Web Service Tools

Build advanced Web service applications with Stylus Studio® X16 XML's Web Service Call Composer. Select from the list below to learn more about Stylus Studio® X16 XML's advanced support for SOAP, WSDL, and UDDI.

Web Service Call Composer (Web Service Tester)

Search/Browse UDDI Registries, invoke Web service calls, receive/preview result. Automates testing and debugging of Web services!

Apache AXIS

Learn how to use Stylus Studio to develop and test and deploy Web service applications using Apache AXIS, a powerful open source Web service framework.

WSDL Editor

The Stylus Studio includes a graphical WSDL viewer with syntax help, Java Web Service code generation and more.

Use Web Service Data as Input for Data Mapping

XML data returned from Web service method invocations can be easily saved and used as input for advanced XML data mapping and integration projects.

Open Web Service Framework Architecture

Stylus Studio® X16 XML fully supports the leading Web service frameworks, including Microsoft SOAP Toolkit, Microsoft .NET, and Apache Axis!

WSDL Designer

The Web Services Description Language Designer (WSDL Designer) provides a split-pane interface, with a graphical view of the WSDL at the top including: messages, portTypes, bindings, parts, operations, and embedded schemas.

Integrating Web Services using XQuery

Web services provide process abstraction while XQuery provides a flexible means for data abstraction — In this online video demonstration, learn how integrated Web service & XQuery tools simplify data integration applications.

Full Support for Industry-Standard Web Service XML Schemas

Conveniently access all industry-standard Web services XML Schemas in Stylus Studio® X16 XML.


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Can six minutes change your life? A new action-packed online video demonstration covers how to use Stylus Studio in just six minutes! Watch this video and change the way you develop XML applications forever!

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XML Data Sheets

Stylus Studio® X16 XML XML Integrated Development Environment PDF >

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