Java and XML for Dummies

Java and XML For DummiesWe're pleased to provide chapter one of the popular Java and XML for Dummies book, entitled Java and XML: In Search of the Holy Grail, by Barry Burd. Java & XML For Dummies shows experienced Java developers how to start incorporating XML data in to their applications. Topics covered include Java/XML Bindings, Simple API for XML (SAX), Document Object Model (DOM), SOAP, Web Services, data binding, XML from Java Applications, messaging with XML and Java, DTDs, namespaces, Xpath, CSS, UDDI, HTTP handing servers for SOAP and other XML format messages via serverlets, differences between parsers, Java API programming tools for handling XML, using XML to solve real-world programming problems, WSDL, UDDI, EAI, Message routing, turning java objects into XML, databases in XML.

Table of contents

  • Introduction.
  • PART I: Getting Started.
    • Chapter 1: Java and XML: Joining Forces in Search of the Holy Grail.
    • Chapter 2: Try This!
  • PART II: General-Purpose Tools.
    • Chapter 3: Scanning Data from Top to Bottom (Using SAX).
    • Chapter 4: Checking Your Document.
    • Chapter 5: Useful Tools in the SAX API.
    • Chapter 6: SAX Programming Techniques.
    • Chapter 7: Scanning Data from the Inside Out (Using DOM)
    • Chapter 8: Useful Tools in the DOM API.
    • Chapter 9: DOM Programming Techniques.
    • Chapter 10: Scanning Data the Elegant Way (Using JDOM)
    • Chapter 11: Using JDOM to the Max.
    • Chapter 12: Transforming XML Data.
    • Chapter 13: Viewing XML Data on the Web.
    • Chapter 14: Creating Custom Code for Your Document.
    • Chapter 15: Using JAXB to the MaxB.
  • PART III: Special-Purpose Tools for the Web-Services Revolution.
    • Chapter 16: Sending SOAP Messages with JAXM.
    • Chapter 17: Working with XML registries.
    • Chapter 18: Automating Web-Service Processes (Using JAX-RPC).
  • PART IV: Ten Parts of Ten.
    • Chapter 19: Ten Important Web Sites.
    • Chapter 19: Ten Important Web Sites.

Author Biography

Barry Burd, PhD, teaches computer science at Drew University. He also trains professional programmers and speaks widely at conferences. His books include Java 2 For Dummies and JSP: JavaServer Pages.

Additional Book Information

Author: Barry Burd
Paperback: 432 pages
Publisher: For Dummies; 1st edition (June 15, 2002)
ISBN: 0764516582


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