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First/last call for WWW9 XML Dev Day 2000.05.19

  • From: Jon Bosak <bosak@b...>
  • To: xml-dev@x...
  • Date: Fri, 4 Feb 2000 12:42:00 -0800 (PST)

last day in company mail
(xml-dev subscribers: I seem to have timed this announcement at
precisely the right moment to fall through the cracks in the
transition of the list from ic.ac.uk to xml.org.  Since I only get
the digest -- and I don't know yet whether that's still working
for me -- I have no idea whether anyone on xml-dev received this
the first time around.  If so, please forgive the duplication.  I
have taken this opportunity to add a few additional comments at
the end.)

This is the first, last, and only call-from-the-chair for
XML Developers' Day presentations at the Ninth International World
Wide Web conference Friday 19 May 2000 in Amsterdam.  The deadline
for submissions is 15 February.  See http://www.www9.org for
further information about the conference itself.

Since 1997, the XML track at WWW Dev Day has been a central event
for developers of web-related XML software.  If you have new
web-related tools or especially interesting applications that use
any of the XML family of core standards -- such as XLink,
XPointer, XSL, XML Schemas, or the DOM -- here is your chance to
share your latest accomplishments with other advanced workers.

Proposals of 1-3 paragraphs clearly describing the presentation
should be sent in plain text directly to the chair of the Dev Day
XML track, Jon Bosak:


Remember, submissions must be mailed no later than Tuesday 15
February to be considered.


Prospective presenters wishing to increase their chances of being
chosen for the program are well advised to read this long
paragraph that at first glance appears to consist entirely of
tedious instructions that no hard-charging industry mover and/or
shaker would bother to waste his precious time reading but upon
further investigation proves to contain information about several
tests that will be used to sort the good stuff from the corporate
crud that always comes in by the bushel in response to calls for
XML papers.  Submissions that stand a chance of being considered
will have the following properties.  First, they will be in plain
text as clearly specified above and not in some hideous
machine-generated HTML dialect or proprietary word processing
format.  People who honestly do not know what their software is
putting out will no doubt be forgiven their ignorance at the end
of days but are not the kind we want to hear from in this track.
Second, successful proposals will include a short title suitable
for a conference program and an abstract of the proposed
presentation rather than a request for my opinion about what might
constitute a good topic.  Third, they will be sent in by the
presenters themselves and not by the presenters' secretaries,
managers, or marketing people.  And fourth, they will describe
genuinely new and interesting developments or approaches --
preferably featuring running code -- rather than attempting to use
the world's premier WWW technical forum as a stage for some
tiresome commercial product pitch.

Down here where only the truly dedicated will read it is another
solicitation.  XML is becoming Establishment Technology; it's time
for some controversy.  I would like to have one good inflammatory
presentation on the schedule.  If you have an ax to grind and can
do so in an interesting and entertaining manner, send a proposal.

See you in Amsterdam!


(P.S. One correspondent from another list has pointed out the
humor of my statement that "it's time for some controversy."  I
meant controversy in industry conferences related to XML, not in
mailing lists like xml-dev.  Industry conferences tend in general
to avoid contentious points of view, which makes life easy for the
organizers and vendors but is arguably bad for the state of the
industry.  The Town Hall sessions at XTech (2000.02.27-03.02; see
http://www.gca.org/attend/2000_conferences/xtech_2000/) should
start to change this, and I meant to indicate a desire to move in
the direction of a more frank exchange of views at WWW9 as well.)


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