Overview of Scenario Features

This section describes the main features of XSLT scenarios. It covers the following topics:

XML Source Documents

The main benefit of the XSLT scenario feature is that it lets you specify the XML document against which you want to run your XSLT. By default, Stylus Studio uses the first source document you add using the XSLT mapper as the XML source document for the scenario. You can specify the XML source document setting on the General tab of the Scenario Properties dialog box.

Figure 255. General Tab of XSLT Scenario Properties Dialog Box

See Source Documents to learn more about the process of selecting and working with source documents in XSLT mapper.

Global Parameters

The Parameter Values tab of the Scenario Properties dialog box displays any global parameters you have defined in the XSLT source and allows you to

  • Specify an alternate value to use when running the scenario
  • Indicate whether the value is an XPath expression or a string

For example, imagine the following parameter defined in the XSLT source:

<xsl:param name="my_title" select="'Confederacy of Dunces'"/>


This parameter is displayed on the Parameter Values tab as follows:

Figure 256. Specifying Alternate Values for XSLT Parameters

If you want to specify an alternate parameter value for this scenario, click the Parameter value to be used when processing entry field. If the alternate value you enter is an XPath expression, click the associated check box.



All global parameters you define for a stylesheet are displayed on the Params/Other tab of the XSLT editor. Parameters displayed on this tab are read-only.

XSLT Processors

By default, Stylus Studio uses a built-in processor to process XSLT documents. You can change the processor on the Processor tab of the Scenario Properties dialog box.

Figure 257. Changing the Default XSLT Processor

You can choose from a number of third-party processors that are bundled with Stylus Studio, or you can specify your own custom processor.



Not all third-party processors, including any custom processors you might specify, support back-mapping and debugging.

See How to Use a Third-Party Processor for more information.

Performance Metrics Reporting


Performance metrics reporting is available only in Stylus Studio XML Enterprise Suite.

Stylus Studio can generate an HTML report that contains information about how your XSLT is being processed. This option is off by default, but you can enable it, and choose options for the report, on the Profiling Options tab.

See Profiling XSLT Stylesheets to learn more about the different ways in which Stylus Studio can provide you with XSLT performance metrics.

Result Document Validation

You can optionally validate the XML document that results from XSLT processing using the XML validator you specify. You can use

  • The Stylus Studio built-in XML validator. If you use the Stylus Studio built-in processor, you can optionally specify one or more XML Schemas against which you want the result document to be validated.
  • Any of the customizable processors supported by Stylus Studio, such as the .NET XML Parser, Xerces-J, and XSV.

All validation is done before any post-processing that you might have specified.

See Validating Result Documents.

Post-Processing Result Documents

You can use the Post-process tab to specify any optional processing you want performed on the XML after it has been processed by the XSLT. You might want to use FOP to render XML as PDF, for example.

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