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Re: XML timeline

  • From: Rick Jelliffe <rjelliffe@allette.com.au>
  • To: xml-dev <xml-dev@lists.xml.org>
  • Date: Wed, 24 Jul 2019 10:14:41 +1000

Re:  XML timeline
First half of 1980s - it all is too complex.
Second half of 1980s - let's simplify things with SGML
First half of 1990s - it is all too complex 
Second half of the 1990s - let's simplify things with HTML or XML
First half of the 2000s - it is all too complex (a.k.a. XSD)
Second half of the 2000s - let's simplify things (JSON or Markdown)
First half of the 2010s - it's all too complex
Second half of the 2010s - let's simplify things using code (GraphQL)

So in the second half of the 2010s: what technologies I been working with in the 5 years? CSV (still), SGML (still!), XML (still!), JSON (too soon to say "still?)

Shocking prediction: first half of the 2020s will be "Its all too complex".

Perhaps we need to embrace and celebrate this infinite spiral of making new babies and then throwing them out with the bathwater.


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---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Rick Jelliffe <rjelliffe@a...>
To: xml-dev@lists.xml-dev.org
Date: Tue, 23 Jul 2019 20:56:28 +1000
Subject: Re: XML timeline
First half of 1980s - it all is too complex.
Second half of 1980s - let's simplify things with SGML
First half of 1990s - it is all too complex 
Second half of the 1990s - let's simplify things with HTML or XML
First half of the 2000s - it is all too complex (a.k.a. XSD)
Second half of the 2000s - let's simplify things (JSON or Markdown)
First half of the 2010s - it's all too complex
Second half of the 2010s - let's simplify things using code (GraphQL)

So in the second half of the 2010s: what technologies I been working with in the 5 years? CSV (still), SGML (still!), XML (still!), JSON (too soon to say "still?)

Shocking prediction: first half of the 2020s will be "Its all too complex".

Perhaps we need to embrace and celebrate this infinite spiral of making new babies and then throwing them out with the bathwater.


On Fri, 19 Jul. 2019, 12:37 am Timothy Cook, <timothywayne.cook@g...> wrote:
Does anyone know where there is a timeline openly published that depicts the development of all of the XML ecosystem components? 

Search doesn't help much since I am looking for basically a history of the XML history.


<div dir="ltr" class=" ----- Message truncated -----

On Fri, 19 Jul. 2019, 00:37 Timothy Cook, <timothywayne.cook@g...> wrote:
Does anyone know where there is a timeline openly published that depicts the development of all of the XML ecosystem components? 

Search doesn't help much since I am looking for basically a history of the XML history.


Timothy W. Cook

PNG image

  • References:
    • XML timeline
      • From: Timothy Cook <timothywayne.cook@gmail.com>

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