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Chandra MSubject: Xquery for timer based events.
Author: Chandra M
Date: 29 Jan 2009 04:24 PM

I have a question related to xquery and I am new to use these xqueries syntax :)

I have the following trigger for my XML database named SEDNA and I am trying implement the feature that will execute these triggers at a scheduled time.

CREATE TRIGGER "Trig_Insert_Pending_Order"
ON document("test_bookstore")//Pending_Order

if (hours-from-dateTime(xs:dateTime('2006-08-15T4:30:23')) == 4)


if ($NEW/order_ID > 4)
<Pending_Order>{attribute id {$NEW/order_ID}}
<Pending_Order>{attribute id {$NEW/order_ID}}
else $OLD;

The syntax for the above trigger is accepted for my XML database (SEDNA) but I want the user to provide the scheduled time for this trigger. Can any body explain me the functionalities that I can use with xquery to allow the USER to provide a specific time from java application and read that into my above QUERY STATEMENT.


Minollo I.Subject: Xquery for timer based events.
Author: Minollo I.
Date: 29 Jan 2009 06:02 PM
What you are describing seems to be an XQuery question very specific to an XQuery implementation available for an XML database, that has no relationship with what Stylus Studio or DataDirect XQuery support.

I would suggest asking the same question to your XML database vendor/distributor.

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