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Subject New Replies Views Started By Last Reply
0 new messagesXSLT slicing and orphan control0014698Robert Good
03/06/09 03:59pm
03/06/09 03:59pm
0 new messagesHow to delete CDATA using XSLtransitions01423097rajeshwar T
03/06/09 06:04am
03/09/09 11:23pm
0 new messagesRemove only root namespace, but retain the internal namespace0217197Sandesh J
03/06/09 01:03am
03/06/09 09:46am
0 new messagesString Parsing0215045Phoebe Buffay
02/25/09 10:49am
02/26/09 09:47am
0 new messagesCalling Java method from XSL0217672Anshul Kayastha
02/25/09 02:08am
03/03/09 05:22pm
0 new messagespopulate xsl file from xsd file0415970fatma reno
02/24/09 11:33am
02/24/09 12:00pm
0 new messagesformating a number like #'###.000216289Alexandre Takacs
02/24/09 12:54am
02/24/09 03:13pm
0 new messagesHelp with grouping children, for a newbie01917653Michael Clark
02/19/09 09:24am
02/20/09 10:20am
0 new messagesNeed help for newbie!0216866Kevin Y
02/18/09 09:19am
02/24/09 11:44am
0 new messagesxpath in string format0116932manjula p
02/16/09 04:34am
02/17/09 08:17am
0 new messagesHow to populate elements at random?0315778suresh chinta
02/15/09 12:51am
02/16/09 07:31pm
0 new messagesChanging Date format in XLST0116368Daniel Luczak
02/13/09 09:12am
02/13/09 09:35am
0 new messagesPlease help....How could I remove the repeated values from the XSL Sheet....0116651ramesh kumar
02/13/09 05:36am
02/13/09 08:19am
0 new messagesCounting children and grandchildren0623845Liam B
02/12/09 10:46am
02/19/09 08:20am
0 new messagesNested tags0316523Milan Eric
02/12/09 07:42am
02/12/09 10:08am
0 new messagesProblem with XSLT on a Soap Envelope0117770Khurram Zaman
02/10/09 03:09am
02/10/09 05:41am
0 new messagesProblem with XSLT on a Soap Envelope0421570Khurram Zaman
02/10/09 01:16am
02/10/09 05:26am
0 new messagesComparison between XSLT processors: Saxon vs Xalan vs any other XSLT processor in Websphere0120942reshma raveendran
02/09/09 12:57am
02/09/09 06:46am
0 new messagesPrinting non-existing value0818023prasad rama
02/06/09 08:02pm
02/10/09 07:58pm
0 new messagesbig input file for XSLT01317072Fairy Lee
02/06/09 03:39pm
02/10/09 10:45am
0 new messagesIs there any way to store xpaths in an aray?0116356manjula p
02/06/09 05:21am
02/06/09 11:34am
0 new messagesEncoding special charecters0115398prasad rama
02/05/09 06:17pm
02/05/09 11:58pm
0 new messagesSorting 0215536prasad rama
02/04/09 11:09pm
02/06/09 11:36am
0 new messagesXML to PDF using XSL:FO0216134matthews estrice
02/03/09 09:52am
02/06/09 06:22am
0 new messagesHow to find the line number in PDF using XSL-FO0117196Satish Mallampalli
02/03/09 08:06am
02/03/09 12:03pm
0 new messagesHow to set a marker for paper folding in PDF (Using XSL-FO for XML to PDF)?0117236Satish Mallampalli
02/03/09 07:50am
02/03/09 12:08pm
0 new messagesNot equality Function0116496Dhivya J
02/01/09 07:44am
02/06/09 12:14am
0 new messagesCounting Elements 0315854Dhivya J
02/01/09 07:34am
02/06/09 11:39am
0 new messagesLooking for help or code sample for adding logic to xlst conversion file0115837Daniel Luczak
01/30/09 11:49am
02/06/09 12:20am
0 new messagesHelp needed in pattern matching0114755rachael smith
01/30/09 02:41am
02/06/09 12:24am
0 new messagesRepeaters and Ifs0114857Ronan Kinsella
01/29/09 12:34pm
02/06/09 12:26am
0 new messagesselect adjacent nodes in xpath query based on condition0218238vijayakumar kj
01/29/09 11:38am
02/06/09 08:59pm
0 new messagesStripping of Empty Target Elements 0116362Ramachandra Dileep DANNAPANENI
01/29/09 05:41am
02/06/09 08:22am
0 new messagesauto-generate Edifact InterchangeControlReference0416731Giulia Borghetti
01/27/09 09:50am
01/28/09 05:58pm
0 new messagesQname Error in xsl:element0116769suresh chinta
01/25/09 11:23pm
02/07/09 09:06pm
0 new messages[Newbie] Type conversion and formating0114965Alexandre Takacs
01/25/09 04:03pm
02/27/09 12:54pm
0 new messagesDo ...when 0115239prasad rama
01/23/09 06:15pm
02/06/09 07:37am
0 new messagesUsing Key 0216386prasad rama
01/23/09 12:45pm
01/27/09 02:17pm
0 new messagessorting elements in option 0114354suresh chinta
01/22/09 12:14am
01/22/09 09:03am
0 new messagesNaN(not available) value replaced by empty cell in XML Report? 0219834(Deleted User)
01/21/09 03:28am
01/21/09 03:57pm
0 new messagesinfinite loop error when trying to do multiple search/replace0815113Riya Pillai
01/20/09 06:07pm
01/27/09 09:44am
0 new messagesEscape a character in the string0216082suresh chinta
01/20/09 12:13am
01/20/09 11:03am
0 new messagesfind sum of 2 elements in xml0114929abc abc
01/19/09 05:24am
01/19/09 10:53am
0 new messagesplacing a ' * ' by reading the required field0215105suresh chinta
01/17/09 08:13pm
01/22/09 12:03am
0 new messagesProblem in dispaying Current Date and Time 0318197Ramachandra Dileep DANNAPANENI
01/16/09 10:43am
01/16/09 11:16am
0 new messagesMerging Table Cells in XSLT report0220698Caleb Gerlach
01/15/09 03:15pm
01/21/09 03:56pm
0 new messagesxsl fo block-container and footer0117417Ionel Nita
01/15/09 07:02am
01/15/09 10:24am
0 new messagesIs is possible to create a .CONV file externally and import it?0114819Milton Clark
01/14/09 01:11pm
01/14/09 02:10pm
0 new messagesprinting a parent node value in a nested loop0115758vasant b
01/14/09 07:04am
01/14/09 02:17pm
0 new messagesMime header info setup?0215423jeff hartman
01/09/09 02:23pm
01/21/09 11:05am
0 new messagesCalculating a Date based on 4 Scenarios0214431chelsea drennan
01/07/09 07:57pm
01/08/09 11:03am
0 new messagesXSLT formatting number issue0915916vasant b
01/07/09 05:55am
01/15/09 08:53am
0 new messagesmap repeating elements separately to individual elements 0214950Ronald Wilson
01/07/09 01:25am
01/08/09 11:58pm
0 new messagesCombining XML elements based on sub-element value0215437stelios kous
01/06/09 06:18am
01/06/09 10:03am
0 new messagesConvert XML to UTF-80716742Scott Remiger
01/02/09 04:11pm
01/06/09 10:12am
0 new messagesXSLT and MS Access 2007 Optional Tags0414243Craig Berman
12/31/08 01:25pm
01/05/09 11:58am
0 new messagesWORDML list to XML list0017501(Deleted User)
12/31/08 04:35am
12/31/08 04:36am
0 new messages[Newbie] Using lookups in XSLT 0215231Alexandre Takacs
12/30/08 09:39am
12/30/08 04:37pm
0 new messagesComparing 2 passed Date Values0115169chelsea drennan
12/29/08 06:29pm
12/30/08 05:34am
0 new messages ERROR XQueryMediator Error during the querying No value supplied for required parameter $appName0118280Nalini D
12/23/08 12:47am
12/23/08 02:28pm
0 new messagesXML / XSLT... Unordered lists without repeating node values...?0114477ena jenkins
12/22/08 04:36pm
12/24/08 03:53am
0 new messagesSpecify image path in XSL0114855praveen kumar B Anekalmath
12/22/08 01:01am
12/30/08 05:31am
0 new messagesVariable within a variable0215510Alan B
12/21/08 09:47am
12/22/08 04:27am
0 new messagesHow to call jfreechart method (which creates charts) from xsl, and display that chart object in pdf as image......?0716264noor
12/20/08 01:13am
12/30/08 05:30am
0 new messagesleading and trailing white spaces0114778Venkat Raghupat
12/18/08 11:25am
12/19/08 09:56am
0 new messagesXSLT to Html problems0518041Liam B
12/18/08 04:45am
12/30/08 05:20am
0 new messagesHow to set classpath, when i need to run my java class from xsl ??????0216859noor
12/18/08 02:42am
12/18/08 08:06am
0 new messagesError in using functions0316643Dhivya J
12/17/08 03:31am
12/17/08 09:19am
0 new messagesTo find the occurence of a charcter in a string0215420Dhivya J
12/16/08 10:48pm
12/17/08 09:41am
0 new messagesPLMXML to XML0316843Shakil Khan
12/16/08 12:36pm
12/16/08 02:55pm
0 new messagesTransform multiple node values to one node value0114815T S
12/16/08 11:09am
12/16/08 04:33pm
0 new messagesI am in need of svg example(s) project in java ?01217061noor
12/15/08 06:42am
12/20/08 12:58am
0 new messagescount in XSLT, Need Help Please !!!0116083zakir tech
12/15/08 12:50am
12/15/08 01:19pm
0 new messagesHelp with XML.Report and Generated XSLT--Please0114819Beth Beggs
12/14/08 08:08pm
12/15/08 01:17pm
0 new messagesfor each loop and variable0416799web not
12/14/08 01:01am
12/16/08 08:49am
0 new messagesProblem with selecting nodes for xml to csv file0216200(Deleted User)
12/11/08 05:44pm
12/12/08 08:02am
0 new messagesGetting "Expected elemenmt missing " Error When the element is already present .0116907Joy K
12/11/08 07:32am
12/12/08 06:16am
0 new messagesHelp with attached XML mapping thru XSLT mapper0715345anantha paddmanabhan
12/10/08 04:36pm
12/16/08 01:04am
0 new messagesxml:space="Preserve" and Embedded Image in WordML0115637Krishnan Narayanan
12/10/08 12:51pm
12/12/08 06:08am
0 new messagesXSLT and Multiple Strings0115709Beth Beggs
12/09/08 03:31pm
12/12/08 06:05am
0 new messagesXSL Date format0115798Venkat Raghupat
12/09/08 09:15am
12/10/08 10:43am
0 new messagescheck element contents against known list0215023Al Smith
12/08/08 09:21pm
12/09/08 08:10pm
0 new messagesXML to XML Namespace conversion0117151casper Voortman
12/08/08 03:35am
12/08/08 03:05pm
0 new messagesSupressing subgroup headers in xslt 1.00016234Jan Verhoek
12/05/08 06:55pm
12/05/08 06:55pm
0 new messagesHTML to fo conversion using XSL0016109manasi utpat
12/05/08 04:30am
12/05/08 05:13am
0 new messagesNo Topic0115226Beth Beggs
12/04/08 01:45pm
12/08/08 03:00pm
0 new messagesparsing xml using xslt HELP0116039amai tolentino
12/03/08 11:09pm
12/08/08 02:57pm
0 new messagesMultiple Page Headers0115038kishore koti
12/03/08 07:01am
12/08/08 02:57pm
0 new messagesPLM Xml To Generic XML0224872varun bhatia
12/03/08 05:08am
12/16/08 12:35pm
0 new messagesXSLT/XPath Help0118502Bruno Domenici
12/02/08 11:17am
12/08/08 02:52pm
0 new messagesXSL Space Issue0114680Jeff Vreeland
11/24/08 04:31pm
11/25/08 12:15pm
0 new messageswanting help with xslt custom function & finding max yr of passed array of dates0215134todd jackson
11/21/08 12:30am
11/30/08 11:29pm
0 new messagesUpdate input xml content with matching elements from another xml using xsl0015119yasser arafat
11/20/08 06:53pm
11/20/08 06:53pm
0 new messagesError: namespace prefix xsl on text is not defined in Entity, line:10222778Ken Stringer
11/20/08 11:33am
11/20/08 05:31pm
0 new messagesError in my xsl:if test...0115379Mych Dubil
11/20/08 09:18am
11/20/08 03:09pm
0 new messagescalling javascript from XSLT0015782smaranika sikdar
11/18/08 04:31am
11/18/08 04:31am
0 new messagesError when trying to a call a template from an imported XSL0115111princy Mathew
11/17/08 09:18am
11/18/08 09:34am
0 new messagesHTTP POST from XSLT0015994smaranika sikdar
11/16/08 09:58am
11/16/08 09:57am
0 new messagespassing xml document as input parameter to web service0117401smaranika sikdar
11/14/08 09:58am
12/02/08 06:05am
0 new messagesXSLT for WORDML table to CALS table and llist0118550(Deleted User)
11/14/08 06:56am
12/02/08 05:45am
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