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0 new messagesTwo XML files. Two Tables. One XSLT file. NEED to populate on webpage0215979mike nichols
07/14/11 05:55pm
08/05/11 01:26pm
0 new messagesSaxon 9.3 with XSLV0113312sam mathews
07/14/11 12:44am
07/14/11 10:34am
0 new messagesHow do I remove the text string after I modified it as url line0013328Victoria Lu
07/11/11 02:29pm
07/11/11 02:29pm
0 new messagesXpath of each element0214143sol dgn
07/01/11 08:37am
08/11/11 07:23am
0 new messagesAttributes - required vs optional0114067Danae Sica
06/14/11 02:12pm
06/22/11 10:34pm
0 new messagesXML schema to XML schema with xslt0113200spyros daglas
06/14/11 06:06am
08/04/11 11:21am
0 new messageshow to preserve the & in XSLT0116885Nilesh Chavan
06/02/11 10:57am
08/04/11 11:31am
0 new messageshow to use variables within 0113657Nilesh Chavan
05/18/11 05:02pm
05/18/11 08:27pm
0 new messagesneed help in XSLT programming0214754Nilesh Chavan
05/17/11 02:23pm
05/18/11 04:59pm
0 new messagesXSLT Mapper Option... Where is it??0214090Sean O'Connor
05/17/11 02:18pm
05/18/11 02:36am
0 new messagesSelecting element based on attributes0013272Mike Craig
05/09/11 05:31pm
05/09/11 05:31pm
0 new messagesreplace question0113423Gunnar Kaysen
05/06/11 06:13am
05/13/11 12:41am
0 new messagesselect other node based on one node in certain order0013502xsl guy
05/03/11 01:39pm
05/03/11 02:39pm
0 new messagesXSLT question...0013773Jerry Janofsky
04/11/11 11:32am
04/11/11 11:32am
0 new messagesMapper and XSL0013127Xabi Lorente
04/07/11 12:17pm
04/07/11 12:17pm
0 new messagesCopying XML as is with one change, how can I insert an action into the copy procedure?0013175Laurens Aarnoudse
04/05/11 05:47am
04/05/11 05:52am
0 new messagesHelp with XSLT 0012422(Deleted User)
03/30/11 03:45pm
03/30/11 03:45pm
0 new messagesXSL repeat the parent node for each child node0014029Vishal Kumar
03/29/11 03:37pm
03/29/11 03:37pm
0 new messagesxls to xml 0013527Kevin Y
03/28/11 10:51am
03/28/11 10:51am
0 new messagesStylus support non-backreference group?0013255Dick Bridges
03/22/11 05:10pm
03/22/11 05:10pm
0 new messagesAssigning records to existing variable0012947ravi kumar
03/21/11 06:03am
03/21/11 06:03am
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