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Open Standards Organization

standards organization definition of standards
Title: RE: Fwd: (void) XML [expletive deleted]
Okay, here's where I get to pull a Ross Perot and say that response to the suggestion of creating an alternative open standards organization has been so overwhelming that, against my will, I am forced to pursue it. None of this is entirely true, since I"m actually excited about pursuing this possibility and the response has been significant, but not overwhelming. At the same time, I don't think we need 400,000 people involved to give this a go (4 is more like it).
Based on feedback, I would suggest the following goals (in order of priority):
1) Identify a core set of recommended XML specifications.
2) Identify or create subsets of certain specifications if the existing specs are needlessly complex (starting with XML itself).
3) Create new specs to fill in the gaps.
To this I would add a metagoal:
4) Evangelize the recommended set of specifications or specification subsets to development organizations in order to promote adoption.
Without 4), the whole effort is going to remain an academic exercise. Luckily, a lot of outspoken individuals have expressed interest.
As next steps I would propose the following:
1) Set up a mailing list for discussion among interested parties.
2) Write a manifesto describing the organization's goals and raison d'etre.
3) Create a charter that describes the organization's structure, decision-making procedures, etc. I would use the Apache Group as the model for this, assuming this is appropriate (need to research this more).
4) Create a website where (once again, in order of priority):
    a) The manifesto and initial list of recommended specs can be published.
    b) Collaborative work can be hosted.
I would appreciate any comments, encouragement and offers of help (many thanks already to those who have provided one or more of these). Existing offers to help with hosting and/or web design are hereby gladly accepted (personally I couldn't design a website to save my life). For everyone else, stay tuned...


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