Visual Data Integration Using Stylus Studio XML Pipeline

XML Pipeline is a powerful visual data integration tool for designing, editing, debugging and deploying complete XML applications. This online video tutorial covers the design and deployment of an data integration application that aggregates information from various heterogeneous data sources including CSV and EDI, then publishes the result to both an HTML and PDF output format. Learn how to simplify data integration, including ETL, EII and EAI applications with powerful visual XML tools from Stylus Studio today.

Visual Data Integration Using Stylus Studio XML Pipeline covers the following topics:

Watch the entire XML Pipeline tutorial series!

  1. Running XSLT, XQuery and XML Schema Together Using XML Pipeline
  2. Using the Stylus Studio XML Pipeline to Visually Integrate and Publish Data
  • Using the XML Pipeline to create and generate code for XML applications
  • Understanding nodes which represent XML operations and other XML processing tasks
  • Expressing the flow of data within in an application using pipes
  • Executing an XML Pipeline that converts text and EDI to XML, and publishes XML to PDF and HTML output formats.
  • Using the Pipeline toolbox to specify different operations including XQuery processing, XSLT transformation, data conversion operations, validation and more.
  • Using DataDirect XML Converters™ to convert legacy data into XML
  • Working with the input and output ports in XML Pipeline
  • Zooming in and out of an XML pipeline document
  • Visually piping the output of an XQuery into the input of an XSLT (designed using XML Publisher) for additional processing
  • Browsing the generated HTML output documents
  • Piping the output of an XQuery into the input of another XQuery that generates XSL:FO stylesheet code
  • Browsing the generated PDF output documents
  • Generating Java code to run the XML Pipeline
  • Debugging an XML Pipeline with the pipeline debugger
Free Stylus Studio XML Training: