XML Editor
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+ Stylus Studio Feature Requests (1192)
+ Stylus Studio Technical Forum (14621)
+ Website Feedback (249)
- XSLT Help and Discussion (7625)
-> - How do I substitute element ty... (1)
-> + How does one add working days ... (4)
-> - Help, I have existing XLT and... (1)
-> + Need help on XSLT issue - (2)
-> + EDI to XML Conversion (7)
-> - XML To JSON Conversion using X... (1)
-> + Formatting Paragraphs to same ... (2)
-> - Grouping of records (1)
-> + Problems with xsd 1.1 (4)
-> + XML to HL7 mapping (3)
-> + XSLT 3 and Iterate (2)
-> + XSL-FO to PDF preview (3)
-> + java.lang.RuntimeException: Er... (2)
-> + Create Acroforms with Stylus X... (2)
-> + How to change XSLT parameter s... (3)
-> + how to change format of the da... (2)
-> + Search "Next 8 Results " doesn... (2)
-> - Support for Git (1)
-> + newbee (8)
-> + How to substitute element or t... (2)
-> + Xalan support in x16? (2)
-> + The context item for axis step... (5)
-> - ASP to XSL (1)
-> + xsl report, with xml feed, SVG... (7)
-> + XSLT code to transform CSV typ... (2)
-> + Make xstl file working in brow... (4)
-> + identity template, result-docu... (6)
-> - identity template and xsl:resu... (1)
-> + java.lang.RuntimeException: Er... (5)
-> + How to check matching parenthe... (2)
-> - Error only on using xalan:eval... (1)
-> + XSLT not displaying SOAP respo... (2)
-> + How do i delete the node from ... (2)
-> + How to break xslt lines to mak... (4)
-> - Marge node using attribute val... (1)
-> - Replce utf to unicode using xs... (1)
-> - getting different instances of... (1)
-> + XML to Flat (4)
-> + non breaking space   in e... (2)
-> - How can i attach a empty names... (1)
-> + Cannot find a matching 1-argum... (7)
-> - get value from different docum... (1)
-> + How can I change the XML heade... (2)
-> + Stylus Studio and Datapower (9)
-> + Generate XML form a XSD (2)
-> + There is no way to run xslt tr... (3)
-> + XML-Source NS is copied into t... (3)
-> + new guy attempting xslt (2)
-> + XML 2011 question (7)
-> + Manipulating XML with external... (2)
-> + removing duplicates from xml w... (8)
-> + Wnat to use presence of tag t... (2)
-> + modifing Andrew Welch's csv 2 ... (5)
-> + Can't use (or see) XSLT or WYS... (3)
-> + Delete the xsi:nil attribute ... (2)
-> + FOTY0012: Cannot get the typed... (20)
-> + XSLT Mapper - Two way xslt map... (2)
-> + EDI (5)
-> + XSL Test for lack of XML eleme... (4)
-> + Trouble Calling a java functio... (4)
-> + How to generate EDI 997 (2)
-> + followup on tokenize with /r (5)
-> + tokenize a string with \r (4)
-> + How to convert XML to XLS file... (2)
-> - How to convert XML to XLS file... (1)
-> + how to pass value to xsl for t... (3)
-> + entity expansion liimit exceed... (4)
-> + Creating XSLT Stylesheet (2)
-> + Create XSLT from XSD (2)
-> + How to remove nodes from xml b... (4)
-> + Highlighting text in XSL file (4)
-> - XSLT to Excel, predefine cell ... (1)
-> + CSaxon8Driver issue...time out (2)
-> + Is it possible to generate a X... (2)
-> + Is there any tool which genera... (2)
-> + xslt to html producing double ... (2)
-> - ADD 2 XML 2 Generate Single XM... (1)
-> + converting XML1 to XML2 struct... (2)
-> + How to remove the name space i... (2)
-> + Dump Payload into String (4)
-> + Converting Global EDIFACT into... (2)
-> + Auto mapping of XSLT? (3)
-> + Numbering a list broken into m... (3)
-> + help in xsl:analyze-string (2)
-> + Use XSLT with SOAP (2)
-> + Order of Processing Child Elem... (2)
-> + XSL finding a node based on va... (2)
-> + grouping a group? (11)
-> + Query on Looping (5)
-> + java.lang.Assertionerror_: Slo... (7)
-> + CONVERT SQL Server data to XML... (11)
-> + Error using "xsltproc" command... (3)
-> + XML refresh via web broswer (3)
-> + XSL-mapping usage for csv file... (4)
-> + form controls with xslt (2)
-> + Stylus Studio 2011 XML Enterpr... (2)
-> + Looping through Itema and gett... (2)
-> + Image src through System Varia... (3)
-> + XSL-mapping usage for csv file... (3)
-> + How to achieve UTF-8 encoding ... (2)
-> + sorting Using JavaScript (6)
-> + Display values from .xml horiz... (5)
-> + query on xslt for-each (3)
-> + query on xslt for-each (2)
-> + issue for First occurance (2)
-> + XSL: Mapping 2 XSD to 1 XSD (2)
-> + xslt mapper looses linkage fro... (2)
-> - How to Modify only few nodes a... (1)
-> + XSLT autocomplete function (2)
-> + i need to display dynamic list... (2)
-> + How to group when source has m... (11)
-> - Using EXCEL to create XSLT for... (1)
-> + Mapper generating XSLT, popula... (2)
-> + multiple columns (2)
-> + First time to Stylus Studio 20... (3)
-> + xsl:if test statement result t... (4)
-> + XSLT for dynamic target fields (4)
-> + Remove duplicates (2)
-> + XML-XSL grouping issue while d... (2)
-> + Two XML files. Two Tables. One... (3)
-> + Saxon 9.3 with XSLV (2)
-> - How do I remove the text strin... (1)
-> + Xpath of each element (3)
-> + Attributes - required vs optio... (2)
-> + XML schema to XML schema with ... (2)
-> + how to preserve the & in X... (2)
-> + how to use variables within (2)
-> + need help in XSLT programming (3)
-> + XSLT Mapper Option... Where i... (3)
-> - Selecting element based on att... (1)
-> + replace question (2)
-> - select other node based on one... (1)
-> - XSLT question... (1)
-> - Mapper and XSL (1)
-> - Copying XML as is with one cha... (1)
-> - Help with XSLT (1)
-> - XSL repeat the parent node for... (1)
-> - xls to xml (1)
-> - Stylus support non-backreferen... (1)
-> - Assigning records to existing ... (1)
-> + xsl:for-each and key() (2)
-> + tags containing a: (2)
-> - Create a namespace in output f... (1)
-> - XML Converters problem on UNIX (1)
-> - Copy XML Based on IF Condition... (1)
-> - csv counting dependencies (1)
-> + For extension function, could ... (2)
-> - XML XSLT Transformation (1)
-> + Transform XSD to another XSD (3)
-> - New to Stylus (1)
-> + my enterprise install doesn't ... (2)
-> - Replace line in XML (1)
-> - 5010 HIPAA - Example EDI files... (1)
-> - Display table in two columns f... (1)
-> + java.lang.RuntimeException (4)
-> + Select Value-Of Qualified Elem... (2)
-> + Validating different sets of r... (2)
-> + Passing complete source docume... (2)
-> - XSLT to sort XML per schema (1)
-> - XSL to select the group of row... (1)
-> + first ancestor of a type (2)
-> - Column Width Adjustment (1)
-> + XSLT breakpoint being ignored ... (6)
-> - Creating a tab delimited file (1)
-> - Invalid characters in xml (1)
-> + Creating XSLT File Based on XS... (2)
-> - Unable to filter InputStream f... (1)
-> + finding a list of values (7)
-> - TEMP directory question (1)
-> - [HELP] Template and namespace (1)
-> - The prefix "xsl" for element "... (1)
-> - Need help comparing dates in x... (1)
-> - trying to sort a list of artic... (1)
-> + Count unique values using XSLT (3)
-> + Dot "." vs. self::node() (2)
-> + Output from report and XSL do ... (2)
-> + XSL report (2)
-> + cannot see valid values in the... (2)
-> - sum function help (1)
-> + XSLT transformation problem (2)
-> + Flat To nested XML using Keys (3)
-> - XSLT Editor autocomplete funct... (1)
-> - Receiving an argument from a l... (1)
-> + Can't using the Xalan-J in Sty... (2)
-> + Need help testing to see if th... (2)
-> + Any good way to handle repeati... (2)
-> - Renaming child element name wh... (1)
-> + What to do to only how last 4 ... (2)
-> + Help to access an element with... (3)
-> - Multiplication for-each (1)
-> - XSL / X-Path query (1)
-> - Help in creating XSD (1)
-> + JAVASCRIPT Inside XSL (2)
-> + is at possible to create edita... (2)
-> + Grouping on Multiple Field (2)
-> + XSLT 1.0 Grouping Small change... (2)
-> + Revision bar based on the page... (2)
-> + xslt to rtf (2)
-> + XEP/FOP Error (3)
-> + XML to XML Transformation (3)
-> + This XSLT has stumped me.. (2)
-> + converting XML to EACOM format (2)
-> + Stylus with XSLT 1.0 + EXSLT T... (2)
-> + Xslt Mapper (2)
-> - xml to xsl (1)
-> - creating a website (1)
-> - XML to PDF using XML Publisher... (1)
-> - Replace nodes (1)
-> - New to XSLT, need help with a ... (1)
-> - Modify XSLT - Have List of Cha... (1)
-> - Replace nodes in one xml file ... (1)
-> - Alternate Row Colour (1)
-> - convert text to XML and then m... (1)
-> - CDATA to XML - work with trans... (1)
-> - XSL-fo and how to line feed th... (1)
-> + Houston we have a problem (2)
-> + XSL-FO PDF generation (2)
-> + StylusStudio - pick XSLT 1.0 b... (6)
-> - Stylus Studio 2010 debugging f... (1)
-> - Drop down menu List / Option M... (1)
-> - XML transformation using Java ... (1)
-> + i can't to find XSLT editor in... (2)
-> - Copy xml input as value of an ... (1)
-> - Remove Name space from the Tab... (1)
-> - CGI formatted URL with name/va... (1)
-> - Problem with counting (1)
-> + for-each loop is only returnin... (3)
-> - sort date but some dates may b... (1)
-> - Entity Conversion (1)
-> - How can I build an xml convert... (1)
-> + Little Help (2)
-> + how do I merge nodes to one sc... (2)
-> - beginner help xslt and xpath (1)
-> - Convert XML Feed to CSV/SQL/XL... (1)
-> - Working with text node. (1)
-> - No Topic (1)
-> - API for XSLT Converter for .NE... (1)
-> - Getting started (1)
-> + saxon sql extensions - mysql a... (2)
-> - How do I copy and create new e... (1)
-> + substring-before and sums (3)
-> + Parsing special characters in ... (2)
-> + Schema - Require attribute in ... (2)
-> - Edit existing XSL files when n... (1)
-> + How can I use one single XSLT ... (2)
-> - Default selection of value in ... (1)
-> - Problem with watermark in pdf ... (1)
-> + XSLT Parameter Values dialog n... (3)
-> + Value of File Name is not acce... (10)
-> - Need help with a complex table... (1)
-> - How to replace all nordic char... (1)
-> - XSLT java heap space error wit... (1)
-> - Table Overflow to next page (1)
-> - Using XSLT 2.0 to define custo... (1)
-> - "standalone" attribute and xs... (1)
-> + Standardizing IP addresses (2)
-> + Programmatically changing page... (6)
-> + Can Stylus generate XSLT if so... (5)
-> + Extraction based on NODE Name. (2)
-> + determine condition at run tim... (2)
-> - How to reduce top margin in ev... (1)
-> + need help on xsl looping (4)
-> - Convert Symbol to Element (1)
-> + Separator -only- between field... (3)
-> + DocBook (9)
-> + First Occurance of Alphabet (2)
-> + XSL:Key and Document (2)
-> + Excel Macro using XSLT (2)
-> + Add missing element and attrib... (2)
-> + XSL: Stop Count at First Match (2)
-> + XSD to EDI (4)
-> + How to access data from nested... (2)
-> + Simple division of XML file (2)
-> - XML to Flat File (1)
-> + Dispalying data whith xsl:for ... (3)
-> - distinct nodes - into 3 column... (1)
-> + Newbie at XML (2)
-> + XSL Not Working (3)
-> + to draw table using xsl (2)
-> + Base64 decoder (5)
-> + How to create a hidden sheet u... (3)
-> + XML Reports (2)
-> + Copying image files from one d... (2)
-> + XML conversion to RSS (2)
-> + Inserting Image (2)
-> + Xml to Pdf using Xsl (2)
-> + Using a parameter (or similar)... (2)
-> + How to avoid creating empty xm... (2)
-> + how to read txt files in xml (2)
-> + Limit records to 4 per page. P... (4)
-> + XSLT Mapping Based on JDK5 (2)
-> + XML Mappin (2)
-> + Format Datetime with xslt (3)
-> + Cell border missing (2)
-> + XSL: Key (not matches) (5)
-> + Loop through each char in stri... (2)
-> + What is the best way to sum va... (3)
-> + xslt sort help (2)
-> + getting the count (2)
-> + XSL dynamic variables (5)
-> + XSL:Key use (3)
-> + Help With Updating Attributes ... (8)
-> - Hi Everyone !! (1)
-> + Graph Traversal (Keep track of... (2)
-> + XSL IF with sum (2)
-> + Param not incrementing (2)
-> + Iterating through value tags (3)
-> + URGENT :::: Remove the name sp... (2)
-> + Pass new param values to ASP O... (2)
-> + Detect Browser Version in XSL (2)
-> + xslt result-document (2)
-> + Unique nodes based on two attr... (3)
-> + How to add page number in to v... (2)
-> + XSL Grouping (7)
-> + Repeat images using FOR EACH l... (7)
-> + How to get File name (2)
-> + image and text on the same lin... (2)
-> + Create XSLT stylesheets for us... (2)
-> + Merge Multiple Files While Che... (2)
-> + xslt 3 level or multi level gr... (6)
-> + How to create xsl which will c... (2)
-> + xsl:variable and Result Tree F... (7)
-> - XSL-FO fo:table continued from... (1)
-> + XSLT Java issue (2)
-> + problem with hyperlink (4)
-> + substring-after function probl... (4)
-> + Xalan Processing (3)
-> + Memory utilization high with m... (2)
-> + check all parent node groups s... (2)
-> + XSLT: Ordered List (based on r... (4)
-> + XSLT Mapping - Issue (4)
-> + XSL following-sibling, how to ... (5)
-> + need xslt elements help (2)
-> + Dynamic generation of URL in X... (2)
-> + List Created from Section Navi... (2)
-> + xslt elements help (2)
-> + Map field if source is not nul... (3)
-> + XSLT group and sort whith gene... (4)
-> + Nested XML value (2)
-> + Specifying condition with coun... (4)
-> + xsl:function using found in er... (4)
-> + How to remove an unwanted spac... (2)
-> + Question about variable substi... (2)
-> + XSL for Comparing nodes and di... (4)
-> + External lookup list (8)
-> + XSL HTML output now needs to b... (2)
-> + Adding a new sub element to th... (4)
-> + How do I get rid of 'Tip' node... (9)
-> + Trying to dynamically create n... (2)
-> + Display XML link, using XSLT a... (9)
-> + calling templates based on ord... (2)
-> + How to add internal links usin... (4)
-> + How to call user defined java ... (3)
-> + XSLT and WebApps past and futu... (3)
-> + passing condition through java... (3)
-> + Apllying a template from withi... (4)
-> + Getting xsl element in javascr... (3)
-> + The document() function inside... (3)
-> + Footnote text move to para (2)
-> + XSL: multiple element come to ... (3)
-> + How to use following-sibling &... (2)
-> + How to use FOP 0.95 with Stylu... (4)
-> + Error during creating PDF from... (2)
-> + Help creating a comma delimite... (4)
-> + Selective Add using XSLT recur... (3)
-> + Help: convert without parent e... (2)
-> - Correct my substring function ... (1)
-> + Old xsl into reports (4)
-> + How to save xslt converted fil... (3)
-> + How to find non tagging text? (5)
-> + Help: Hex entity to Character... (6)
-> + How to convert in multi level ... (4)
-> + Need some help with a styleshe... (3)
-> - Conditional Formattinf Formula... (1)
-> + Creating HTML Unordered LIsts.... (2)
-> + xslt params uknown number of i... (2)
-> + How to use fonts other than ba... (2)
-> - Converting existing HTML into ... (1)
-> + Help to tune up this XSLT (2)
-> + XSLT - is only converting the ... (2)
-> + XSLT Editor tab (4)
-> + Convert multiple files from XM... (2)
-> + how to use in select expressi... (2)
-> + Help needed in XSL transformat... (2)
-> + How to add a string with math ... (5)
-> + How to add a string with math ... (6)
-> - br element (1)
-> + Stylesheet directed terminatio... (2)
-> + Who can help me whit sum funct... (2)
-> + XSLT Works in Stylus Studio, n... (3)
-> - Filter by Attribute (1)
-> + Display x number of items whic... (6)
-> + MultiColumn Reporting (3)
-> + cant get namespace declaration... (3)
-> + Performance xsl:for each and n... (3)
-> + How to assign value to a XSLT ... (3)
-> + Select element value based on ... (2)
-> + Version 10 of Saxon? (8)
-> + How to get the value of a node... (5)
-> + Display Xpath using (4)
-> + XSLT to report (2)
-> + xslt help for a noobie (2)
-> + XSL-FO XML to PDF with XSLT (3)
-> + Using XSLT to transform XML to... (4)
-> + XSLT to sort a list alphabetic... (4)
-> + How to Get Colum Values based ... (2)
-> + non persisting predicate filte... (5)
-> + HTML to XSLT (2)
-> + extra carriage returns in "csv... (2)
-> + extra carriage returns in "csv... (3)
-> - XSLT slicing and orphan contro... (1)
-> + How to delete CDATA using XSL... (15)
-> + Remove only root namespace, bu... (3)
-> + String Parsing (3)
-> + Calling Java method from XSL (3)
-> + populate xsl file from xsd fil... (5)
-> + formating a number like #'###.... (3)
-> + Help with grouping children, f... (20)
-> + Need help for newbie! (3)
-> + xpath in string format (2)
-> + How to populate elements at ra... (4)
-> + Changing Date format in XLST (2)
-> + Please help....How could I rem... (2)
-> + Counting children and grandchi... (7)
-> + Nested tags (4)
-> + Problem with XSLT on a Soap En... (2)
-> + Problem with XSLT on a Soap En... (5)
-> + Comparison between XSLT proces... (2)
-> + Printing non-existing value (9)
-> + big input file for XSLT (14)
-> + Is there any way to store xpat... (2)
-> + Encoding special charecters (2)
-> + Sorting (3)
-> + XML to PDF using XSL:FO (3)
-> + How to find the line number in... (2)
-> + How to set a marker for paper ... (2)
-> + Not equality Function (2)
-> + Counting Elements (4)
-> + Looking for help or code samp... (2)
-> + Help needed in pattern matchin... (2)
-> + Repeaters and Ifs (2)
-> + select adjacent nodes in xpath... (3)
-> + Stripping of Empty Target Elem... (2)
-> + auto-generate Edifact Intercha... (5)
-> + Qname Error in xsl:element (2)
-> + [Newbie] Type conversion and f... (2)
-> + Do ...when (2)
-> + Using Key (3)
-> + sorting elements in option (2)
-> + NaN(not available) value repla... (3)
-> + infinite loop error when tryin... (9)
-> + Escape a character in the stri... (3)
-> + find sum of 2 elements in xml (2)
-> + placing a ' * ' by reading the... (3)
-> + Problem in dispaying Current D... (4)
-> + Merging Table Cells in XSLT re... (3)
-> + xsl fo block-container and foo... (2)
-> + Is is possible to create a .CO... (2)
-> + printing a parent node value i... (2)
-> + Mime header info setup? (3)
-> + Calculating a Date based on 4 ... (3)
-> + XSLT formatting number issue (10)
-> + map repeating elements separat... (3)
-> + Combining XML elements based o... (3)
-> + Convert XML to UTF-8 (8)
-> + XSLT and MS Access 2007 Optio... (5)
-> - WORDML list to XML list (1)
-> + [Newbie] Using lookups in XSLT... (3)
-> + Comparing 2 passed Date Values (2)
-> + ERROR XQueryMediator Error du... (2)
-> + XML / XSLT... Unordered lists ... (2)
-> + Specify image path in XSL (2)
-> + Variable within a variable (3)
-> + How to call jfreechart method ... (8)
-> + leading and trailing white spa... (2)
-> + XSLT to Html problems (6)
-> + How to set classpath, when i n... (3)
-> + Error in using functions (4)
-> + To find the occurence of a cha... (3)
-> + PLMXML to XML (4)
-> + Transform multiple node values... (2)
-> + I am in need of svg example(s)... (13)
-> + count in XSLT, Need Help Pleas... (2)
-> + Help with XML.Report and Gener... (2)
-> + for each loop and variable (5)
-> + Problem with selecting nodes f... (3)
-> + Getting "Expected elemenmt mis... (2)
-> + Help with attached XML mapping... (8)
-> + xml:space="Preserve" and Embed... (2)
-> + XSLT and Multiple Strings (2)
-> + XSL Date format (2)
-> + check element contents against... (3)
-> + XML to XML Namespace conversio... (2)
-> - Supressing subgroup headers in... (1)
-> - HTML to fo conversion using XS... (1)
-> + No Topic (2)
-> + parsing xml using xslt HELP (2)
-> + Multiple Page Headers (2)
-> + PLM Xml To Generic XML (3)
-> + XSLT/XPath Help (2)
-> + XSL Space Issue (2)
-> + wanting help with xslt custom ... (3)
-> - Update input xml content with ... (1)
-> + Error: namespace prefix xsl on... (3)
-> + Error in my xsl:if test... (2)
-> - calling javascript from XSLT (1)
-> + Error when trying to a call a ... (2)
-> - HTTP POST from XSLT (1)
-> + passing xml document as input ... (2)
-> + XSLT for WORDML table to CALS ... (2)
-> + Flatten an XML source (2)
-> + Problem in navigating tree (2)
-> + preserve line breaks in xml at... (4)
-> + XSLT to PDF (2)
-> + Replace a nodeset with another... (3)
-> + Nested variable compile error ... (5)
-> + Replace a nodeset with another... (2)
-> + StackOverFlow Error, while com... (4)
-> + Footnote - WORDML (6)
-> + Concatenate same input element... (3)
-> + Need to remove the sub element... (3)
-> + Grabbing sub-namespace values (2)
-> + Converting date via browser XS... (4)
-> + Selecting Attribute nodes (2)
-> + XSLT totaling numeric values (4)
-> + Two line output by breaking on... (3)
-> + Encoding Option for base64Bina... (2)
-> + using document and web service... (2)
-> + XSLT transformations with JDK1... (8)
-> - Parsing Excel XML - Selectiing... (1)
-> + Grouping this xml input very n... (2)
-> + XSL-FO page-sequence and blank... (2)
-> + Need Help In XSLT Mapping (3)
-> + how to create the Tables by co... (2)
-> + fo:external-graphic - Image ... (2)
-> + Mapping complex document with ... (8)
-> + Sorting in XSLT (2)
-> + xsl date time adding... (16)
-> - Flat XML to nested XML convers... (1)
-> + parser for parsing XSL file (2)
-> - q on group function (1)
-> + compare 2 date value using xsl (2)
-> - Remove namespaces from SOAP pa... (1)
-> + Numeric string not displaying ... (3)
-> + where is the old HTM to XSL wi... (2)
-> + XSLT variable path (2)
-> + Sort by lookup values & styles... (2)
-> + Hi without hard code filed na... (2)
-> + XSLT output does not work (2)
-> + How can I do this javascript i... (2)
-> + Paging with XSL and passing UR... (2)
-> + XPath Condition Query (3)
-> + Xalan Multiple XML Output Over... (3)
-> + Inserting Line Break (2)
-> + Get Value from non-standard xm... (2)
-> + Root node renaming and adding ... (2)
-> + Cannot get CDATA to render pro... (2)
-> - How to add a footer on reports... (1)
-> - Apply-templates and processing... (1)
-> + Help Please - Use data from no... (5)
-> - Behaviour of trace function (1)
-> + How to Build a Dynamic XPath E... (3)
-> - raw xml to generic xml (1)
-> - Merging two documents (1)
-> + XSLT Path help (3)
-> + how to sort, dates in xsl ? (3)
-> + Naming elements (3)
-> + XSL IF Statement (2)
-> + XSLT Help Needed (4)
-> + Character Increment (4)
-> - concat function not working wi... (1)
-> + XSLT only namespace attribute ... (2)
-> - using uri within RSS enclosure... (1)
-> + Transforming Data With XSLT (3)
-> + Validate XPath on variable (8)
-> - flatten xml structure then sor... (1)
-> + SYNTAX not working (2)
-> + Looping through xml document (3)
-> + can i modify the xml data in X... (2)
-> + can i modify the xml data in X... (2)
-> + regex (2)
-> + xslt document and web services... (2)
-> + looping question (2)
-> + XML to Excel Conversion using ... (4)
-> + Compare (2)
-> + problem in loadxml function (2)
-> + does IE support script in xsl (2)
-> + converting Time format (2)
-> + Single Message split into Mult... (5)
-> + xml template design (2)
-> + String to array (2)
-> + Page Break with XSL-FO (4)
-> + Need help Translating string (2)
-> + Transforming input xml paramet... (3)
-> + How to transform node from inc... (2)
-> + XSL:FO Marker Question (2)
-> + trim after character...? (2)
-> + Convernting CSS + xsl to XSL:F... (2)
-> + save external image in xml/xsl (3)
-> + Table of Contents (2)
-> + Problem with select expression (2)
-> + Slow for-each select (7)
-> + Restructuring XML (2)
-> + Coloring xml output (3)
-> + Looping through xsl based on a... (5)
-> + Where is the wizard? (3)
-> + Save XML thru href (2)
-> + existing xslt, source and dest... (5)
-> + spliting xml files by certain ... (8)
-> + checking condition and writing... (2)
-> + how to insert un return in the... (2)
-> + String in a range (5)
-> + To identify the right edition (4)
-> + Flow Control Feature (2)
-> + calling nested external functi... (3)
-> + Replacing commas with a blank (6)
-> + Grouping very urgent . (2)
-> + xsl node number (3)
-> + Wordml intelligence (6)
-> + Preview and backmapping for wo... (5)
-> + XSLT - find line numbers of di... (2)
-> + The last five bytes of a varia... (7)
-> + simple problem but i'm a bit t... (3)
-> + H plz help me (2)
-> + XSLT : Very Urgent Requirement (7)
-> + comparing two xml files (3)
-> + Support for xsl created from w... (4)
-> + Wildcard Param (3)
-> + XSLT OutOfMemoryError (3)
-> + How can I output the filename ... (7)
-> + How do I strip out a comma ast... (8)
-> + xslt current-dateTime() not re... (2)
-> + Exceed the maximum recursion d... (8)
-> + Saxon9 "java.net.ConnectExcept... (2)
-> - Help Required (1)
-> + XSLT Help to get value from Up... (2)
-> + Date Functions (5)
-> + Need to unescape < and > (2)
-> + No Topic (2)
-> + Problem with handling multiple... (3)
-> + Question XPath expression (dis... (2)
-> + New user, basic question (2)
-> + Serializing XML to a string wi... (2)
-> + Node already has a control li... (2)
-> + Trying to access the position ... (5)
-> + XSLT Help (2)
-> + XSLT, Microsoft Access, and re... (4)
-> + saxon:assign usage problem. (5)
-> + Help with XSLT mapping require... (4)
-> + Muenchian Grouping problem (6)
-> + Automatic postprocessing (2)
-> + Problem Setting Variable (3)
-> - Problem Setting Variable (1)
-> + Looping question (14)
-> + Attribute Centeric XML from Re... (2)
-> + How do I do this ? (2)
-> + Accessing an attribute based o... (3)
-> + help needed - using saxon thro... (2)
-> + Grouping Problem still (6)
-> + Use XSL-FO to create tables fr... (6)
-> + taking out a child and (6)
-> + Yet another problem (3)
-> + using XSL-FO to convert PDF (4)
-> + Preventing namespace declarati... (2)
-> + Small problem during conversio... (4)
-> + Problems removing namespaces (2)
-> + Grouping/Following question (4)
-> + Transforming XML into another ... (3)
-> + Help Needes (3)
-> - Help needed! (1)
-> + Conv of DSML Format to XML for... (2)
-> - Regd, entering text in the t... (1)
-> + displaying all the text around... (4)
-> + inserting values into empty ta... (5)
-> + How to get rid of xmlns="" att... (3)
-> + XSLT How to include the '<' sy... (2)
-> - HELP: Functional XSLT Implemen... (1)
-> - Cannot find a matching 1-argum... (1)
-> + XSLT a:? (2)
-> + Attribute Value Concatenation (2)
-> - Why is the WYSIWYG xslt editor... (1)
-> + WebService Call Error: Ref ele... (4)
-> + How to replace value of a fiel... (2)
-> + Schema Validation Problems (3)
-> + Reusing a prior valid value in... (5)
-> + Clutching at straws! (2)
-> + Adding a number to a for each ... (2)
-> + Transform Name Value pairs int... (4)
-> + Transform the XML Scheme with ... (2)
-> + create XML drop down lists (2)
-> + error during stylesheet tutori... (3)
-> + Modify the value in a element ... (2)
-> + Call to extension function fai... (2)
-> + Convert XML Schema to XML - Mi... (2)
-> + How to calculate maximun RowCo... (3)
-> + Help with using not(preceding:... (5)
-> - Please Help me on this XML to ... (1)
-> + Paasing Parameter Values From ... (6)
-> + XSLT Transformation w/ namespa... (3)
-> + For-each select and parameter ... (3)
-> + Using < (less than) operator (5)
-> + Inserting carriage return (spe... (3)
-> + Inserting carriage return (spe... (2)
-> + Help with SerializerTrace erro... (8)
-> + xml to x3d (5)
-> + Exiting processing loop early (2)
-> + Easy way to Convert One source... (3)
-> + XSLT Editor tab missing from D... (2)
-> + Writing strings of characters ... (4)
-> + Adding the content of an eleme... (3)
-> + Remove leading Zeros from a st... (4)
-> + how to parse a html element fo... (2)
-> - Add namespaces to target messa... (2)
-> ->Add namespaces to target ...
-> + XSLT Transformation - insertin... (3)
-> + Convert binary xml (9)
-> + XSLT Transformation (4)
-> + Generating hyperlinks (3)
-> + XSLT to PDF problem (with JAVA... (2)
-> + how to add onclick_ with try/c... (2)
-> + Keep table in one page. xsl-fo... (4)
-> + Cannot find a matching 2-argum... (3)
-> + Creating one string from a sub... (2)
-> + XSLT: Traversing XML twice for... (6)
-> + Copy element without namespace... (5)
-> + Create dynamic elemant name (2)
-> + XSLT: Traversing XML twice for... (3)
-> + Problem including Javascript (2)
-> + Looping through attributes (4)
-> + Transform values into elements... (4)
-> + Problem with deep node copy an... (2)
-> + Comparing Dates With ASP.NET 2... (3)
-> + Converting tree structure to h... (4)
-> + Attributes to element transfor... (2)
-> + XSLT transformation (2)
-> + XSLT transformation (5)
-> + xsl:character-map not working (2)
-> + Removing duplicates entries. (2)
-> + Image issues. (2)
-> + xsl transformation (4)
-> + XSL Question (5)
-> + how to insert xml file as an n... (2)
-> + Document Function (2)
-> + convert seconds to hh:mm:ss (5)
-> + how to remove attribute while ... (3)
-> + XSL-FO question (2)
-> + EDI 997 creation. (7)
-> + Line break within a tag in XML... (2)
-> + Contact Help Needed (2)
-> + ACK 997 (2)
-> + XSLT to output XML( which conf... (11)
-> + Retrieving all nodes where a c... (6)
-> + Verifying XML and XSD within X... (4)
-> + How to validate date format in... (3)
-> + XSLT question (2)
-> + Muenchian grouping (2)
-> + How to remove specific text en... (8)
-> + If Else Condition along with L... (2)
-> + SAXON Problem (2)
-> + comapring global variable valu... (2)
-> + copying the value of xsl in va... (2)
-> + Urgent:XSLT element value sel... (2)
-> + Ignoring first element using f... (2)
-> + EDI X12 to XML (4)
-> + Sorting Help Needed (3)
-> + XSLT help with linking (2)
-> + selecting data into node set b... (2)
-> + Watch and Variable in Debug no... (4)
-> + Transforming XML to XML - grou... (2)
-> + Saxon 9.0 B support in debug m... (2)
-> + Repeating element question (2)
-> + Newly Purchased Version Not La... (2)
-> + xsl:include not finding file (5)
-> + JAXP and XSLT 2.0 / XPATH 2.0 (2)
-> + ASP:DropDownList trigger in Xs... (2)
-> + Auto-Skip empty values (2)
-> + retrieving a javascript functi... (2)
-> + need help (2)
-> + html tag ignored (2)
-> + Quick reply needed (8)
-> + xslt to remove namespaces but ... (2)
-> - Using a WSDL definition in an ... (1)
-> + XSL logic issue for simple inp... (6)
-> + Regarding XML namespace prefix... (4)
-> + Mapper reoganizes itself. (8)
-> + XSL Substring Removal (2)
-> + Regarding XSLT logic for a sim... (3)
-> + XSLT Transform documentation (2)
-> + XSLT stack trace in case of er... (3)
-> + No New Line (2)
-> - No New Line (1)
-> + howto loop through a sequence (2)
-> + xml and xsl and whitespace in... (2)
-> + XSL Date formatting (4)
-> + XSL to XSL Mapping using custo... (4)
-> + flat xml to nested xml comvers... (4)
-> + Including schema in scenario (2)
-> + DTDs and traversing (2)
-> + Help with transformation (2)
-> + Problem running XSLT against X... (2)
-> + Carriage return in the output (5)
-> + Generating XSLT to match a sch... (3)
-> + WYSIWYG editor (2)
-> + Grouping without For-Each (3)
-> + output XML using XSLT (8)
-> + Help configuring Xalan-j proce... (8)
-> + Convert Existing HTML pages to... (2)
-> + Generating Transformation - XS... (4)
-> + DOCTYPE public and system info... (2)
-> + Using EXSLT str:tokenize funct... (5)
-> + Where can I get a special char... (3)
-> + XSLT vs XQuery (2)
-> + Using Variables. How to use a ... (4)
-> + XSL incremental count - (5)
-> + thought I was being clever but... (2)
-> - Need help with FO:Table-row (1)
-> + Need help with FO:Table-row (3)
-> + Create mapping based on destin... (5)
-> + Finding a missing parameter (2)
-> + looping an element (5)
-> + Generate an XSLT from an XML f... (2)
-> + Easiest way to split many docu... (7)
-> + how to get xsl:copy-of to appe... (5)
-> + Recursive XSLT Templates (7)
-> + Selecting nodes (help please) (2)
-> + if string = null stop it from... (2)
-> + Display top n items from categ... (3)
-> + Retain input values (2)
-> + XML data import with XSL Style... (4)
-> + Entities with the stylesheet (3)
-> + How can I make a subset Schema... (5)
-> + How to map XML to XML with a m... (2)
-> + displaying specific html when ... (3)
-> + table and cell borders (8)
-> + Grouping Problem (3)
-> + Error while running an XSL wit... (4)
-> + images in XSL Reports. (2)
-> + XSLT Preview on syntax error l... (6)
-> + Mapping Alternatives (2)
-> + how to load image in xsl (2)
-> + XSLT page breaks (2)
-> + Need help on Processing two xm... (7)
-> + Parse text from XML, remember ... (10)
-> + Grouping on lookup values. (3)
-> - How do find get parent group w... (1)
-> + How do find get parent group w... (7)
-> + Problem With XSL-FO page break... (6)
-> + Alternate row color (9)
-> + display a label once and only ... (2)
-> + Date Sequence (8)
-> + XLS:FO line break problem (7)
-> + Problem with prefixes (2)
-> + Copy-of and namespace Hell (2)
-> + Simple custom xslt extension (2)
-> + Brain Teaser (4)
-> + Adding a simple DOCTYPE using ... (4)
-> + html get actual value (3)
-> + WYSIWYG (4)
-> - Need help in tranforming one X... (1)
-> + Problems with for-each and a t... (2)
-> + Element Loop (3)
-> + can anyone implement 'if then ... (2)
-> + stylus xml publisher and xpath (4)
-> + how to print only cdata value/... (4)
-> + Concatenate Same Element (3)
-> + XSLT grouping (3)
-> + make sequence II (8)
-> - Placing Table in a Header or F... (1)
-> + XML to html Table (2)
-> + Xalan Processor is not working (2)
-> - Xalan Processor is not working (1)
-> + xsl:strip-space does not strip... (2)
-> + Problem getting only a single ... (3)
-> + XSLT sequential processing (4)
-> + Need some help in XSLT (2)
-> + javascript + xsl working with ... (3)
-> + xml problem (4)
-> + Advanced XSLT test (2)
-> + How to retain the selected val... (3)
-> + Sorting by descending (2)
-> + Caling template thru a variabl... (3)
-> + multi-phase XSLT 2.0 transform... (3)
-> + Compare data in two similar fi... (2)
-> + not create tag when field is m... (3)
-> + xslt for word xml (4)
-> + Lack of debug support for XSLT... (16)
-> + Formatting a Table Rowspan? (2)
-> - base-uri() returns mangled fil... (1)
-> + Preview results when styleshee... (2)
-> + XSD – external xml lookup ?? (3)
-> + Global variable not visible fr... (6)
-> + Can't save modified .XSLT afte... (4)
-> + Can't query .xsd file (3)
-> + XML/XSLT (2)
-> + Split source xml based on inpu... (3)
-> + Generate Resultant HTML from X... (6)
-> + Need to add nodes to an inmemo... (4)
-> + Displaying text after some tex... (3)
-> + Copy an xml document including... (17)
-> + Send entire XML as is in param... (2)
-> + XSL URL Encoding (2)
-> + Displaying flash video........... (5)
-> + Extracting specific comma sepa... (4)
-> + How do I do something similar ... (3)
-> + Grouping XSLT (2)
-> - Creating a footnote in teh foo... (1)
-> + how to deploy xslt files (2)
-> + Help in formatting output HTML (3)
-> + Displaying Information in tabl... (2)
-> + Validating a xml with out usin... (2)
-> + Cannot view XML input using XS... (4)
-> + how to connect oracle database... (3)
-> + Reformat SOAP Response (3)
-> + XSD to XML (6)
-> + Sublist display as child node ... (2)
-> + what is meant by Backwards-Com... (3)
-> + Test for empty set (2)
-> + XML processing (3)
-> + XSL escape character (already ... (4)
-> + Rookie Question (5)
-> + XSL mapping for XMLs having di... (4)
-> + XSL Pre processing (9)
-> + Regarding repeating element i... (3)
-> + xsl:choose question (4)
-> + grouping with Muenchian method... (3)
-> + Page set up in an Excel File (3)
-> + Handle elements within text no... (2)
-> + want an example showing error ... (8)
-> + XML to CSV Matching Attributes (10)
-> + how can i declare a variable a... (6)
-> + Problems in Namespace in XSL (3)
-> + Rendering base64 images embedd... (13)
-> + Is ther are any XSLT solutions... (6)
-> + XLST in XML (2)
-> + Not able to import XML data in... (2)
-> + Simple increment of a value (2)
-> + output is not xml (12)
-> + Removing whitespace (6)
-> + How to passed an xsl parameter... (2)
-> + How can I get a value from the... (5)
-> + How To Transform Xml To Html T... (3)
-> + Best way to handle creating a ... (2)
-> + Table aggroupament (2)
-> + Sum and Count together (4)
-> + how can i insert an encoded im... (10)
-> - Javascript execution from XSLT (1)
-> + XSLT dependancy/include report... (2)
-> + Need help on XSLT transformati... (2)
-> + nillable element of a type wit... (2)
-> + Reaching element within same p... (6)
-> + input & outputdir question (4)
-> + I've combed the HELP sites, bu... (4)
-> + Help using the fn:tokenize fun... (3)
-> + Multiplying attribute value (2)
-> + Varriable inputs to XSL transf... (2)
-> + No WYSIWYG option for XSLT in ... (4)
-> + SubString-After with variables... (7)
-> + ordering by two elements with ... (7)
-> + provide documentation regardin... (2)
-> + How to read a url parameter? (3)
-> + Presenting values in a table u... (6)
-> + XSLT stylesheet to extract tra... (3)
-> + Newbie: Multi-level Traversing (2)
-> + How to Pass parameter to Xsl:I... (3)
-> + Add a namespace (3)
-> + hide particular elements of th... (2)
-> + Problem accessing attribute va... (3)
-> + Multiple key grouping (6)
-> + localization (3)
-> + Evaluating parameter value (2)
-> + msxml 6 and scripts (4)
-> + List of selected checboxes usi... (2)
-> + exception while calling java f... (3)
-> + string concat (3)
-> + xsl concat (2)
-> + string/ substring (2)
-> + Rendering HTML inside XML thro... (10)
-> + can user run .xsl on a Citrix ... (4)
-> + input xslt and output back xsl... (2)
-> + Handling embedded "<" in a sou... (6)
-> + How to convert XSL-FO file to ... (2)
-> + Source view for ADDRESS_DETAIL... (6)
-> + group key problem (2)
-> + XML to OEB XML (4)
-> + getting an xml from an inner n... (2)
-> + Need help getting started (2)
-> + Using XSL to Complete an HTML ... (5)
-> + Simplify This... Am I Missing ... (4)
-> - how to transform xml using jav... (1)
-> + Change structure of output doc... (7)
-> + Shed some light PLEASE!!!!!!! (7)
-> + Problem with inner loop (3)
-> - Importing XMl to single SQL Se... (1)
-> + How to print text and nodes te... (3)
-> + xml to flat file using xslt (5)
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Ron van der SterrenSubject: Add namespaces to target message
Author: Ron van der Sterren
Date: 25 Jan 2008 04:22 AM

I'm new to XSLT and have to create a simple XSLT mapping.

The only thing I need to do is to add 2 namespaces to the target document.

I have a XML message having the follwing line:
<os:envelope xmlns:os="http://www.name.org">

Now I would like to add some additional namespaces using XSLT. The result should look like this:

os:envelope xmlns:os="http://www.name.org" xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xsi:schemaLocation="http://www.name.org http://www.system.name.org/schemas/valid/docuemnt.xsd"

How can I establish this? Using xsl:attribute?

Thanks Ron

Tony LavinioSubject: Add namespaces to target message
Author: Tony Lavinio
Date: 26 Jan 2008 04:45 PM
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<xsl:stylesheet version="1.0" xmlns:xsl="http://www.w3.org/1999/XSL/Transform">
<xsl:template match="/">
<os:envelope xmlns:os="http://www.name.org" xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xsi:schemaLocation="http://www.name.org http://www.system.name.org/schemas/valid/document.xsd">
<xsl:copy-of select="*/@*|*/node()"/>

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