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A PSubject: Copying image files from one directory to another - using xslt
Author: A P
Date: 14 Sep 2009 04:53 AM
Hi All,

I am a newbie with xslt. Trying to create a xsl file that transforms one xml to another xml, I have want to do two task using xslt.

1). I want to copy some image files (jpeg, gif etc) from one directory to another directory.
e.g If I have following element in source xml
<image src="images/img123.jpg"> </image>

And I want to transform this element into
<file type="image" src="resources/images/img123.jpg"> </file>

Xslt makes everything easy in above transformation, but i don't know how do I copy 'img123.jpg' from 'images' directory to 'resources/images' directory.

2). In another transformation I'm reading a html files using unparsed-text() function, now html data can have any number of 'img' tags. I want to use a loop to check all 'img' tags and want to change value of src attribute of each img tag - via string manipulation.

Here is a example java code what i want to achieve in xslt.

String htmlData; // varibale htmlData will have html contents of a files

while(htmlData.indexOf("img") != -1){
Do some processing then replace the value of src attribute then take a substring of html data to remove current img tag.

htmlData = htmlData.substring(htmlData.indexOf("img")+3);


Are above two tasks doable in xslt?

Kind regards

Tony LavinioSubject: Copying image files from one directory to another - using xslt
Author: Tony Lavinio
Date: 14 Sep 2009 08:34 AM
Please see http://www.stylusstudio.com/SSDN/default.asp?style=WebBoard
for the posting guidelines; it's not clear that this has to do with
Stylus Studio - but if it does, we need the version of the product you
are working with first.

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