Enterprise Data Processing & Delivery - Customer Story

Featuring XML Pipeline Server

The IVI Technologies team is proud to present a great customer story about Standard Bank located in Namibia and system integrator Berchtold Software Development and Training.


Standard Bank is one of Namibia’s oldest companies with over 100 years of banking expertise. Standard Bank is part of Standard Bank Group, a large financial services company that is rooted in Africa and reaches all corners of the world. Standard Bank must comply with many regulations and one of those regulations is the Financial Intelligence Act (FIA). The FIA is Namibian anti-money laundering legislation that came into operation in 2009. The FIA is aimed at the combating of money laundering by identifying and prosecuting all those involved in money laundering activities.


Standard Bank Namibia is required to deliver information about specific transfers that occur in an xml file format to the regulator, the Financial Intelligence Centre Namibia, in a timely fashion.

Solution Overview:

Standard Bank extracts the necessary transaction information as csv files from their banking system. These csv files are then processed by IVI Technologies XML Pipeline Server where the files are converted into the required XML format. For maximum traceability and forensics, XML Pipeline Server stores processed files into a processed folder while its respective original file is stored in an archive folder. XML Pipeline Server also stores files with any exceptions together with the failure reason (as XML) into an exception folder.

Solution Elements:

The project has been realized and implemented by Berchtold Software Development and Training cc in Windhoek/Namibia (www.BSDaT.com) with the use of Stylus Studio Enterprise Edition (www.StylusStudio.com) and IVI Technologies XML Pipeline Server for flat files (www.XMLPipeLineServer.com).

Solution Detail:

In the screenshot below, you can see the Stylus Studio® XML Pipeline that was drawn interactively. The pipeline converts flat files into XML, performs schema validation and splits the input document into individual transactions. BSDaT developers were able to design and test the entire flow interactively in Stylus Studio Enterprise Suite.

The following screenshot shows the XML Pipeline Server dashboard just after completing 5,000 transactions from a single flat file. Thanks to its highly optimized parallelized engine, XML Pipeline Server was able to deliver tremendous performance even on small 2 core virtual machines.

Integrators Reaction:

XML Pipeline Server allowed for the dynamic adaptability the BSDaT team was looking for. “After evaluating several solutions we came to the conclusion that IVI Technologies XML Pipeline Server is the most flexible deployment platform for our needs. Working with the IVI team has been a great experience and give us the confidence that no matter what challenges lie ahead we have them on our side,” BSDaT founder, Susanne Berchtold said.

For more information on XML Pipeline Server or Stylus Studio, contact the IVI Technologies team today.

IVI Technologies is the master distributor of Progress® DataDirect® Stylus Studio®, the award-winning XML Integrated Development Environment (IDE) and XML Editor from Progress Software and the developer of XML Pipeline Server™ (www.XMLPipeLineServer.com).

If you have a similar requirement or want more detailed information, please contact us at 305-748-4155 and we can get you started right away.

If you have a great story or quote about XML Pipeline Server or Stylus Studio XML IDE that you would like to share, we would love to hear from you. Please Contact Us and let us know how XML Pipeline Server or Stylus Studio has helped you or helped your company.

Stylus Studio is a registered trademark of Progress Software Corporation. XML Pipeline Server is a pending registered trademark of IVI Technologies, Inc.


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