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Responding to Katrina (offtopic even if XML is part of the solution)

  • To: XML Developers List <xml-dev@l...>
  • Subject: Responding to Katrina (offtopic even if XML is part of the solution)
  • From: "Bullard, Claude L (Len)" <len.bullard@i...>
  • Date: Tue, 6 Sep 2005 14:25:53 -0500

problems responding to katrina
While glad to see the individuals pulling the online 
resources together in response to Katrina, I reiterate 
Rex Brook's post that getting more professional and informed 
resources into the specification processes for the public 
safety and justice systems is a very positive response. 
Had CAP and EDXL been online, the response effort could 
have been better.  Work on open interoperable asset 
cataloging and management was not advanced enough but 
can be accelerated.  While large scale sensor systems 
are vital to homeland security, we are seeing in Katrina 
the results of overfocusing on one source of hazards to 
the neglect of more probable ones.  

"Fear is the mindkiller." Frank Herbert.  We have to face 
this squarely.  From 9/11 forward we have been operating in 
a climate of fear and distraction, somewhat normal given 
the enormity of that event, but ever since being played as 
a card in the game of political distraction.  This stops. 
Officials using the destruction of the Gulf Coast by Katrina 
as the means to push agendas for left or right political 
causes are not doing their jobs to serve the people.  Turn 
them off for now and remember them later at the ballot box. 
The media is not excused either.  We all failed.  Too many
people are dead, dieing, homeless or grieving to believe otherwise.
Beware the blame game.  It doesn't helo people off of roofs.

From my desk, it is clear that the call list systems were 
inadequate.  Call lists are part of the major incident 
response protocols that enable resources to be brought on 
line quickly and efficiently.  It is likely that inadequate 
provisions were made for rapid mandatory evacuations, and 
just as obvious that some people don't heed warnings even 
when the evidence is in and time is short.  It is obvious 
that some people even with adequate warning do not have 
the resources to evacuate.  That is a very tough problem 
to solve logistically.  When the danger is fast coming, 
there are no magic helicopters or fleets of ships.  It 
comes down to school buses, flat beds, tractor-trailers, 
Wal-Marts and Lowes.  Remember that.   Think hard about 
what is on their shelves and which parts you want on 
the street the morning after.  Pass laws.

A top-down response is always combined with a bottom-up 
response.  Political hay notwithstanding, there will be 
plenty of lessons learned for everyone involved.  It is 
obvious that we must step up the pressure to implement a 
well-thought through and fearless National Response Plan.  
It is obvious that State and Local protocols must be 
adjusted quickly to cope with the need to interoperate 
at a national level.  Note that while local and State 
control of resources remain standard procedure, requests 
from these officials are not required to mobilize national 
assets under the NRP.  Old habits can be bad habits. 

What do you know about your location and what is near you? 
If you see a Cat 2 or 3 enter the Gulf in August, you don't 
need much analysis to know time is wasting.  Are there 
large chemical plants or nuclear reactors near your 
home?  Do you know about plumes and prevailing winds? 
Do you have a plan to find family members fast?

As a member of the public safety industry watching my 
company stock climb even as I know public safety systems 
were inadequate in the face of a Cat 4/5 hurricane, I have 
that same sick feeling I had on 9/11: making money on misery 
is something we attribute to the weapons systems vendors 
but it is just as true of the first responder industry. All 
I can ask for is help doing a better job.  Pay attention 
to your local procurements for public safety systems as 
only those of you with backgrounds in computer science, 
XML, network systems and logistics can.  You know what 
works and what doesn't.  Don't make it a fight over SOA 
vs REST for pity's sake: do make it a fight over formats. 

The amount of senseless local deviation in your dispatch 
and records management systems to keep your local response 
officials nice-to-your-mayor or unions will get you killed. 
Kick their heads until they implement GJXML, NIMS, CAP, 
EDXL and other document protocols that work Just-In-Time 
when regions outweigh townships.   Train your cops and 
firemen on computers.  There is NO excuse for a computer 
illiterate in a cruiser or any other first responder vehicle. 
There is no excuse for software that is so hard to operate 
that a college degree is required.   There is no excuse 
for turning this into a cause celebre in the paper unless  
the vendor refuses to work with local officials but obvious 
reasons to do so if either side can't work to fix the problems, 
BUT bloody well know what the real problems are and don't 
let your public safety systems become political footballs 
to help an elected official or to cover up a bad procurement 
or to fix union problems.

Networks don't fight floods, fires, or CBRNE but they can 
place a lot of the right calls to the right people at the 
right time.  Buy wisely.  Pay attention.  Act.

len (speaking only for myself and not my employer)


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