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Stylus Studio EDI Standards SupportStylus Studio supports the following EDI standards: EANCOMEANCOM is a subset of EDIFACT with expanded codelists covering specific vertical industries and is maintained by GS1. EDIFACTEDIFACT stands for "Electronic Data Interchange For Administration, Commerce and Transport" and is a standard way to textually describe information for communication between separate computer systems. Edig@sEdig@s (EDI·GAS) is an Electronic Data Interchange standard dealing with commerce, transport (via pipeline or container) and storage of gas. HIPAAHIPAA is a specific set of messages based on the ASC X12 standard which are used for healthcare-related information exchange. DataDirect XML Converters supports HIPAA versions 004010A1, 005010 and 005010A1. HL7The HL7 standard is a set of EDI and XML messages designed to interchange information between healthcare providers. It is maintained by Health Level Seven, Inc., under the umbrella of the American National Standards Institute (ANSI). (DataDirect Technologies is an HL7 benefactor.) IATAIATA is an implementation of the PADIS (Passenger and Airport Data Interchange Standards) EDI standard governed by a group called the International Air Transport Association IATA. NCPDPNCPDP is an implementation of the SCRIPT EDI standard governed by a group called the National Council for Prescription Drug Programs – NCPDP. TRADACOMSTRADACOMS is a pioneering implementation of EDI used primarily in the UK for retail and publishing data exchange. Stylus Studio supports both the 931 edition as well as the publishing industry's BIC extensions. X12Stylus Studio supports accessing and converting all currently electronically published versions of the X12 standard, across all transaction sets, from release 003030 to 005040. Using Stylus Studio, it's easy to convert X12 EDI into XML in as little as 10 lines of Java or C# code. |
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