Home > XML IDE - XML Editor > Customers > Technology Consultant Loves, Recommends Stylus Stu
Technology Consultant Loves, Recommends Stylus StudioActual Email from Consultant / Developer to ClientGood morning, < COMPANY NAME >. Turns out that Stylus Studio Enterprises Edition is a gem. For the price of cubic zirconium ($695.00) you get a high-end diamond. Converting from EDI to XML is a snap. Let me tell you what I like best about the software:
Based upon my understanding of the project and your environment, I think this software will give you the toolset you need to quickly develop auto-import functionality for your application using in-house resources at < COMPANY NAME >. There is, of course, a ton of other XML-stuff Stylus Studio can do, and you may very well find other uses for the product. As a final note, you should know the company has been responsive to both e-mail messages and telephone calls (a live person -- a developer, I believe -- has answered when I have called them). A fully functional 15-day trial version is available (http://www.stylusstudio.com/xml-download.html). Download the Enterprise Suite since it is the only version with the EDI conversion functionality enabled. Please let me know whether or not you need more information or feedback on the product, and please contact me with any follow-on questions, comments, or concerns. Thanks. Knoll Enterprises - Custom Software Development Stylus Studio is a registered trademark of Progress Software Corporation. XML Pipeline Server is a pending registered trademark of IVI Technologies, Inc. |
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