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RE: Why does validation fail with a named ENTITY for carriagereturn and

  • From: David Lee <dlee@calldei.com>
  • To: "Costello, Roger L." <costello@mitre.org>, "xml-dev@l..."<xml-dev@l...>
  • Date: Wed, 24 Oct 2012 16:26:45 +0000

RE: Why does validation fail with a named ENTITY for carriagereturn and
XML attributes are normalized when parsing.

David A. Lee

-----Original Message-----
From: Costello, Roger L. [mailto:costello@mitre.org] 
Sent: Wednesday, October 24, 2012 12:17 PM
To: xml-dev@lists.xml.org
Subject:  Why does validation fail with a named ENTITY for carriage return and line feed?

Hi Folks,

I want to specify the format of a "From:" field for email messages. The requirement is:

1. It starts with the literal "From:
2. Then there are one or more characters, a - z
3. Then the @ symbol
4. Then there are one or more characters, a - z
5. Then there is a carriage return (decimal 13) followed by a line feed (decimal 10)

A regular expression in the XML Schema pattern facet is well-suited for expressing that requirement:

    <xs:element name="from">
            <xs:restriction base="xs:string">
                <xs:pattern value="From:[a-z]+@[a-z\.]+&#13;&#10;"/>


Here is a sample instance document:


That validates beautifully against the XML Schema.

Now, many email fields must end with CRLF so I declared an XML ENTITY that I can reuse:

<!ENTITY CRLF "&#13;&#10;">

I then changed the pattern facet to reference the named ENTITY:

    <xs:element name="from">
            <xs:restriction base="xs:string">
                <xs:pattern value="From:[a-z]+@[a-z\.]+&CRLF;"/>

When I validate the above instance document I get this error:

    The content "From:jdoe@machine.example\r\n" 
    of element <from> does not match the required 
    simple type. Value "From:jdoe@machine.example\r\n" 
    contravenes the pattern facet "From:[a-z]+@[a-z\.]+  " 
    of the type of element <from>.


What's going on? 

Why does the instance document validate when the character entities are explicitly provided in the pattern facet, but the instance document fails validation when a named ENTITY is used in the pattern facet?

The problem is not with the XML Schema validator. The problem is at a lower level. The problem is with the XML Parser.

Look again at the pattern facet:

<xs:pattern value="From:[a-z]+@[a-z\.]+&CRLF;"/>

Ignore the fact that it is XML Schema stuff. It is XML. We have an element <xs:pattern> and it has one attribute, value, which has this value: From:[a-z]+@[a-z\.]+&CRLF;

What does an XML parser do to attribute values? Answer: it normalizes attribute values. (http://www.w3.org/TR/REC-xml/#AVNormalize) 

The XML normalization algorithm says this:

    For an entity reference, recursively apply step 3 
    of this algorithm to the replacement text of the entity.

Okay, let's replace &CRLF; with its replacement text:

<xs:pattern value="From:[a-z]+@[a-z\.]+&#13;&#10;"/>

The normalization algorithm then says:

    For a white space character (#32, #13, #10, #9), 
    append a space character (#32) to the normalized value.

Okay, that yields:

<xs:pattern value="From:[a-z]+@[a-z\.]+  "/>

Note the two spaces at the end of the regular expression.

So normalization of this:

<xs:pattern value="From:[a-z]+@[a-z\.]+&CRLF;"/>

produces this:

<xs:pattern value="From:[a-z]+@[a-z\.]+  "/>

Hold on! 

Why doesn't this:

<xs:pattern value="From:[a-z]+@[a-z\.]+&#13;&#10;"/>

also normalize to this:

<xs:pattern value="From:[a-z]+@[a-z\.]+  "/>

I'm confused. Why does validation fail with named ENTITIES and succeed with character entities?



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