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RE: RDDL (was RE: Negotiate Out The Noise)

bullard negotiation
The point that the negotiation is started by the 
the owner declaring where the authoritative descriptions 
are is illuminating.  It is caveat vendor; let the 
owner assume responsibility for reliability.

In a sense, that is political.  No, RDDL is not political 
in and of itself except insofar as some might want to 
claim it is the only solution.  (Note, earlier in the 
thread, someone said, "it is the answer, no question"). 
But, in the sense that RDDL states where the authority 
to answer the question (in my original list, it settles 
an issue of dominance), that is political and it is also 
satisfactory.  The owner is saying, this is what I mean 
and if you don't mean this, we have to talk or you have 
to assume the risk.  That is a good solution for a simple 
negotiation in which one party asserts a complete solution.

We are all aware that the namespace spec does explicitly 
not talk about resolution, and when first posted, persons 
inquiring about that issue were told it wasn't an issue, 
and ever since, it became one that wouldn't go away, so 
RDDL became an XML-Dev attempt to answer it.  That is 
ok and beside the point.   RDDL satisfies a requirement 
for a type of negotiation in which the owner dominates 
the semantic initially.

So far so good.  I also asked, what about other solutions? 
How does RDDL compare to web service discovery systems? 


-----Original Message-----
From: Leigh Dodds [mailto:ldodds@i...]

It seems that the fundamental point of disagreement is that 
you're asking "what is RDDL for?, what problems does it solve?, 
what applications does it let me build more easily?". And in 
particular you're considering it's applicability to distributed applications 
where some negotiation is required (cf: Lens original thread).


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