Release Notes for Stylus Studio® 2008 XML Enterprise Edition

This document contains information specific to the current release of Stylus Studio® 2008, Build 1050g, as well as all previously released 1050 builds. Consult the Stylus Studio Release Notes that are part of the Stylus Studio 2008 installation package for other important information.

Build 1050g


Stylus Studio® 2008 Build 1050g includes the following enhancements:

  • The demonstration files for the DataDirect XML Converters for Java and .NET have been enhanced with examples showing usage of the XML Schema generator and SEF extension file.
  • DataDirect XML Converters now supports EDIFACT D07B.
  • UNOA and UNOB enforcement has been relaxed in EDI XML Converters — lower-case letters are let through with a warning, instead of generating an error.
  • The command line executable (CmdLine.exe) now has a /version argument that displays the DataDirect XML Converters version. The version is also displayed if you run CmdLine without any arguments..
  • The Java code generated for XQuery using the DataDirect XQuery processor has been enhanced — code for binding variables now scales to allow for improved performance when processing large XML documents.

Bug Fixes

Stylus Studio® 2008 Build 1050g includes fixes for the following known bugs:

  • XML Publisher
    • Certain mathematical characters (*, +, and -, for example) used in XPath expressions would cause errors when Previewed and in generated XQuery code.
    • Stylus Studio would sometimes generate HTML for a report, even if XSL-FO was chosen for the output.
  • XML Pipeline
    • Stylus Studio would generate an error if a pipeline's Validate nodes (Output Valid or Output Invalid) got their source from a URL (http: or converter:, for example) that was not a file: URL.
    • Stylus Studio would make the result of a Validate node read-only if the output node was a CopyToURL and the input to the Validate node was a file marked read-only.
    • Pathnames in a converter: URL (like converter:EDI?pathname, for example) were not correctly resolved when used in the node's CopyToURL property.
    • UNC pathnames were not handled correctly if you deployed the XML Pipeline with library, and not inline, code.
    • C# code generation did not always catch exceptions and print error messages for them.
    • Quiet and Console.Error settings for the Execution Log property for C# code generation were ignored, and errors were sent to Console.Out.
    • A null pointer exception occurred when running generated Java code if the XML Pipeline used a JDBC URL for which a user ID parameter was not specified. A error message is now generated.
    • Table names for XQuery collections were not properly specified in generated Java code.
    • Stylus Studio generated an error for XML Pipelines during C# code generation when the output of one XSLT node was connected to a parameter input of another XSLT node (xsl:param), and that parameter input node's Data Type was "node", and the first XSLT node had a CopyToURL on its output port.
    • C# code generated for an XML Pipeline would not compile when the output of one XSLT node was connected to a parameter input of another XSLT node (xsl:param), and that parameter input node's Data Type was "untypedAtomic" or "string", and the first XSLT node had a CopyToURL on its output port.
  • DataDirect XML Converters
    • Segments in IATA files are permitted to contain no elements. Stylus Studio would fail to recognize these segments as valid and generate an error when trying to open the file.
    • The tbl=no property of the EDI XML Converter would sometimes get set when converting XML to EDI for some message types when the strict property was set to no (strict=no).
    • Command line usage for XSLT (StylusXslt.exe), XQuery (StylusXql.exe), the Validator (StylusValidator.exe), Stylus Diff (StylusDiff) incorrectly referred to an -id property required to unlock XML Converters.
  • XQuery
    • The XQuery Mapper would not properly replace empty IF block mappings after they were edited.
    • Stylus Studio would convert & in document function URIs (doc(" ")) to the ampersand character (&) when indenting XQuery code.
    • The XQuery Mapper did not incorporate user-defined functions.
  • Relational Database Support
    • To use data from MySQL Enterprise Edition in an XQuery, create the RelationalDB connection in the File Explorer window. Next, expand the connection to expose its databases and tables in the File Explorer window. Drag only databases or tables from the File Explorer window — do not drag and drop the connection itself — and drop them on the data sources panel in the XQuery Editor. From there, drag and drop the tables for which you want to create collections in the XQuery Editor.
  • XSLT
    • The .NET XslCompiledTransform processor assumed XSLT output was always XML (and not text or HTML, for example).
    • The .NET XslCompiledTransform processor did not have support for binding XPath expressions.
  • XML Editor
    • The Indent XML Tags feature in the XML Editor moved any whitespace located between the beginning of an element and an entity reference.

    Build 1050e


    Stylus Studio® 2008 Build 1050e includes the following enhancements:

    • DataDirect XML Converters now supports IATA 07.1.
    • The new override= property allows allows you to override code list look-ups on for individual elements.

    Bug Fixes

    Stylus Studio® 2008 Build 1050e includes fixes for the following known bugs:

  • XML Publisher
    • The "Match Case" feature did not always respect case when searching Stylus Studio reports (.report files). In addition, the "Replace" feature did not always perform as expected, sometimes failing to replace a searched string, or appending the new string to the end of the file. Finally, in some cases, Undo and Redo choices on the Edit menu would become disabled.
    • Stylus Studio would sometimes crash when reloading the document.
  • XML Pipeline
    • XML Pipelines with non-Saxon XSLT nodes and a Saxon XQuery node would sometimes fail to run when deployed as a Java component.
    • If you set the Namespace property when generating C# code for an XML Pipeline, the generated code would not compile.
    • The "Invalid" port on a Validate node did not properly execute copyToUrl commands.
    • If you ran an XML Pipeline that had a Pipeline Input node without a default value, Stylus Studio erroneously referred to a missing bindInputUrl method in the error message it displayed. It should have referred to bindInputObject.
    • Stylus Studio would not generate Java code that would compile if the XML Pipeline did not declare a baseURI.
    • Stylus Studio did not insert commented text referencing required .dll files in C# code generated for XML Pipelines.
    • Generated Java code for an XML Pipeline would sometimes crash when run if the XML Pipeline included a ConvertToXML node connected to the context node of a Saxon XQuery, and you chose not to generate inline code.
    • Stylus Studio was missing an error message that handled missing XPath expressions in Choose nodes.
    • Java XML Pipelines deployed with library code would crash when run if an XSLT node using Saxon sent XML output to a parameter port of another XSLT node using Saxon.
  • DataDirect XML Converters
    • Stylus Studio would display an improper error message if the XML Converters Java example, demo.bat, could not locate required .jar files.
    • The getXMLStreamReader getName method did not return QNames with URIs or prefixes.
    • Stylus Studio was missing an error message that handled corrupt internal files.
    • The tbl=no property did not disable all code list validation for X12 ID elements, and HL7 IS or ID elements.
  • Document Wizards
    • The Stylus Studio EANCOM to XML Schema document wizard displayed unwanted text (three numbers and a comma) as message name prefixes.
    • The Stylus Studio HL7 to XML Schema document wizard did not always correctly create long element names when the Long Element Names option was selected.
    • The type= attribute was sometimes missing from XML Schema created using the Stylus Studio HL7 to XML Schema document wizard.
    • The maxOccurs=0 attribute was missing for optional subelements in XML Schema created using the Stylus Studio HL7 to XML Schema document wizard.
  • XQuery
    • Stylus Studio would sometimes crash when editing XQuery with the Saxon 9.0 XQuery processor.
    • XQuery Mapper would crash if you mapped the output port on one IF block to the flow port on another IF block .
  • Other
    • Chinese UI — Stylus Studio could crash if you were using the Simplified Chinese UI and an error condition resulting in the display of an error message occurred.
    • Associating XML Schema — Stylus Studio could crash if you attempted to associate an invalid XML Schema (.xsd file) with an XML document.
    • XSLT — Stylus Studio would fail to process XSLT source using the built-in Java processor if the XSLT source contained a syntax error.


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