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Re: The Legend of 'View Source'

gnus html view source
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I expect I use "view source" as often as any other technique for
learning something. "Gee, that web page is interesting. How did they
do that? View source. Dig until I find the answer or decide it isn't
worth the effort."

But I'm not sure quite what your point is. Hypothetically, take "view
source" off the table. What changes? Are you thinking of a specific
technology that's gotten short shrift because it isn't very readable?

/ "Danny Ayers" <danny666@v...> was heard to say:
|   [Dare]
|    I'm not sure what "view source" has to do with XSLT or RDBMSs though.  
|   [Danny]
|   My point is that "View Source" may be overrated.  XSLT is viewable, but
| not comprehensible based on that alone;

They are to me. So are a bunch of other technologies. And then there
are a bunch that aren't. If I want to learn a new technology, view
source is my first method of attack.

| many documents on the web are stored
| in RDBMS, yet the "view source " principle isn't maintained.

Yeah. And that's a bug not a feature. Those sites are often the most
opaque to inspection. That's not a good thing. (It may not be a bad
thing either, I don't care how ebay works. But if I did care, I'd be
forced to rely on secondary sources to find out how since view source
probably wouldn't help. )

                                        Be seeing you,

- -- 
Norman.Walsh@S...    | During the first period of a man's life the
XML Standards Architect | greatest danger is: .--Kierkegaard
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Sun Microsystems, Inc.  | 
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