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Giulia BorghettiSubject: auto-generate Edifact InterchangeControlReference
Author: Giulia Borghetti
Date: 27 Jan 2009 09:50 AM
I have a problem in transforming an xml to Edifact: I need to have the field UNB5-InterchangeControlReference automatically generated from my application. I read some documents about auto-generated value in converting xml to edi, and it's written that DataDirect library are able to manage this kind of values, but I don't know how to do it...
Could you help me please?

Tony LavinioSubject: auto-generate Edifact InterchangeControlReference
Author: Tony Lavinio
Date: 27 Jan 2009 12:57 PM
What rules do you have for generating the numbers?
Are they based on sequence, or date?

In DataDirect XQuery, you could pull from a database...

Giulia BorghettiSubject: auto-generate Edifact InterchangeControlReference
Author: Giulia Borghetti
Date: 28 Jan 2009 03:45 AM
In the Edifact standard, this number is a counter that is incremented for each document sent, and it is usually managed by the translator.
I found an Edi converter property to set, "count", which seems to do what I whant, but it doesn't work...
(http://www.xmlconverters.com/doc/40/java/xmlconverters_ug/wwhelp/wwhimpl/js/html/wwhelp.htm , you can find the propertes list under XML Converters™ Properties --> EDI XML Converter Properties)
I know I can use a DB, but I prefer to avoid this solution if possible.

Thanks for help!

Giulia BorghettiSubject: auto-generate Edifact InterchangeControlReference
Author: Giulia Borghetti
Date: 28 Jan 2009 03:51 AM
In the Edifact standard, this number is a counter that is incremented for each document sent, and it is usually managed by the translator.
I found an Edi converter property to set, "count", which seems to do what I whant, but it doesn't work...
(http://www.xmlconverters.com/doc/40/java/xmlconverters_ug/wwhelp/wwhimpl/js/html/wwhelp.htm , you can find the propertes list under XML Converters™ Properties --> EDI XML Converter Properties)
I know I can use a DB, but I prefer to avoid this solution if possible.

Thanks for help!

Tony LavinioSubject: auto-generate Edifact InterchangeControlReference
Author: Tony Lavinio
Date: 28 Jan 2009 05:58 PM
Our converters are library components; they have no external
storage. You would need some external component to drive that
number - perhaps you could fetch a sequence number from your
database, or have the caller pass it in.

As to 'count', it only controls how segment count limits are

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