Subject:Getting started Author:Joe Banko Date:26 Jan 2010 09:34 AM
I just started out evaluating Stylus Studio. While I am not an XML proficient programmer I have been writing code for a couple of decades and have a fair understanding of XML and what I need to do with it. I need to put together a Web Service that will read and write XML messages to and from a MS SQL database.
The first thing I tried was hooking into our database which resides on the same machine as Stylus Studio and got the following:
java.sql.SQLNonTransientConnectionException: [XQuery][SQLServer JDBC Driver]Error establishing socket to host and port: localhost:1433. Reason: Connection refused: connect
at com.ddtek.xquery.jdbc.sqlserverbase.BaseExceptions40.createAppropriateSQLExceptionInstance(Unknown Source)
at com.stylusstudio.DataDirectDDXQStub.getConnection(
I've removed a bunch of the error message because I think what the issue is, is that DataDirect is having trouble connecting and I really don't understand why. Visual Studio, BIDS and SMS have no trouble connecting. Is there some setup needed for the DataDirect driver.
So I decided it was time to do RTFM and go thru the tutorials but what I'm seeing in the tutorials is not what I'm seeing on the screen. I am using Stylus Studio 2010 XML Enterprise Suite. For instance, in going thru the web services tutorial I am supposed to select:
as a uddi source. I kept getting timeouts and when I tried to connect directly from a browser I could never connect. I only get the xmethods item coming up in the list of uddi sites so I tried typing in the Microsoft uddi site ( and got nothing. When I tried the MS site from a web browser I get an error page that the link is broken. Looking closer I saw that the tutorial was from 2007/2008. So I started searching this forum for help and see that an awful lot of the threads are from years before the current date.
So now a full day after installing Stylus Studio I have gotten nothing but frustration and am no closer to doing a real evaluation. Are there any recent tutorials that actually show how the software CURRENTLY works? BTW the Help files also throw all kinds of scripting errors using IE 7.