Making a Static Web Page Dynamic by Editing XSLT

Suppose you have an XML document with a repeating element, and you want to build a Web page that displays information for each of the elements. For example, you might have a document that contains information for hundreds of books, customer accounts, sales calls, or even chemistry experiments. It is relatively easy to create an HTML file that elegantly displays the information for one element. You can then import this file into Stylus Studio, and modify it in a few steps to display all the elements in your XML document.

This section provides step-by-step instructions for converting a static Web page that displays information about one video into a dynamic Web page that displays information about many videos. The process is described in the following major steps:

If you follow the instructions in these topics, you create the video.xsl stylesheet. Stylus Studio includes a sample version of this stylesheet. It is sampleVideo.xsl, and it is in the examples\VideoCenter directory of your Stylus Studio installation directory. If the Stylus Studio examples project is open, you can access this file from the Project window. To open the examples project, open examples.prj in the Stylus Studio examples directory.

Stylus Studio includes an additional sample stylesheet, sample2Video.xsl. This stylesheet performs the same function as sampleVideo.xsl, but it does not use the xsl:apply-templates instruction. Instead, it directly executes the instructions. This results in a nicer looking WYSIWYG display.

An alternative to editing the XSLT source is to use the WYSIWYG tab to compose HTML graphically. This feature is described in Making a Static Web Page Dynamic Using the WYSIWYG Editor.

Importing a Sample HTML File


The HTML to XSLT Document Wizard is available only in Stylus Studio XML Entperprise Suite and Stylus Studio XML Professional Suite.

To import an HTML file:
1. In the Stylus Studio menu bar, click File > Document Wizards.
2. Click the XSLT Editor tab.
3. Double-click HTML to XSLT. Stylus Studio displays the Open dialog box.
4. Open movies.html, which is in the examples\VideoCenter directory of your Stylus Studio installation directory.

Stylus Studio displays a stylesheet in the XSLT Editor. The stylesheet contains one template, which matches the root node ( <xsl:template match="/">). Stylus Studio copies all HTML markup that is in movies.html into the CDATA section of this template.

If you want, you can move and enlarge the XSLT editor window. If you do, leave a few inches at the bottom of the Stylus Studio window for the Preview window, which Stylus Studio will display later in this procedure.



An alternative to the previous four steps is to display movies.html in Internet Explorer and then select Open with Stylus Studio.

5. In the XSLT editor tool bar, click Preview Result .

Stylus Studio displays the Scenario Properties dialog box. A scenario associates a stylesheet with an XML source document. When Stylus Studio imports an HTML file, it automatically creates the stylesheet that can generate that HTML file.

6. In the Scenario Properties dialog box, in the Scenario Name: field, type Video Scenario 1.
7. Next to the Source XML Url: field, click Browse . Stylus Studio displays the Open dialog box.
8. In the Open dialog box, double-click videos.xml, which is in the examples\VideoCenter directory of your Stylus Studio installation directory.
9. In the Base URL for HTML Links Resolution: field, type the name of the directory in which Stylus Studio is installed followed by \examples\VideoCenter:
Stylus_Studio_install_dir \examples\VideoCenter

You must type an absolute path.

10. Click OK.

Stylus Studio displays the Save As dialog box.

11. In the URL field, type video.xsl and click the Save button.

Stylus Studio applies the new stylesheet to the videos.xml document and displays the result in the Preview window.

Figure 30. XSLT Preview of video.xsl

The result provides information about one video. Also, Stylus Studio displays the tree of the XML source document in a pane to the right of the stylesheet.

What to do next

To modify the stylesheet in the XSLT Source tab, continue to the next topic, Creating the video Template.

To modify the stylesheet using the WYSIWYG tab, see Making Repeating Table Rows in the WYSIWYG Editor.

Creating the video Template

This topic is part of a sequence that starts with Importing a Sample HTML File.

To create the video template, follow these steps:
1. In the source tree pane of the XSLT editor, click the plus sign next to the videos element.



If the source tree pane is not visible, click Source Tree at the top of the XSLT window, or select XSLT > Display Source Tree Pane.

2. Double-click the video repeating element.

Stylus Studio creates a template that matches the video element. The new template is empty, and it appears in the XSLT Editor pane near the end of the stylesheet (around line 159). In the source tree pane, a check appears next to video to indicate that there is a template that matches video.

3. In the Preview window, click somewhere in the movie title Enemy of the State.

Stylus Studio displays the template it created that matches the root element, and flags the line that generates the title. This shows you about where the HTML markup starts for a single video. In the next few steps, you are going to move the markup for the video element into its own template.

Figure 31. Back-mapping Shows What Source Generates Output



When you backmap (by clicking in the output), Stylus Studio displays the Back-map Stack pane in the Preview window. This pane is discussed later in this topic.

4. In the XSLT Editor, highlight all markup that displays a single video.
a. Place the text cursor on line 61 - between the </TR> tag and the comment tag in the following line:
<!-- *** Start Video *** -->



The cursor position (line and column number) is displayed in the Stylus Studio status bar, shown here:

b. Drag your cursor down through the end of the following line, which is around line 110:
<!-- *** End Video *** -->
5. Press Ctrl+X to cut the highlighted text.
6. Scroll down to the video template.
7. Place your cursor on the blank line in the video template body (line 112) and press Ctrl+V to paste the video markup into its new template.
8. Click Preview Result to apply the current stylesheet to the XML source document and refresh the Preview window.

The display no longer includes any information about the video. This is because you moved the video markup to the video template, but you did not specify an instruction that instructs the XSLT processor to instantiate the video template.

9. Click Save .

Instantiating the video Template

This topic is part of a sequence that starts with Importing a Sample HTML File.

To instantiate the video template, follow these steps:
1. In the XSLT Editor, put the text cursor in line 61 (the spot from which you cut the markup for the video element).
2. Type <x.

Stylus Studio displays the Sense:X tag completion menu.

Figure 32. Sense:X Tag Completion in XSLT

3. Scroll down and double-click xsl:apply-templates.

Stylus Studio inserts the xsl:apply-templates instruction.

4. Type a space.

Stylus Studio again displays the choices for what you can enter.

5. Double-click select. A new SenseX: tag completion menu appears.
6. Double-click result.
7. Type a forward slash (/).
8. Double-click videos and type a forward slash (/).
9. Double-click video and type "/>.

The XSLT you have just composed selects all video elements for processing. The complete instruction is as follows:

<xsl:apply-templates select="result/videos/video"/>
10. Click Preview Result to refresh the Preview window.

Now you can see that the XSLT processor does instantiate the video template for each video element in the XML source document. However, because the template currently contains information for Enemy of the State only, the information for that video appears for each video element in the XML source document. You need to modify the XSLT instructions that generate the Enemy of the State text. Each time the XSLT processor instantiates the video template, you want it to pull in information for a different video.

11. Click Save .

Making Titles Dynamic

This topic is part of a sequence that starts with Importing a Sample HTML File.

To change the video template to display the title for each video, follow these steps:
1. In the Preview window, click somewhere in the movie title Enemy of the State.

In the Backmap Stack pane, Stylus Studio shows you the XSLT instruction that generated the output you clicked in the result document. In the XSLT Editor pane, Stylus Studio's back-mapping feature points to the line that contains Enemy of the State.

2. Delete the text Enemy of the State.

Do not cut the <b> and </b> tags.

3. In the spot in the line where you deleted Enemy of the State, type the following instruction, or select its parts from the Sense:X tag completion lists.
<xsl:apply-templates select="title"/>

This instructs the XSLT processor to instantiate a template that matches title. However, there is no such template because a title template is not needed in this stylesheet. The default templates provide the required operations. When the XSLT processor cannot find a template that matches title, it instantiates the default template that matches all elements - its template rule is /|*.

This default template operates on the children of the node for which it is instantiated. In this case, each time the default template is instantiated for a title element, it operates on the text node that is the lone child of the title element. Because the child node is a text node, this template instantiates the other default template, the one that matches all text nodes. This other default template copies the contents of the text node to the result document. This is how the actual title of each video gets displayed in the result.

The templates that match /|* and text()|@* are default templates in every stylesheet whether or not you or Stylus Studio explicitly include them. For additional information about how these templates work, see Understanding How the Default Templates Work.

4. Click Preview Result to refresh the Preview window.

Now the display for each video has a different title, but the rest of the information (the summary, the image, and so on) is that for Enemy of the State.

5. Click Save .

Making Images Dynamic

This topic is part of a sequence that starts with Importing a Sample HTML File.

To change the video template to display the image associated with each video, follow these steps:
1. In the Preview window, click in the Enemy of the State image.

Again, Stylus Studio's back-mapping feature identifies the line in the stylesheet that generates the image.

The Backmap Stack window now displays two xsl:template instructions. One matches the root node and one matches video.

2. To edit the expression that identifies the image, in the XSLT editor pane, delete id1244100 from the line Stylus Studio is pointing to.
3. Replace the specific ID with the following attribute value template:

The result should look like the following:

<img src="images/video/{@id}.gif" align=BOTTOM" ...

During XSLT processing, the XSLT processor replaces the attribute value template with the ID for the current video.

4. Click Preview Result to refresh the Preview window.

Stylus Studio displays a different image for each title.

5. Click Save .

Making Summaries Dynamic

This topic is part of a sequence that starts with Importing a Sample HTML File.

To change the video template to display the summary of each movie, follow these steps:
1. In the Preview window, click in the Enemy of the State summary.

Stylus Studio uses back-mapping to point to the line that generates the summary.

2. In the XSLT editor pane, delete the text for the summary. Do not delete any markup.
3. Insert the following instruction, or select its components from the Sense:X tag completion lists, where you deleted the summary text:
<xsl:apply-templates select="summary"/>

Again, the XSLT processor will use the default templates to copy the text to the result document.

4. Click Preview Result to refresh the Preview window.

Stylus Studio displays a different summary for each title.

5. You can follow the same procedure described here to make the other child elements of the video element (genre, rating, and so on) dynamic. But before you do that, save the work you have already done.
6. Click Save .
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