XSL Editor

Stylus Studio® includes a powerful XSL editor, shown below. Our XSL editor includes a built-in XSL processor, but also works with any third party XSL processor, including Apache Xalan, Saxon, MSXML, Microsoft System.XML (the offical XML API for the Microsoft .NET framework), and any others for that matter. Some of the features include, intelligent XSL editing (Code sensing and Auto completion for XSL elements), single click XSL transformations, a preview window, XSL template stack window, an XML input document overview window, the ability to create and save associations of different XML files, stylesheets and processors to facilitate XSL stylesheet testing, XSL:FO tools, etc. Mouse over the screenshot below for more information about a particular window or button.

SenseX for XSL: Intelligent XSL Editing, Code Sensing, Auto-Completion, Syntax Coloring, and Real-time Syntax Checking. Main XSL Editing Window Execute XSL Transformation/Preview Result (or simply press 'F5') XSL Transformation Scenarios: Specify Input File(s), Output Directory, XSL Processor, Parameters, Post-Processing Options, etc. Open the XML data file associated with this XSL transformation Toggle the visibility of the Preview Window (below, right) Toggle the visibility of the Source Tree Window (right side) Toggle to Full Source Mode, enabling editing of the entire XSL Stylesheet Toggle to XSL Template View, which shows only one template at a time Source Tree Window: Visually displays the content model of the input document. This helps because you can easily see which elements have template matches, and you can create templates simply by drag-and-dropping them onto the editing window. Backmap Stack: Clicking on an element on the stack will place the cursor on the respective template in the XSL stylesheet source. Preview Window: View the results of an XSL Transformation. Upon clicking anywhere in the output preview, Stylus Studio® will highlight the corresponding XSL source which generated it - this is known as 'Backmapping'. Save the results of an XSL Transformation Toggle Preview Window Results to Text View Toggle Preview Window Results to Browser View Toggle Preview Window Results to Tree View Refresh Output Window (Re-transform) Project Window Create a new XSL Template Source Code Tab: Edit XSL Stylesheet in code view. XSL Mapper Tab: Edit XSL using a visual XML-to-XML mapper. Edit Parameters Tab: Specify XSL Transformation parameters. WYSIWYG Tab: A visual XSL stylesheet designer mode. Displays the currently matched XSL-template Display XSL Performance Profiling Report XSL Editor

More Than Just an XSL Editor

The Stylus Studio XML IDE is packed with complementary XML tools, utilities and editors. The following resources are sure to be of interest to you.

Free Stylus Studio XML Training: