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Re: Lotsa laughs

  • From: David LeBlanc <whisper@a...>
  • To: Lisa Rein <lisarein@f...>, Didier PH Martin <martind@n...>
  • Date: Tue, 25 May 1999 17:12:56 -0700

Re: Lotsa laughs
Ms may have capable xml people.. but it's the marketeers ("program
managers") that call the shots at Ms.. In my experience one is lucky if
these people have any computer background at all. As an example, one of the
program managers for a major educational product from Ms started as a
contract proof-reader.

Dave LeBlanc

At 12:54 PM 5/25/99 -0700, Lisa Rein wrote:
>Didier PH Martin wrote:
>> More and more I am getting confused by the word "standard":
><elaboration snipped>
>Ah yes but in the case of BizTalk, there is no confusion.  
>1) There is an XML v 1.0 Recommendation.  Can we all agree that at the
>very lowest, bone-head, most fundamental level, an implementation must
>conform to this syntax if it is to be considered XML? (boy do i hope
>so-- or just kill me now because i've been wasting a lot of time on a
>2) BizTalk does not conform to that recommendation.
>3) Ooops!  It failed the first test.
>end of story.
>It's like saying - hey we'd like to speak english, but we've got this
>alphabet that's just a little bit different (although we're not going to
>document exactly how different) -- hey we've got all these other people
>using it that don't understand the alphabet's different, and if we get
>enough of them using it quickly enough, we hope that you all will just
>go ahead and change the alphabet  mmmm--ok?)
>It's a cheap shot from Microsoft, and I don't understand why, because I
>know that they have perfectly capable XML people there that know how to
>do things the right way, that in fact have been trying to do things the
>right way, and apparently there has been some kind of decision from "up
>top" to take this inferior, really embarrassing approach anyway, and
>that is unfortunate :-)
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