Subject:XSL Transformation help needed (original and new provided) Author:Anatoli Titarev Date:22 Apr 2005 01:45 AM Originally Posted: 22 Apr 2005 01:34 AM
Hi all,
I am to this forum and new to XSL. I am working on a generic reporting solution. XSL is the stumbling block.
I need to create an XSL stylesheet that converts ANY(!) XML created by .Net DataSet object into an XML file,
which can be diplayed in a web page using another stylesheet.
The DataSet can have results from multiple (!) queries.
The very first one unnamed SQL creates <table> node with the column names as children where text has the data.
Every new SQL creates Table1, Table2, etc. I need to convert all queries into headers with column names and rows with data.
<?xml version="1.0" standalone="yes"?>
<Column1>Testing Output</Column1>
<phone>408 496-7223</phone>
<address>10932 Bigge Rd.</address>
<city>Menlo Park</city>
<phone>415 986-7020</phone>
<address>309 63rd St. #411</address>
New, comments are not necessary, they are for readability only
<?xml version="1.0" standalone="yes"?>
<?xml-stylesheet type="text/xsl" href="datasetstylesheet.xsl" ?>
<!-- <Table> -->
<!-- <Table1> -->
<!-- <Table2> -->
<!-- <Table3> -->
<!-- <Table4> -->
<!-- <Table5> -->
<field>Testing Output</field>
<!-- <Table6>, NOTE: only one header but 2 rows! -->
<field>408 496-7223</field>
<field>10932 Bigge Rd.</field>
<field>Menlo Park</field>
<field>415 986-7020</field>
<field>309 63rd St. #411</field>
Your help is appreciated!
Anatoli If you need more info, please post here.
Subject:XSL Transformation help needed (original and new provided) Author:(Deleted User) Date:22 Apr 2005 04:09 AM
Hi Anatoli,
here is my solution; when the stylesheet matches the TableXX element, it checks if the preceding node had the same name: if it doesn't, it outputs the header. In any case it outputs a <row> element by iterating over the child elements.
Subject:XSL Transformation help needed (original and new provided) Author:(Deleted User) Date:25 Apr 2005 04:47 AM
Hi Anatoli,
the XSL I pasted in my previous message does generate only one <header> element for Table6. However, it fails to print the header for the first table.
This is the updated XSL