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RE: RE: French History, why french cheese has such anunmistaka

history of french cheese
On Wed, 2006-07-19 at 01:43 -0500, sterling wrote:
> Suppose the location of paris was 
>    a) developed by its designers
>    b) kept secret by trade secret agreements
>    c) gated by its use patents
> then 
>    a) to get in you must be invited
>    b) only three people a week are invited
>    c) legal entrants get $100 each just for entering to paris.
>    d) On departing Paris you can take home as much gold as you wish?
>    e) paris has billions in gold. 

ouchy ouch... 

maybe you were talking about something else but for the sake of
dramatics and a good story, I'm going to take it as a swipe at my so
called open source project. Could be I'm right off track - doesn't
matter - let's move on

before I do, how did you know I only invite 3 people a week and promise
them $100 worth of beer? and that you need an invitation.. 

but what you say shows you know nothing about the real history of Paris.

didn't you know that Paris was originally started by two or three smelly
french hunchbacks drinking red wine, living in a cave, never shaving and
and polishing cheese with their armpit sweat to get a nice crust on it
when they cooked it in the fire..?

Those were the good old days... it wasn't about inviting people in, just
abusing them as they went past on their way to England or to Italy to
see the Pope...  but it's been going on since the year dot..

but for the Paris hunchbacks.. that was the essence of life...

people noticed that the hunchbacks were happy, even if they were a bit
on the nose... never shaved and washed themselves in the river.. Safe
travellers would make a quick trip in, pick up some cheese and wine and
out, and try not to get in a conversation.

But after a while more people moved in, artists and all. Did paintings
to cover the cave paintings which were really just vomit stains. The
need for more colours in the cave paintings meant that more ingredients
had to go into the food.. and suddenly fine french cuisine was born. 

Anyway I won't bore you with the other details...

Suffice to say that the story of the hunchbacks lives on to this day and
the original hunchbacks still rub their armpits on the cheese down in
the caves and and grotos and nobody from any other country is any the

hey I know French history very well... I've read Asterix comics...  



ps: old timers with smelly armpits and others are welcome to join my
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maybe employ some open-source consultants that know the ins and outs. 

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