Comma-Separated and Tab-Separated Values Adapter Properties

With a few exceptions, noted in the following table, adapter properties are the same for both the comma-separated values and tab-separted values adapters.

Adapter Names in URL

CSV (comma-separated values)

TAB (tab-separated values)

Property Name
Name in URL
The encoding for the input file when it is not XML; or the encoding for the output file when it is not XML.
Line separator
See Line Separator Values for a list of values.
The separator value between each value. This can be 'TAB', any single character (a comma ( , ) is the default), or the % XX-escaped value (%2c, for example).
First row contains field names
Generated field names depend on the values in the first and number fields.
If first=yes and number=no, field names are read from the first row. Any field names after that are named column. xxx, where xxx is the column number, starting from one and including explicitly named columns in the count. If number=yes, extra columns (those after the first) are named just column.
Escape character
This character escapes quotes and separators so that they can be embedded in values. The backslash (\) is the default.
Quote character
A list of characters the adapter should interpret as quotation characters. Double and single quote marks (" ') are the default values.
Number rows and columns
If number=yes (no is the default), each row will also have an attribute, named row, which will contain the row number from the source document, starting from one. Also, each column, even those explicitly named, will have a column attribute numbering the column from one.
Any empty columns are omitted from the output, but the numbering of subsequent columns will reflect that a column(s) was skipped.
Table 152. Properties for CSV and TSV Adapters

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