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Re: Babel (again) or standard taqs and aliases (UDEF, Bizcodes)

  • From: David RR Webber <Gnosis_@c...>
  • To: "KenNorth" <KenNorth@e...>, Ron Schuldt <roncals@a...>
  • Date: Mon, 1 May 2000 19:06:48 -0400

question taqs

These look like and OK start point - but seem very military focused - 
tank rounds and aircraft engine components immediately come to mind!

Rations - (what really makes the Army march!) may have properties that
are missing here!  Such as Energy, Vitamin, Contains, and of course, 
no doubt - just like the W3C datatypes - you can derive more primatives
using the 17 basics..... I'm beginning to wish I'd not asked this question

Thanks, DW.
Message text written by "KenNorth"
"The 17 UDEF property words (class words within DoD 8320.1-M-1) are as

* Amount - A monetary value.
* Angle - The rotational measurement between two lines and/or planes
diverging from a common point and/or line.
* Area - The two dimensional measurement of a surface expressed in
unit squares.
* Code - A combination of one or more numbers, letters, or special
characters substituted for a specific meaning.
* Coordinate - One of a set of values which identifies the location of
a point.
* Date - The notation of a specific period of time.
* Dimension - A one dimensional measured linear distance.
* Identifier - A combination of one or more numbers, letters, or
special characters which designates a specific object and/or entity, but
no readily definable meaning.
* Mass - The measure of inertia of a body.
* Name - A designation of an object and/or entity expressed in a word
or phrase.
* Quantity - A nonmonetary numeric value.
* Rate - A quantitative expression that represents the numeric
relationship between two measurable units.
* Temperature - The measure of heat in an object.
* Text - An unformatted character string generally in the form of
* Time - A notation of a specified chronological point within a
* Volume - A measurement of space occupied by a three dimensional
* Weight - The force with which an object is attracted toward the
earth and/or other celestial body by gravitation."


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