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Re: Why do some people not use XSLT to process XML-fo

Subject: Re: Why do some people not use XSLT to process XML-formatted data?
From: "Peter Flynn peter@xxxxxxxxxxx" <xsl-list-service@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Sun, 3 Nov 2024 12:03:19 -0000
Re:  Why do some people not use XSLT to process  XML-fo
On 03/11/2024 10:47, Roger L Costello costello@xxxxxxxxx wrote:
I don't understand why anyone would not use XSLT to process XML documents.

You are not alone, except that there do exist other languages which process XML, such as Omnimark, and there are libraries for all the major programming and scripting languages which provide more-or-less cumbersome approaches to handling XML documents.

the data binding tool doesn't support xs:choice and the other XSD constructs

Michael and Alan have explained the technical debt problem of using pre-existing systems, often with poor justification.

On 03/11/2024 11:33, Alan Painter alan.painter@xxxxxxxxx wrote: [...] > a) XSLT is outside of most developers' comfort zone [ snip excellent arguments ]

I would go further and claim XML is outside many developers' comfort zone.

However, the consultant's job is also to deal with management expectations; you can have every engineer, developer, and programmer in the organisation supporting the replacement of software, but if it is stymied by management resistance it can permanently damage the organisation in the long term.


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