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fatma renoSubject: populate xsl file from xsd file
Author: fatma reno
Date: 24 Feb 2009 11:33 AM

How can I populate an xsl file from given xsd file.


James DurningSubject: populate xsl file from xsd file
Author: James Durning
Date: 24 Feb 2009 11:37 AM
How specifically do you want to do this? Are you talking about converting data in one .xsd format to another?

fatma renoSubject: populate xsl file from xsd file
Author: fatma reno
Date: 24 Feb 2009 11:43 AM
I create a very larg xml document for given schema using C#. Then I have to move nodes up and down. It takes too long. I even don't know if I have an XSL file it will help me to save about 5 hours each time. I would like to create an xsl file from xsd and apply xsl file to the xml document. Do you think it will solve my problem?

fatma renoSubject: populate xsl file from xsd file
Author: fatma reno
Date: 24 Feb 2009 11:45 AM
I create a very larg xml document for given schema using C#. Then I have to move nodes up and down. It takes too long. I even don't know if I have an XSL file it will help me to save about 5 hours each time. I would like to create an xsl file from xsd and apply xsl file to the xml document. Do you think it will solve my problem?

fatma renoSubject: populate xsl file from xsd file
Author: fatma reno
Date: 24 Feb 2009 12:00 PM
I create a very larg xml document for given schema using C#. Then I have to move nodes up and down. It takes too long. I even don't know if I have an XSL file it will help me to save about 5 hours each time. I would like to create an xsl file from xsd and apply xsl file to the xml document. Do you think it will solve my problem?

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