Stylus Studio® Database to XML Mapper

Stylus Studio® formerly included full support for Database-to-XML Mapping (illustrated below). The Database-to-XML mapper, available in previous releases of Stylus Studio®, was a powerful visual tool for creating XML views of relational database data using SQL/XML technologies. This functionality has been deprecated as of Stylus Studio 2007 Release 2 (May 2007) in favor of DataDirect XQuery™ and DataDirect XML Converters™, which provides a far more powerful and extensible means of connecting to any relational database —including Microsoft Access, Microsoft SQL Server, Oracle, and others— and extracting data directly from Microsoft .NET or Java applications.

Systems integrators working with relational and XML data should be sure to check out our XQuery tools, which offer an alternative, industry-standard approach to querying and integrating relational and XML data.

Database to XML Mapper

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