon 8.4 processor0212554John Panjoe
08/27/05 08:58am
08/31/05 03:51am
0 new messagesdynamic order by clause0212134smuks srin
08/26/05 10:01am
08/26/05 10:49am
0 new messagesDynamical xpath0212079Eugene Kirin
08/25/05 12:29pm
08/30/05 08:36am
0 new messagesHow to use xquery? :)0112379Boen Zhou
08/17/05 10:51am
08/22/05 03:58am
0 new messagesConverting SQL query to XQuery0318146Amy Gordon
08/15/05 11:11pm
08/25/05 05:42am
0 new messagesNew XQuery Primer: Learn XQuery in 10 Minutes with Dr. Michael Kay0013062SSDN Admin
08/10/05 05:22pm
08/10/05 05:22pm
0 new messagesXQuery Co-Author and XML Industry Visionary Jonathan Robie 0012725SSDN Admin
07/18/05 05:33pm
07/18/05 05:33pm
0 new messagessequence to collect 0212495Eugene Kirin
07/15/05 01:02pm
07/18/05 04:40am
0 new messagesuser defined functions in xquery are executed within the database address space or not0112487fatma helmy
07/15/05 09:13am
07/15/05 01:41pm
0 new messagesNeed second set of eyes to debug 0111975Neal Walters
07/13/05 12:13pm
07/15/05 10:10am
0 new messagesXquery calling Java function for Saxon 8.4 processor0013974Urs Keiser
07/13/05 04:19am
07/13/05 04:19am
0 new messagesXquery on existing XML files in a specific diretory0112094Juliano Zenobio
07/11/05 02:52pm
07/17/05 10:44pm
0 new messagesNeed Help Resorting01012448Brian B
07/06/05 08:42am
07/07/05 10:05am
0 new messages"for" clause question0113174Eugene Kirin
07/06/05 06:49am
07/06/05 08:04am
0 new messagesNew XQuery Video: Using DataDirect XQuery with Stylus Studio0112549SSDN Admin
07/01/05 04:25pm
07/01/05 11:45pm
0 new messages data() function not returning the typed value of a node 0112142Marwan Zeineddine
07/01/05 02:11pm
07/06/05 05:14am
0 new messagesXSL-FO using RenderX's XEP on preview window0313545Marcelo Paiva
06/30/05 01:11pm
07/07/05 08:29pm
0 new messagesXquery to find sample data file for testing 0313653Neal Walters
06/29/05 10:42am
06/29/05 11:19am
0 new messagesXquery to find sample data file for testing 0314159Neal Walters
06/28/05 09:30am
07/01/05 04:33am
0 new messagesError with Berkeley XML DB and Professional Version01214515matt parrish
06/22/05 12:55pm
09/10/07 12:51pm
0 new messagesBerkeley XML DB & Professional Edition 0213909Nikos Poly
06/16/05 05:47am
06/21/05 04:12am
0 new messagesquestion0112810lebbah nadia
05/26/05 05:58am
07/02/05 06:17am
0 new messagesWriting UDDI API's in XQuery0112263santosh subrahmanya
05/19/05 05:07am
05/19/05 04:19pm
0 new messagesDataDirect XQuery Enables XQuery Everywhere0013165SSDN Admin
05/17/05 03:24pm
05/17/05 03:24pm
0 new messagesXquery to MS/SQL? 0722614Neal Walters
05/13/05 07:08pm
05/20/05 07:54pm
0 new messagesLeft Outer Join in XQuery0115893Neal Walters
05/12/05 06:38pm
05/13/05 03:23am
0 new messagesNew XQJ Tutorial and Example Files0014699SSDN Admin
05/10/05 03:48pm
05/10/05 03:48pm
0 new messagesasked0111956lebbah nadia
05/09/05 10:27am
05/12/05 12:42pm
0 new messagesgenerate XML file from tables in Local machine0013776Vijay karthik B
05/09/05 03:49am
05/09/05 03:49am
0 new messagesXQuery interest growing: DevX0013777SSDN Admin
05/06/05 05:34pm
05/06/05 05:34pm
0 new messagesNew to XQuery question0111585Calvin III
05/02/05 04:53pm
05/03/05 04:40am
0 new messagesHelp Support XQuery in the Microsoft .NET Framework 2.00012904SSDN Admin
04/28/05 01:51pm
04/28/05 01:51pm
0 new messagesXquery and Web Service Caller0312528faccio romain
04/28/05 11:13am
06/23/05 03:58pm
0 new messagesXQuery from JavaScript?0316863John Schroeder
04/27/05 04:18pm
05/03/05 04:27am
0 new messagesFind Maximum Numeric Value in a List0112409Joel Andersen
04/26/05 04:49pm
04/27/05 11:25am
0 new messagesCan you use XQuery and SQL/XML in stylus studio IDE0111756Michael Hight
04/26/05 11:30am
04/27/05 11:27am
0 new messagesXQuery and Relational Data mapping----newbie questions0112327Michael Hight
04/26/05 11:14am
04/29/05 11:44pm
0 new messagesSTyluus and C# (MS)0112421alain collet
04/25/05 01:56pm
04/25/05 06:47pm
0 new messagesXQuery making headlines (again)0011959SSDN Admin
04/25/05 11:56am
04/25/05 11:56am
0 new messagesXQuery Syntax0111916Rob Johnson
04/25/05 11:14am
04/25/05 10:14pm
0 new messagesXQuery in Outer Space0011229SSDN Admin
04/20/05 01:23pm
04/20/05 01:23pm
0 new messagesimport several modules in a xquery0111557faccio romain
04/20/05 04:41am
04/20/05 01:18pm
0 new messagesDevelopers Flock to XQuery Specification0011969SSDN Admin
03/28/05 06:03pm
03/28/05 06:03pm
0 new messagesUPDATE0111620Jeetendra Dhake
03/21/05 11:58pm
03/22/05 04:11am
0 new messagesglobal variable 0312204alain collet
03/21/05 01:50pm
03/22/05 01:40pm
0 new messagesXQuery on all XML Files in a Directory? 01121604Neal Walters
03/11/05 03:23pm
08/02/06 03:29pm
0 new messagesStylus Studio Interoperability and Vendor Stability0411994Gene Gene
03/08/05 10:41am
03/08/05 12:33pm
0 new messagesGenereating values in a combobox 0010928Arnt Moberg
02/28/05 06:34pm
02/28/05 06:34pm
0 new messagesSQL Server 2005 "Yukon"0011467SSDN Admin
02/28/05 04:33pm
02/28/05 04:33pm
0 new messagesXQuery Drivers0011802SSDN Admin
02/23/05 12:53pm
02/23/05 12:53pm
0 new messagesDatabase Trends and Applications: Is this XQuery's Year?0012292SSDN Admin
02/16/05 04:08am
02/16/05 04:09am
0 new messagesWhy XQuery? How new XML Standards will Challenge and Revolutionize the Database Industry0011589SSDN Admin
02/11/05 01:55pm
02/11/05 01:55pm
0 new messagesDevelop, Edit and Debug XQuery Using Saxon XQuery Processor 0012550SSDN Admin
02/07/05 08:22pm
02/07/05 08:22pm
0 new messagesNative XML Database Tools0212610SSDN Admin
02/07/05 05:36pm
02/28/05 02:08pm
0 new messagesXQuery in Bank Systems and Technologies0012875SSDN Admin
02/07/05 11:32am
02/07/05 11:32am
0 new messagesUser functions0413106Allan Graves
02/02/05 04:33pm
02/03/05 09:37am
0 new messagesSetting Values for External Variables !!0312657faccio romain
01/28/05 03:33am
02/02/05 06:21am
0 new messagesXQuery 2005 Road Show0012180SSDN Admin
01/26/05 10:48am
01/26/05 10:48am
0 new messagesXQuery Introduction0012077SSDN Admin
01/24/05 12:06pm
01/24/05 12:06pm
0 new messagesNew XQuery Developer Awards Program0012408SSDN Admin
01/20/05 06:04pm
01/20/05 06:04pm
0 new messagesConvert String to xml document !0117691Grégory Legal
01/19/05 09:24am
01/21/05 07:41am
0 new messagesimport de modules0611784Grégory Legal
01/17/05 05:18am
01/18/05 04:55am
0 new messagesString to XML conversion in a Xquery programm0114992alain collet
01/10/05 02:52am
01/11/05 02:14pm
0 new messagesDML language0112286alain collet
01/10/05 02:43am
01/10/05 09:28am
0 new messagesNewbie Xquery problem to solve0612749Roger Powell
01/04/05 12:02pm
01/19/05 09:03am
0 new messagesWhat is XQuery?0012597SSDN Admin
12/11/04 08:51pm
12/11/04 08:51pm
0 new messagesXQuery Talk: Priscilla Walmsley on XQJ, XQuery and XML Schema0013113SSDN Admin
12/08/04 04:23pm
12/08/04 04:23pm
0 new messagesLearn XQJ : The XQuery API for Java0216358SSDN Admin
12/08/04 04:13pm
05/02/05 10:24am
0 new messagesXQuery to consolidate modular XML Schemas - any help?0515455David Jaramillo
12/08/04 11:22am
12/10/04 11:07am
0 new messagesproblem with xquery0312350lafosse alexandre
12/07/04 04:44am
12/07/04 05:49am
0 new messagesuse cases0413539lafosse alexandre
12/02/04 05:50am
12/02/04 09:29am
0 new messagesXQuery and XQJ Talk with Jason Hunter available in PDF0013240SSDN Admin
11/08/04 06:52pm
11/08/04 06:52pm
0 new messagesappend the output of the xquery to one file0214665poo sin
11/05/04 05:52pm
11/05/04 06:21pm
0 new messagesProblem with command line arguments0313708poo sin
11/04/04 12:43pm
11/04/04 02:44pm
0 new messagesCan you associate hundreds of xml documents to one xquery0013259poo sin
11/03/04 12:27pm
11/03/04 12:27pm
0 new messagesPARAMETER VALUES IN STYLUS STUDIO 6.0 212F0113551Agustín Bonillo
11/02/04 04:44am
11/02/04 06:24am
0 new messagesProblem with stylusxql calls0413273Agustín Bonillo
10/28/04 09:04pm
11/02/04 04:34am
0 new messagesJoin us for Eggs & XML at the XML 2004 Conference in Washington DC! Learn XQuery, XQJ, and more!0014492SSDN Admin
10/14/04 03:56pm
10/14/04 03:56pm
0 new messagesMore about Java extensions and External Functions0114524davide gallo
10/07/04 04:11am
10/07/04 05:21am
0 new messagesStylus Studio Crashes with Java Extension0515783davide gallo
10/06/04 08:18am
10/06/04 03:48pm
0 new messagesAn Interview with Jason Hunter on XQuery and XQJ Technologies0014561SSDN Admin
09/13/04 04:54pm
09/13/04 04:54pm
0 new messagesattribute order in query result0215058Glen Gerstman
09/03/04 04:01pm
09/03/04 05:53pm
0 new messagesInterview with XQuery Guru Dr. Michael Kay0014449SSDN Admin
08/04/04 10:35am
08/04/04 10:35am
0 new messagesSequenceType matching failed" error0115985Mohamed El Wakil
07/27/04 12:48am
07/27/04 10:28am
0 new messagesXQuery tutorial0216255Jose Alberto Coronado
07/26/04 06:40am
02/07/05 01:27pm
0 new messagesW3C Releases Public Working Draft for Full-Text Searching of XML Text and Documents0015702SSDN Admin
07/13/04 06:48pm
07/13/04 06:48pm
0 new messagesProblem with a function0215286Jose Alberto Coronado
07/08/04 03:45am
07/08/04 07:38am
0 new messagesProblem with Stylus Studio 5.30416496Agustín Bonillo
07/05/04 05:56am
07/06/04 07:24am
0 new messagesStudio Studio crashes0615804Jose Alberto Coronado
07/05/04 05:50am
07/06/04 08:55am
0 new messagesSTYLUSXQL0716590Antonio Calvo
06/26/04 07:47am
06/30/04 02:37am
0 new messagesExecute a Query From the Command Line 0115262Agustín Bonillo
06/17/04 06:39pm
07/05/04 07:32am
0 new messagesImport Modules.0717986Agustín Bonillo
06/16/04 02:46pm
06/22/04 09:47am
0 new messagesUser-Defined Functions0216809Agustín Bonillo
06/03/04 01:15pm
06/07/04 12:34pm
0 new messagesnew to Xquery0216531max davis
05/06/04 01:52pm
05/06/04 03:26pm
0 new messagesXQuery engines0317216alessandro marziali
04/28/04 07:32am
04/28/04 10:40am
0 new messagesAPIs or OCXs0116516Mohamed El Wakil
04/27/04 01:35am
06/10/04 11:49am
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