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RE: XML-enabled databases, XQuery APIs

xml enabled dbms
Understood.  None of us speak for our companies unless 
we say we do and even then, we don't because that is 
what the Public Access Officers do and we ain't them. ;-)

To sum up:

1.  A binary format for any XML is best implemented by having 
schema-valid XML.  D'oh but interesting.

2.  A binary used for internal dbms representation is not likely 
to be interoperable.  Broadly, a binary for ANY document 
type specific representation isn't likely to be interoperable 
and any general representation isn't likely to be efficient. 
So evolution tends toward application-specific binaries and 
each application language specification specs it'w own.  A 
dbms binary IS an application-specific binary and one doesn't 
get the kinds of agreements in the dbms space as one does 
in other application spaces (say, rendering clients).

3.  A binary encoding for a client side application has to be  
parsed and transformed into the dbms local binary if it is 
stored there.  If we try to store an application 
binary in the dbms XML datatype, we are back to middleware.  
We can use XQuery on the server to get these hunks, but that 
is as efficient as the XML is 'query-nice', meaning, as amenable 
as the application structure is to querying (I might fetch an 
X3D indexed face set from it, but likely I would grab the 
Transform out of the scene graph because it has an ID and 
it returns a bunch of other good stuff).

The use of application binaries to get performance complicates things, 
and yet, we will have them.


From: Michael Champion [mailto:michaelc.champion@g...]

On 4/18/05, Michael Champion <michaelc.champion@g...> wrote:

> That's our position.

By that I mean it's my position, and I think it's Michael Rys
position.  I don't speak for MS in any official capacity on this, and
our minds are wide-open to actual evidence that a standard binary XML
format could be fast, small, support XQuery, be better for SOAP than
XML is, support generic well-formed  XML somehow, and do all that well
enough to make the disruption worthwhile.

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