Introduction to the Diagram Tab

The recommended way to define an XML Schema in Stylus Studio is to start with the Diagram tab of the XML Schema Editor, which is shown in Figure 67.

Figure 67. Diagram Tab of the XML Schema Editor

When you use the Diagram tab to define an XML Schema, you can create XML Schema nodes directly on the XML Schema diagram pane using tools on the tool bar or from the XML Schema > Diagram and shortcut menus. You can also type in the text pane, which appears under the Diagram tab. The text pane displays the XML Schema syntax Stylus Studio creates for you as you work in the diagram pane.

Stylus Studio ensures that the XML Schema you create is valid. For example, any nodes you define are created in the required order in the XML document that contains the XML Schema definition, regardless of the order in which you create them.

The Diagram tab, shown in Figure 67, consists of three main areas:

This section describes these areas and how to work with them.

Diagram Pane

The diagram pane contains graphical representations of the elements, attributes, and other nodes that make up your XML Schema.

Figure 68. Schema Diagram Pane


Each node displayed in the diagram pane is represented by its own symbol; tool tips, which are displayed when you hover over a node in the diagram, identify the node's type (element, attribute, sequence, and so on). The symbols used in the diagram are summarized in Table 1.

schema (xsd:schema)
annotation (xsd:annotation)
documentation (xsd:documentation)
element (xsd:element)
attribute (xsd:attribute)
attributeGroup (xsd:attributeGroup)
simpleType (xsd:simpleType)
complexType (xsd:complexType)
choice (xsd:choice)
sequence (xsd:sequence)
key (xsd:key)
key reference (xsd:keyref)
unique (xsd:unique)
group (xsd:group)
simpleContent (xsd:simpleContent)
complexContent (xsd:complexContent)
restriction (xsd:restriction)
extension (xsd:extension)
union (xsd:union)
list (xsd:list)
Table 1. Symbols Used in the XML Schema Diagram

Nodes can be expanded and collapsed using the plus and minus symbols, respectively, that appear on the right side of the node. In Figure 71 for example, the PurchaseOrderType complexType has been expanded. The shipTo element has not.

Displaying Properties

To streamline the diagram, most nodes are displayed with their properties hidden by default. Exceptions include element, extension, and restriction nodes, for which the type is displayed, as shown in the productName element in Figure 69.

Figure 69. Most Nodes Appear with Properties Hidden

You can change the display for classes of nodes (all elements, for example) using the Schema Diagram Properties dialog box, shown in . (In addition, the Properties window displays all the properties for any node you select.)

Figure 70. Schema Diagram Properties Dialog Box

For each node property, you can choose to

  • Show the property
  • Show the property only if it is not empty
  • Hide the node

If all of a node's properties have the same show/hide setting, that value is displayed in the Inline Visibility in Diagram field. If no value is displayed in the Inline Visibility in Diagram field, it means that two or more properties have different show/hide settings.

To display the Schema Diagram Properties dialog box:
  • Select Diagram > Properties from the Stylus Studio menu
  • Select Properties from the diagram shortcut meu



You can also change schema diagram properties on the Diagram page of the Options dialog box - Tools > Options > Module Settings > XML Schema Editor > Diagram.

To change node properties display:
1. Display the Schema Diagram Properties dialog box, or the Diagram page of the Options dialog box.
2. Select the node whose properties display you want to change.



To hide all properties, click the Hide All button. To restore defaults, click the Restore Defaults button.

3. Click OK.
Background color

Background color is used as another visual cue for information about the XML Schema:

  • A tan, or light brown, color identifies global nodes - these are elements, types, and so on, that are defined as children of the schema ( xsd:schema). In Figure 71, the purchaseOrder element is an example of a globally defined node.
  • A light yellow background identifies local instances of globally defined types. In Figure 71, the PurchaseOrderType complexType is a local instance of that type.

Figure 71. Background Colors Show Global and Local Types

Displaying documentation

By default, text associated with documentation elements ( xsd:documentation) is hidden. You can expand documentation elements in the diagram by clicking the Show Documenation ( ) button, or by selecting Diagram > Show Documentation from the Stylus Studio menu. When you do, the text associated with all documentation elements defined in the XML Schema appears, as shown in Figure 72.

Figure 72. Show Documentation with the Click of a Button

Moving around the diagram

There are several ways to move around the diagram pane:

  • To move from node to node in the diagram, press the arrow keys.
  • You can use the scroll bars to explore the diagram; the zoom slider lets you change the magnification.
  • Click Go to Definition ( ) on the shortcut menu to display a new page that shows just the type definition.
  • Click Display Definition ( ) on the shortcut menu to jump to the place in the XML Schema where the type is defined.

Text Pane

The text pane appears directly beneath the XML Schema diagram pane. It displays the XML Schema code represented by the nodes you create in the diagram. The default font is Courier New, but you can change it to whatever font you want by clicking the Change Font button ( ).

Stylus Studio synchronizes the diagram and text views of the XML Schema - any changes you make in the diagram are reflected in the text pane, and vice versa. Synchronization information is displayed in the bar that separates the diagram and text panes. Current status is displayed on the right. When the two views are synchronized, Stylus Studio displays this graphic: . When Stylus Studio detects a change, such as a change to the text, it displays a message and changes the status graphic, as shown in Figure 73.

Figure 73. Synchronization Status is Monitored and Displayed

Stylus Studio also flags any XML Schema errors in the text pane - lines that contain errors are identified with a red dot, and the type and location of the error is displayed in the status area at the top of the text pane, as shown here:

Figure 74. Text Pane Highlights XML Schema Errors

When you click the error message, Stylus Studio jumps to that part of the XML Schema containing the error. When you correct one error, information about the next error detected by Stylus Studio (if any) is displayed in the status area.

You can use the splitter to resize the text pane to view more or less text, or you can hide it entirely using the controls on the splitter's right side.

Figure 75. Splitter Controls Change Size of Text and Diagram Panes

Stylus Studio supports back-mapping between the text pane and the XML Schema diagram pane - if you click a node in the diagram, Stylus Studio scrolls the text pane to display the line of XML Schema that defines the node you clicked. A blue triangle is displayed to the left of the exact line of code.

Definition Browser

The definition browser is a drop-down list that displays all the child nodes of the schema node. It is located at the top of the Diagram tab.

Figure 76. Definition Browser

When you select a node from the definition browser, Stylus Studio displays a new page in the XML Schema diagram pane that shows the definition of the node you select. In addition, the definition browser displays information about that node.

Figure 77. Information About the Selected Node

To return to the page you were viewing previously, press the back ( ) button.



When you display a node using the definition browser, the focus of the text pane does not change. Clicking the node jumps you to that part of the XML Schema where the node is defined.

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