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Tech questions: "Can XML cure world hunger?"

  • From: "John E. Simpson" <simpson@p...>
  • To: XML-Dev Mailing list <xml-dev@i...>
  • Date: Thu, 18 Mar 1999 11:36:44 -0500

cure world hunger
I've received the below questions from a friend who works for a large
telecomm consulting firm with, in his words, "some pretty expert developers
who are familiar with Java, HTML, CORBA, etc."

Although general, his questions touch on subjects outside my own areas of
expertise. Anyone care to take a shot at answering them, or to suggest
resources where he might at least *start* finding answers?

>>1) Here's the basic problem:
>>How do you build a high performance, fast loading web interface that has the
>>speed of HTML, but the screen design flexibility of Java applets?  Also
>>that you are in an environment where you are not able to pre-load
plug-ins which
>>would help the applet loading.
>>Can XML help here?  If so, this seems to be almost like solving world
hunger for
>>web developers.
>>2) Extra credit question:
>>Does XML have any possible relation to CORBA?  I assume no, but I'm really
>>beyond my level of understanding here.

Although as I say I'm not sufficiently well-versed in Java and CORBA to
answer his questions definitively, I sense -- from many of the discussions
that have taken place here in the year-and-a-half I've been on the list --
that many of xml-dev's regular contributors won't blink twice before
answering in the affirmative.

Thanks in advance for any input,

John E. Simpson          | It's no disgrace t'be poor, 
simpson@p...      | but it might as well be.
                         |            -- "Kin" Hubbard

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