Built-In Adapters

In addition to the adapters you create using the Convert to XML module ( .conv files), Stylus Studio comes bundled with numerous predefined adapters to assist you in converting files to XML documents. You can use these adapters to convert many common file formats, such as EDI, CSV, dBase, RTF, and Windows .ini files. The process for using user-defined and built-in adapters is essentially the same, as described in the following section, How to Open a File Using an Adapter.

Stylus Studio currently provides the following adapters, all of which are bidirectional, with the exception of mBox and WinWrite, which operate only as native-to-XML.

For More Information
Converts a binary file into a Base-64 one-element file. This adapter can be useful for converting binaries that are to be included within another file.
Converts a binary file into a hex-encoded one-element file. This adapter can be useful for converting binaries that are to be included within another file.
Converts a comma-separated text file to XML, and vice versa
dBase_II, dBase_III, dBase_III_plus, dBase_IV, dBaseV
Converts dBase database management system files to XML, and vice versa.
Converts Data Interchange Format files to XML, and vice versa. Sometimes used for spreadsheet interchange.
Converts Progress OpenEdge text dump files to XML, and vice versa.
Recognizes and decodes EDIFACT and X12 files to XML, and vice versa.
Uses JTidy to convert HTML to XHTML, and vice versa.
Converts a Java .properties file to XML, and vice versa.
When converting text to XML, wraps each line of the incoming file with an XML tag; when converting XML to text, it writes each tag of depth two's content as a line.
Parses the .mbox file and wraps the header and body of a text message with an XML tag. The MBox adapter can be used for mbox-to-XML conversion only. Supports MIME attachments - any message attachments are properly decoded and rendered as XML. Specifically:
l Text and plain attachments are embedded as text
l Binary attachments are embedded as hex-encoded data
l XML-encoded attachments are emitted as escaped text
Reads an RTF file, and converts RTF tags to XML, and vice versa.
Super Data Interchange (SDI) is a later version of DIF.
Converts Microsoft SYmbolic LinK format files, used for spreadsheet interchange, to XML, and vice versa.
Converts a tab-separated text file to XML, and vice versa
Converts a Windows .ini file to XML, and vice versa.
Converts Windows WinWrite .wri files to XML.
Table 22. Adapters

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