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Rick SmithSubject: This is a tough one - I am so stuck! Please help if you can
Author: Rick Smith
Date: 21 Apr 2005 10:04 AM
Originally Posted: 21 Apr 2005 10:00 AM
Ok I have an XML file that is being returned to me, I have attached the file. It contains a series linkurl nodes. These nodes contain a path that I need to output to the screen. The paths need to be displayed in types, the type is defined in the actual value of linkurl as "type ="type_name". If the URL is also marked with "chkHOT=Y", it needs to be highlighed, but only one for group, it will be the first one encountered in the group). The linkurls are already coming back sorted by date. <br> <br> If you view the attached xml it will make more sense.<br> <br> Here is what I have so far. This is not correct as it is Highlighting all "chkHOT=Y" and it is not keeping them in order as I am displaying all HOT ones first followed by all non-hot.<br> <br> <xsl:for-each select="document(linkurl/Value/@current[contains(.,'type=Policy') and contains(.,'chkHot=Y')])"><br> <li class="highlight"><xsl:copy-of select="."/></li><br> </xsl:for-each><br> <br> <xsl:for-each select="document(linkurl/Value/@current[contains(.,'type=Policy') and not(contains(.,'chkHot=Y'))])"><br> <li><xsl:copy-of select="."/></li><br> </xsl:for-each><br> <br> Feel free to email me at rick.webuse@gmail.com if you need anything further.<br> <br> Thanks in advance!

XML linkurl document

(Deleted User) Subject: This is a tough one - I am so stuck! Please help if you can
Author: (Deleted User)
Date: 21 Apr 2005 10:59 AM

your description is much harder to parse than xml document:)

can you send a sample of desired output based on your xml document and we may be able to help you.

Rick SmithSubject: This is a tough one - I am so stuck! Please help if you can
Author: Rick Smith
Date: 21 Apr 2005 11:27 AM
Thanks for any help you can give me.

I have attached an image of how the xsl is to render the XML.

If you need anything further, feel free to ask.



Image of site

(Deleted User) Subject: This is a tough one - I am so stuck! Please help if you can
Author: (Deleted User)
Date: 21 Apr 2005 01:24 PM
the problem is you hardcode class=highlight in the <li> element. you should do it dynamically by checking if the hot topic is the first one in it's group. try this:
<xsl:if test="position()=1">
<xsl:attribute name="class">
<xsl:value-of select="'highlight'"/>
<xsl:copy-of select="."/>

hope this helps

Stylus Studio Team

Rick SmithSubject: This is a tough one - I am so stuck! Please help if you can
Author: Rick Smith
Date: 21 Apr 2005 01:47 PM
Thanks for your help.

There is just one proplem, your method is assuming that the first position is a chkHOT = Y. It is not always going to be like that. The logic goes like this: 2 LOOPS. First LOOP
Find all the chkHOT=Y, loop through them and only display the first - where position = 1. That is easy. SECOND LOOP. I need to display the rest of the records. I loop through all records and want to display all except the one I displayed in LOOP 1. How do I tell my loop to display all of the records ecxcept the one I just displayed above. Variables are only local to the For Loop so I cannot check to see which one I have just displayed in the previous loop.

Thanks again for working on this - it is greatly appreciated!

(Deleted User) Subject: This is a tough one - I am so stuck! Please help if you can
Author: (Deleted User)
Date: 21 Apr 2005 03:22 PM
you use diffrent xpath predicate in two loops, don't you?

in the loop 1, you use [contains(., chKHot='Y')], in loop2, you use [not contains(., chKHot='Y')]. this will make sure two loops works on diffrent nodeset, and what displayed in the first loop should not appear in second loop, right?

did I miss anything?

Rick SmithSubject: This is a tough one - I am so stuck! Please help if you can
Author: Rick Smith
Date: 21 Apr 2005 03:38 PM
I hate to shoot down but it may be that my explanation may not be detailed enough. If I use two loops, which I have done, it gives me all the chkHOT=Y and I display the first one. Only one chkHOT per group may be displayed. the group may have more than one chkHOT. So what then happends to the other hot ones? If I output them and simply not highlight them, they are then out of order according to date.
So if we have

A is Hot, B is Hot, C is NOT, D is NOT, E is Hot. The first loop gives us ABE. I highlight A, do not highlight BE. Then output C and D. The dates are then out of order cause C and D have a later deate than E yet E occurs before C and D in my display.

Now I have totally lost you!

Thanks for you help!

(Deleted User) Subject: This is a tough one - I am so stuck! Please help if you can
Author: (Deleted User)
Date: 21 Apr 2005 05:37 PM
you need variable to remember the first hot topic. then skip it in second loop. try the following.

<?xml version='1.0'?>
<xsl:stylesheet version="1.0" xmlns:xsl="http://www.w3.org/1999/XSL/Transform">

<xsl:template match="/">
<xsl:variable name="group" select="sys_AssemblerInfo/RelatedContent/linkurl/Value[contains(@current,'type=Policy')]"/>
<xsl:variable name="firstHot" select="$group[contains(@current,'chkHot=Y')][1]"/>

<li class="highlight">
<xsl:copy-of select="document($firstHot/@current)"/>

<xsl:for-each select="$group[@current != $firstHot/@current]">
<xsl:copy-of select="document(@current)."/>


Rick SmithSubject: This is a tough one - I am so stuck! Please help if you can
Author: Rick Smith
Date: 22 Apr 2005 02:21 PM
Originally Posted: 22 Apr 2005 02:20 PM
Song,<br> Thanks for your tremendous help on my XSL problem. I could not have done it without you. My final code looked like this.<br> Thanks again!<br> Rick<br> <br> <xsl:variable name="firstPolicyHot" select="document(linkurl/Value/@current[contains(.,'type=Policy') and contains(.,'chkHot=Y')])[1]"/><br> <br> <ul><br> <li class="highlight"><br> <xsl:copy-of select="$firstPolicyHot"/><br> </li><br> <xsl:for-each select="document(linkurl/Value/@current[contains(.,'type=Executive+Director')])"><br> <xsl:if test="$firstPolicyHot!= ."><br> <li><xsl:copy-of select="."/></li><br> </xsl:if><br> </xsl:for-each><br> </ul>

(Deleted User) Subject: This is a tough one - I am so stuck! Please help if you can
Author: (Deleted User)
Date: 22 Apr 2005 03:56 PM

Glad to know it helps. Enjoy Stylus Studio!

Stylus Studio Team

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