XSL:FO Editor

Stylus Studio's powerful XSL Editor includes full support for editing of eXtensible Stylesheet Language Formatting Object stylesheets (XSL:FO) as well as the ability to post-process any XML documents on the fly using popular using FO processors such as Apache FOP or RenderX XEP to create advanced document layouts expressed in style-rich file formats. For example, using XSL:FO, it's easy to render XML to PDF, PostScript, etc. Stylus Studio's XSL:FO Editor (illustrated below) includes support for including intelligent XSL:FO editing features, single click XSL:FO transformations, and an integrated PDF preview window. Stylus Studio is the ultimate tool for building XML based, multi-channel publishing, Single Source Publishing and content management applications.

XSL:FO Editor

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