Subject:Is this possible with XSLT? HELP!! Author:Steve Trythall Date:24 Aug 2004 08:42 AM
I am really struggling to see how to do this with XSLT.
Do I need to resort to Java or is there a neat XPATH & XSLT
mechanism for this?
I have a document with a list of parts followed by a list of assemblies
that the parts potential may be in. The assemblies hold a ref to the parts.
For example, 3 wires, 2 in an assembly, 1 not:
I can count the total number of wires with a particular part number, eg
count(//property[@name='PartNumber'and @val='PartABC']). However, I need
to do this in the context of an assembly.
Subject:Is this possible with XSLT? HELP!! Author:Steve Trythall Date:01 Sep 2004 10:10 AM
you are an XSLT god!! Thanks for this - stepping through its execution
taught me loads about doing multi-level grouping.
There was a problem with stylesheet. You weren't able to correctly count
the wires which weren't in an assembly. However, I copied the technique
you used for assemblies and that worked a treat.