Stylus Studio® Frequently Asked Product Questions for Business Managers

What is Stylus Studio® in Non-Technical Terms?

Stylus Studio® is a powerful, award winning software development tool suite that makes it easy for engineers to become productive at working with XML and related data integration technologies, providing numerous powerful editors (for XML, XSLT, XQuery, XML Schema, EDI, etc.), and synergistic utilities for finding and correcting software "bugs", and many other helpful features. Stylus Studio® enables engineers to build new XML enabled software applications.

What about these Data Integration Components?

In addition providing a comprehensive suite of XML tools, we also support DataDirect XML Converters™ — these are high-perfomance, native Java & .NET components that stream any data in and out of your applications in a standards-compliant fashion. Ask yourself: are you writing an XML application that you plan to run from within a desktop application such as Stylus Studio, which you then copy and paste the results somewhere, or are you trying to write something that needs to run as part of a software application? If your answer is yes to the latter, then you'll need DataDirect XML Converters™ — check out the DataDirect XML Converters™ FAQ for more information. By providing both design tools and deployment components, you'll find it's easier then ever to take your designs off the drawing board and deploy them into a live production environment.

What companies use Stylus Studio®?

Over a million users from approximately 100,000 leading companies worldwide have chosen Stylus Studio® as their preferred XML Integrated Development Environment (XML IDE). Companies and organizations which use Stylus Studio®come from a broad cross section of business industries and include all Fortune 500 companies. Visit our customer reference page for a partial listing of current Stylus Studio® users and to read about what our customers have to say about Stylus Studio®.

Who uses Stylus Studio®?

Stylus Studio®'s XML developer community of millions of users across a technologically and functionally diverse group of IT professionals, owing to the wide range of enterprise computing fields that are touched by XML. In general, the most common users of Stylus Studio® include: software application developers, software product developers, database developers & DBA's, Web developers, and home/student users.

What kinds of software applications can be built with Stylus Studio®?

As a general-purpose XML Tools Suite, Stylus Studio® is designed for working with XML in literally any imaginable software application. Some typical usages of Stylus Studio® include (but are not limited to): standards-based data integration, electronic commerce, data conversion, report generation, Web services, etc.

Where can I buy Stylus Studio®? How much does it cost?

Buy Stylus Studio® today from our online shop, starting as low as just a few hundred bucks (USD) for a Stylus Studio® XML Professional Suite single installed user license. Volume discounts are available. If you are unable to purchase via credit card online, try contacting one of our preferred software resellers. Our every-day value prices enable you to get a lot more for your money with Stylus Studio — it's just one of the many reasons why so many developers are making the switch to Stylus Studio every day!

What are the Benefits of Using Stylus Studio®?

Inncreased productivity, the ability to use more innovative technologies at affordable prices that maximize value — these are the main benefits derived from the usage of Stylus Studio®. Learn more about how your software development organization can benefit from Stylus Studio® today!


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Why Pay More for XML Tools?

With Stylus Studio® X16 XML Enterprise Suite, you get the most comprehensive XML tool suite at one incredibly low price. Value: it's just one of many reasons why smart XML developers are choosing Stylus Studio!

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