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anantha  paddmanabhanSubject: Help with attached XML mapping thru XSLT mapper
Author: anantha paddmanabhan
Date: 10 Dec 2008 04:36 PM

See attached XML document. I'm trying to map this document to a target document using XSLT mapper tool. The document has 8 <calypsoObject> nodes in the document. However, in the XSLT mapper (source document) I only see one <calypsoObject> node. But when I open this XML document, I could see all of them.

Can you please help me understand the issue here? I'm kind of stuck.


(Deleted User) Subject: Help with attached XML mapping thru XSLT mapper
Author: (Deleted User)
Date: 12 Dec 2008 06:14 AM
Hi Anantha,
when I open this XML in the source schema pane of XSLT mapper, I see the a calypso:calypsoObject node under a calypso:calypsoDocument node, with the icon showing that it's a "repeatable element" (the one with three little boxes, while the icon for singleton items has just one box, like calypso:calypsoDocument).
Do you also see this icon?


anantha  paddmanabhanSubject: Help with attached XML mapping thru XSLT mapper
Author: anantha paddmanabhan
Date: 12 Dec 2008 03:39 PM
Hi Alberto,

Yes, I see the repeatable icons on mine as well. Does it mean this Stylus cannot parse this document?


anantha  paddmanabhanSubject: Help with attached XML mapping thru XSLT mapper
Author: anantha paddmanabhan
Date: 15 Dec 2008 01:09 PM
Hi Tech support,

Any luck with this issue. I'm kind of stuck and running into deadlines.

(Deleted User) Subject: Help with attached XML mapping thru XSLT mapper
Author: (Deleted User)
Date: 15 Dec 2008 01:09 PM
Hi Anantha,
the tree used inside the XSLT editor are *schema* trees, not *data* trees (a data tree is available in the XML editor, whose purpose is instead to show the actual data contained in the XML file); so you are not looking at the real data, but at its structure. This because when you are writing the stylesheet, you are interested in designing the flow of instructions that will operate on the data at runtime.
For instance, when you click on that repeatable item and drag to an item in the right schema tree, you are going to create a "for-each" instruction that will loop over all the item actually found in the source XML. If the source item was a single item, the instruction being generated by Mapper would have been a "value-of".

Hope this helps,

anantha  paddmanabhanSubject: Help with attached XML mapping thru XSLT mapper
Author: anantha paddmanabhan
Date: 15 Dec 2008 06:10 PM
Hi Alberto,

Thanks for getting back to me. If I understand it correctly, I won't be able to use Stylus XSLT mapper to do the mapping. Is there any other way I can do this in Stylus? I've lots of these XML mapping (from our product to external system) that I need to develop and I hate writing code (of course, except XSLT code). Appreciate it.


anantha  paddmanabhanSubject: Help with attached XML mapping thru XSLT mapper
Author: anantha paddmanabhan
Date: 15 Dec 2008 06:19 PM
Hi Alberto,

Thanks for getting back to me. If I understand it correctly, I won't be able to use Stylus XSLT mapper to do the mapping. Is there any other way I can do this in Stylus? I've lots of these XML mapping (from our product to external system) that I need to develop and I hate writing code (of course, except XSLT code). Appreciate it.


Ivan PedruzziSubject: Help with attached XML mapping thru XSLT mapper
Author: Ivan Pedruzzi
Date: 16 Dec 2008 01:04 AM

I don't think you have fully understood Alberto's reply.

Using the specific example, you don't need to see all 8 calypsoObject elements in the source tree, you just need to know that you have a set of repeating elements from which you want to generate some output.
Without seeing the target structure we cannot say more then this.

If you post both source and target XML and a description on how you would like to map the fields then we will show you how to use the mapping tool.

In addition it may be beneficial to read chapter 6 in the user guide.

Hope this helps
Ivan Pedruzzi
Stylus Studio Team

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