Home > XML IDE - XML Editor > Customers > XML Editor Customer Story - Dana Pearson
Dana Pearson - Master of Library and Information SciencesThe Following is a Self-Written Customer Story from Dana PearsonDana offers metadata services to libraries, publishers and digital repositories following a career as a librarian in academic, public and special libraries. Dana has extensive knowledge of emerging metadata standards as well as library standards of cataloging and classification. Learn more: http://dbpearsonmlis.com/ "I am a librarian with no background in computer science. I work as a consultant to libraries, digitial libraries and publishers. I work with metadata; MARCXML, Dublin Core, RDF, ONIX and variety of other schemes and content marked up in XML. I acquired Stylus Studio because I needed a tool but also to learn XSLT along with various books on the subject I bought. A lucky or wise choice is up for grabs but no doubt that the choice has been a difference maker. The stylesheet editor is a marvel and revelatory for a novice. The XPath query editor makes it easy to inspect large metadata files. The color coding, drop down menus of source elements, XSLT elements and attributes provide helpful prompts and make writing stylesheets a breeze (well, once you got your feet under you). The custom XML converter has made it easy to use non-XML content to enhance metadata during transformation. But I've used only a fraction of the functionality of this tool. I continue to discover new things after several years of using it. I have recommended Stylus Studio many times to other librarians when asked for best learning resources on XSLT right along with books and websites. For me, it was by doing more than reading. And thanks to a great support staff. They go above and beyond expectations."
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