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Re: Why do some people not use XSLT to process XML-fo

Subject: Re: Why do some people not use XSLT to process XML-formatted data?
From: "Joel Kalvesmaki director@xxxxxxxxxxxxx" <xsl-list-service@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Sun, 3 Nov 2024 20:12:16 -0000
Re:  Why do some people not use XSLT to process  XML-fo
I've found that the reason for this resistance is a combination of the

In recent conversation with a developer who was deploying some of my XSLT code in a .NET framework, I tried to help him appreciate what global parameters are, and how they need to be exposed to his C# applications. I showed him a bit of source code. He was very resistant, and said, in paraphrase, "I don't know why you're showing me this. I don't understand XSLT, and I don't need to understand it. I am only a programmer."

That comment left me at a loss for words.

Joel Kalvesmaki
Director, Text Alignment Network

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