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Mike BuechelSubject: XML to fixed length text file converter
Author: Mike Buechel
Date: 19 Mar 2005 03:28 AM
I'm working with a Business Rules Engine that utilizes WSDL connectivity.

I need to feed it information from a mainframe flat file and return the results back to the mainframe and a fixed field flat file.

Your product is impressive and I can see how I can get the data from fixed field width text to and XML format that the BRE can process but I don't see a solution to go back the opposite way.

This process will eventually need to be performed on a daily basis and I therefore need some automation capabilities.

Will your product perform these tasks for me?



Ivan PedruzziSubject: XML to fixed length text file converter
Author: Ivan Pedruzzi
Date: 19 Mar 2005 12:17 PM

You could design XSLT tranformation to go from XML to flat
IF you post a small sample of your data and the expected result
we can show you how.

Hope this helps

Ryan JohnsonSubject: XML to fixed length text file converter
Author: Ryan Johnson
Date: 02 May 2005 03:31 PM
I am very new to this product and I too need to take an XML file and produce a text file but I don't see how this is done either.

Can you give me a kick start on how I would go about this?


Ryan Johnson

Tony LavinioSubject: XML to fixed length text file converter
Author: Tony Lavinio
Date: 03 May 2005 08:58 AM
An example of how to produce fixed-width output from XML input is
available elsewhere on this forum. Please see

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