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Al SmithSubject: check element contents against known list
Author: Al Smith
Date: 08 Dec 2008 09:21 PM
Hi, need an xml guru's help....
Am trying to write an xsl stylesheet that will take a dynamically created xml file and output a list of free workstations.
The xml file has the following structure,

<logged in>

The xml file outputs anything between 1 and 30 odd <software> nodes every three minutes with individual static ip addresses dependent on whether the workstation at that ip has had recent activity.

I want to query this xml file and check against a known list of ip addresses with the xsl file and output a new html list of ip's that represent free workstations.

I have managed to sort of do this by writing the following

<xsl: if test="not(contains(ip,'172.AA.AA.AAA'))">workstation A free</xsl: if>

except it runs down the entire <loggedin> list and checks each ip and outputs the text,

so if there were 9 <software> nodes, it writes "workstation A free" 9 times....

I need to write something that checks the <loggedin> tree and queries

...if within this list there is no instance of ip 'x' output this text 'yyy'

and repeats this query for all of the known workstations ip's so I get a single list of free stations.

Any ideas?

(Deleted User) Subject: check element contents against known list
Author: (Deleted User)
Date: 09 Dec 2008 03:05 AM
Hi Al,
you can use a key to quickly find out if an address is in the list:

<xsl:stylesheet ...
<xsl:key match="/loggedin/software/ip" use="text()" name="list"/>

<xsl:template ...
<xsl:if test="string-length(key('list','172.AA.AA.AAA'))=0">free</xsl:if>


Al SmithSubject: check element contents against known list
Author: Al Smith
Date: 09 Dec 2008 08:10 PM

works perfectly. thanks heaps.


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