Working with Tables in XSLT

This free video tutorial about working with tables in XSLT covers how to handle iteration and looping using xsl:for-each to create HTML reports driven by XML data. Please note: As of Stylus Studio 2007 Release 2 (May 2007) support for the WYSIWYG XSLT designer has been replaced with XML Publisher, a more powerful XML-based tool for developing report generation applications.

Working with Tables in XSLT covers the following topics in detail:

  • Performing operations on tables in the WYSIWYG XSLT editing view
  • Using XSLT conditional processing to create advanced tables
  • Visually inspecting the XML source document
  • Drag-and-Drop operations in the XSLT Editor
  • Sorting tables based on XPath properties
  • Using xsl:choose and xsl:otherwise to develop custom conditional processing expressions that control output formatting
  • Working with XML elements and attributes
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