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Subject New Replies Views Started By Last Reply
0 new messagesProblem with multiple imports into a schema046420Anonymous
06/11/02 02:20am
06/12/02 06:25pm
0 new messagesSS4 build88: problem with Back-map Stack window016451Hans-Peter Küchler
06/10/02 07:20am
06/10/02 03:20pm
0 new messagesMSXSL 3.0 working outside studio buth not from wit026544Paul Hermans
06/10/02 07:09am
06/13/02 11:31am
0 new messagesincorrect xml namespace related behaviour016355Paul Hermans
06/10/02 07:07am
06/10/02 10:00am
0 new messagesSupport for Schemas with Namespace definitions036424Thomas Daggett
06/07/02 03:16pm
06/11/02 03:17pm
0 new messagesView Sequence/Choice in Diagram036681Didier Rano
06/07/02 08:13am
06/17/02 01:56pm
0 new messagesXML-to-HTML WYSIWYG: do you want to be an early Beta tester?006489Minollo I.
06/05/02 11:12am
06/05/02 11:12am
0 new messages4.0 build 088 crashes while validating XSD026644Anonymous
06/05/02 02:00am
06/11/02 02:26am
0 new messagesTest output xml scenario using stylus026684Darryl Jordan
06/04/02 11:10am
06/04/02 11:17am
0 new messagesBeta 4.0.84b: feature request016091Hans-Peter Küchler
06/02/02 10:47am
06/02/02 11:08am
0 new messagesChanges lost with SourceSafe checkout015811Tim Dallmann
05/31/02 12:25pm
05/31/02 12:40pm
0 new messagesWhy use Xerces 1.7 and not 2.0?015771Martin Roberts
05/28/02 09:09am
05/28/02 09:19am
0 new messagesBeta 4.0.84b: bug changing MDI window focus035563Hans-Peter Küchler
05/27/02 10:12am
10/04/02 04:41pm
0 new messagesStylus Studio crash015300Jorge Ertl
05/27/02 05:32am
05/27/02 06:00am
0 new messagesXSL:FO and background images - PDF025879Dorthe Jĝrgensen
05/23/02 07:17am
05/23/02 09:46am
0 new messagesexternal function not found when it's in a package025545Howard Ungar
05/22/02 04:20pm
05/22/02 04:58pm
0 new messagesStylus Studio slow processing Formatting Objects085630Howard Ungar
05/22/02 04:06pm
05/23/02 02:45pm
0 new messagesStylus 3/4 beta have a bug055587Raman Singh
05/22/02 12:13pm
05/22/02 02:46pm
0 new messagesSave files when using external xslt engine015655Martin Roberts
05/21/02 07:54am
05/21/02 09:57am
0 new messagesMultiple file operations in Project window015608Martin Roberts
05/20/02 08:17am
05/20/02 09:42am
0 new messagesProject File Changes when Stylesheet Opened035794Tim Dallmann
05/17/02 03:06pm
05/23/02 11:21am
0 new messagesDebugging java in 3.1-69u025988John Howard
05/16/02 01:45pm
05/18/02 03:03pm
0 new messagesIncluded file refering to external namespaces056085Martin Roberts
05/16/02 08:58am
05/20/02 08:01am
0 new messagesThe XML file doesn't have a schema to validate 036134Martin Roberts
05/16/02 06:35am
05/16/02 08:50am
0 new messagesWhen is Excelon going to do XSD validation correct015967Martin Roberts
05/16/02 06:03am
05/16/02 06:32am
0 new messagesNo Topic026112Hans-Peter Küchler
05/15/02 10:11am
05/15/02 10:19am
0 new messages'File modified' dialog box keeps popping up026232Robert Buck
05/13/02 10:39am
05/15/02 08:03am
0 new messagesSource Control, Project and Error026097Yitzhak Khabinsky
05/10/02 02:46pm
05/10/02 03:37pm
0 new messagesStylus demo 3.1 build 069u crash026185Douglas Campbell
05/08/02 09:06pm
05/09/02 03:41pm
0 new messagesAutomatic Generation XML Schema015539Claus Chuang
05/07/02 06:47am
05/07/02 08:47am
0 new messagesIndent XML Tags removes wanted Whitespace086017Ken Sayers
05/06/02 11:07am
05/06/02 04:11pm
0 new messagesXSLT Preview in tree mode035570Yitzhak Khabinsky
05/06/02 10:31am
05/06/02 11:07am
0 new messagesopen file dialog from network share0115783Yitzhak Khabinsky
04/30/02 04:50pm
05/02/02 01:04pm
0 new messages4.0 Beta BL84 now available005552Minollo I.
04/30/02 02:33pm
04/30/02 02:33pm
0 new messagesBeta 4.0.83c: difference between SS and Xalan-J015632Hans-Peter Küchler
04/29/02 04:36pm
04/29/02 04:44pm
0 new messagesFeature Request045763Adam Van den Hoven
04/27/02 07:53pm
05/23/02 09:16am
0 new messagesXHTML v.1.1015963Yitzhak Khabinsky
04/26/02 04:06pm
04/26/02 05:18pm
0 new messagesBeta 4.0.83c: some errors035841Hans-Peter Küchler
04/25/02 08:28am
04/26/02 08:05am
0 new messagesXML Mapper and namespaces in XSD016110Michael Hinchey
04/24/02 07:24pm
04/25/02 11:16am
0 new messagesXHTML and HTML entities016020Yitzhak Khabinsky
04/24/02 04:20pm
04/24/02 04:44pm
0 new messagesPatch available yet to fix the XSD to XML wizard?016097Stephen McCall
04/23/02 02:37pm
04/23/02 03:01pm
0 new messagesxsd:list as character data026474Robert Buck
04/22/02 04:17pm
04/22/02 05:06pm
0 new messagesbug in schema pane of xslt editor016215Bruce Wallace
04/19/02 03:45am
04/19/02 09:55am
0 new messagesHow to debug a rendering error?026740Erich Kilmer
04/17/02 03:05pm
04/17/02 04:40pm
0 new messagesJava compiler036962Jayashree Desale
04/17/02 10:14am
04/17/02 12:50pm
0 new messagesRequest: optional message box016364Silvain Piree
04/17/02 06:08am
04/17/02 09:52am
0 new messagesversion 3.1 build 069h crashes016376Udo Martschat
04/17/02 04:07am
04/17/02 09:52am
0 new messagesStandard Windows Explorer functionality in FileOp016504Roy Kiesler
04/16/02 04:29pm
04/16/02 05:10pm
0 new messagesWhat version of FOP in Studio 4.0?016515Erich Kilmer
04/15/02 03:33pm
04/15/02 03:37pm
0 new messagesKeyboard Accelerators (shortkeys)015847.m Krasnoperov
04/10/02 04:24am
04/10/02 05:44am
0 new messageslink element not closed in v4 beta015407Tom Hebbron
04/09/02 10:29am
04/09/02 01:51pm
0 new messagesBeta 4.083c: generated schema is inconsistent015328Leonard Walstad
04/09/02 08:47am
04/09/02 04:21pm
0 new messages4.0.82 and Auto-close open tag '015358Andreas Gortsilas
04/08/02 04:57am
04/08/02 09:51am
0 new messagesPost process for SVG035555Leonard Walstad
04/05/02 08:00am
04/05/02 09:46am
0 new messages4.0.83c Short Cut Keys (Tools - Keyboard)005446(Deleted User)
04/05/02 01:38am
04/05/02 01:38am
0 new messages4.0.83c Mapper issue015523(Deleted User)
04/05/02 01:08am
04/05/02 08:53am
0 new messagesError setting up scenario015591Matthew Heironimus
04/04/02 12:00pm
04/04/02 03:42pm
0 new messagesStruzzo log for SS 3.1 build 069e015645Al Norman
04/04/02 09:33am
04/04/02 10:00am
0 new messagesLost Project Window015697Cheryl Williford
04/03/02 02:45pm
04/03/02 02:52pm
0 new messagesXSLT Editor Scrollbar005897Jorge Ertl
04/03/02 04:05am
04/03/02 04:05am
0 new messages4.0.082, extension functions and xis026220(Deleted User)
04/02/02 09:25am
04/04/02 12:28am
0 new messagesValidation Parsing026442Levine Levine
04/01/02 12:44pm
04/03/02 09:27am
0 new messages3.1 BL69u and 4.0 Beta BL83b006019Minollo I.
03/30/02 05:29pm
03/30/02 05:29pm
0 new messagesentity expansion036054Lee Mandell
03/29/02 11:22am
04/03/02 10:42am
0 new messagesBeta 4 comments016190(Deleted User)
03/28/02 04:27am
03/28/02 11:53am
0 new messagesStruzzo log from version 3.1 build 69r016030David Hinz
03/27/02 03:11pm
03/27/02 03:25pm
0 new messages4.0 Beta Issue: Text Stripped When Indenting016165Shane Graham
03/25/02 10:37am
03/25/02 10:56am
0 new messagesProblems with includes using XSD to XML wizard016370Stephen McCall
03/22/02 09:03am
03/22/02 09:09am
0 new messagesProblems for keyboard jockeys046407Neil Bentley
03/22/02 07:21am
03/22/02 01:55pm
0 new messagesCrash when previewing025717Peter Jonsson
03/21/02 04:47pm
03/22/02 01:56pm
0 new messagesRepress conversion of to actual line feed015654Solomon Fried
03/21/02 11:50am
03/21/02 12:35pm
0 new messages4.0 Beta questions045672(Deleted User)
03/21/02 03:16am
03/22/02 01:43am
0 new messagesXSLT document validation...015272Alex Kucherenko
03/20/02 08:32am
03/22/02 01:57pm
0 new messages4.0 Beta now available!005270Minollo I.
03/19/02 02:04pm
03/19/02 02:04pm
0 new messagesToggle Preview Window015378(Deleted User)
03/19/02 08:10am
03/19/02 09:27am
0 new messagesStruzzo.log for you...045435Mark Levitt
03/15/02 08:50am
03/22/02 01:58pm
0 new messagesjava extensions (2)055833Daniel Lucio
03/12/02 06:25pm
03/13/02 11:47am
0 new messagesjava extensions056088Daniel Lucio
03/11/02 05:42pm
03/12/02 06:18pm
0 new messagesStruzzo.log report (where do these belong on SSDN?035653William Reilly
03/10/02 08:43am
06/06/02 09:52am
0 new messagesMapper wont cancel025676Bruce Wallace
03/06/02 01:11pm
03/07/02 02:53pm
0 new messagesS.S doesnt understand file shortcuts?025819Bruce Wallace
03/06/02 01:03pm
03/06/02 01:11pm
0 new messagesSS doesn't recognize VisualSourceSafe056018Tom Weilert
03/05/02 04:32pm
03/05/02 05:28pm
0 new messagesxsd with duplicate element names066036Richard LeBlanc
03/05/02 02:26pm
03/19/02 09:28am
0 new messagesChanging Project File Location breaks project016136Jonathan Fallin
03/05/02 10:49am
03/05/02 11:10am
0 new messagesWhen will the ver. 2.0 WYSIWYG XSL editor return?026076Tony Goodin
03/04/02 05:16pm
03/07/02 10:41am
0 new messagesReplace All in selection BUG036153Bruce Wallace
03/03/02 06:11pm
03/12/02 12:22pm
0 new messagesline breaks and spaces016068Gerald Nelson
03/01/02 08:43am
03/01/02 10:09am
0 new messagesSS Crash -log attached0196465Henry Fang
02/28/02 08:27pm
04/04/02 06:49pm
0 new messagessupported output encodings016170Rudolf P Weinmann
02/28/02 04:46am
02/28/02 08:51am
0 new messagesMSXML 4.0 Support035766Tim Dallmann
02/27/02 05:04pm
03/03/02 10:48am
0 new messagesSourceSafe user in project files045746Tim Dallmann
02/27/02 04:56pm
03/04/02 06:07am
0 new messagesMigration to Xerces 2?025653Ramsey Ameen
02/27/02 07:40am
02/28/02 03:32pm
0 new messagesProblem java extension function and DocFrags025780Joachim Siebold
02/22/02 12:18pm
02/23/02 05:09am
0 new messageswhy does validator ignore processContents='skip' ?015783Bruce Wallace
02/22/02 10:27am
02/22/02 11:06am
0 new messagescrash; log attached015790Bruce Wallace
02/21/02 10:09pm
02/21/02 10:38pm
0 new messagesstylesheet changes and Visual Source Safe086206Hans-Peter Küchler
02/21/02 01:47pm
02/23/02 07:05am
0 new messagesxsl:attribute with the same attribute name016070Hans-Peter Küchler
02/21/02 12:26pm
02/21/02 06:43pm
0 new messagesFeature request026318(Deleted User)
02/21/02 07:53am
02/21/02 06:43pm
0 new messagesFeature Request Node Drag & Drop006200(Deleted User)
02/21/02 02:22am
02/21/02 02:22am
0 new messagesStylus 2 and IE 6016327Matt Richards
02/20/02 06:32am
02/23/02 01:32am
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