Subject: Xquery string-pad function Author: (Deleted User) Date: 26 Jan 2009 03:57 AM
Good morning all,
I'd like to concat two strings in an xml tag and fill out the first string with spaces up to ten positions. I think it can be done by means of a string-pad function, but how do I use it. I have added the namespace where this function is found, but it is not recognized. Here is my code:
for $Absences in collection("Synergist.dbo.Absences")/Absences
where ($Absences/Type = 205) and concat(string(year-from-dateTime($Absences/Approved)),("-"),string(month-from-dateTime($Absences/Approved)),("-"),string(day-from-dateTime($Absences/Approved)))=concat(year-from-dateTime(current-dateTime()),("-"),month-from-dateTime(current-dateTime()),("-"),day-from-dateTime(current-dateTime()))
<AVXML xmlns:xsi="" xmlns:fn="">
{for $Creditor in collection("Synergist.dbo.cicmpy")/cicmpy[cmp_wwn=$Absences/CustomerID]
Subject: Xquery string-pad function Author: Ivan Pedruzzi Date: 26 Jan 2009 11:53 AM
See the following example
declare function local:string-pad($source as xs:string, $padCount as xs:integer, $padString as xs:string)
let $pad := $padCount - string-length($source)
return concat($source, string-join((for $i in 1 to $pad return $padString), ''))
("'", local:string-pad("1" , 3, " "),"' ",
"'", local:string-pad("12" , 3, " "),"' ",
"'", local:string-pad("123", 3, " "),"' "), '')
Hope this helps
Ivan Pedruzzi
Stylus Studio Team