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Dear colleagues, I am somewhat puzzled by this situation: key('keyNameb, $keyValue)[1] >From an example in Michael Kaybs XSLT 2.0 bible and the description of position(), I learn that this form selects the first item in the sequence of nodes returned by key(). How would I have to write the expression, if I wanted to filter only those nodes, which are at position 1 in their respective document context? I know I can have predicates which consider the context of all returned nodes, looking at ancestors etc. But somehow position() seems to be special. Thanks a lot, Michael Michael MC<ller-Hillebrand Senior Consultant Phone +49 951-20859-752 Mobil +49 172-819 34 13 michael.mueller-hillebrand@xxxxxxxxx<mailto:michael.mueller-hillebrand@docufy .de> www.docufy.de<https://www.docufy.de/> | DOCUFY@LinkedIN<https://www.linkedin.com/company/3845358/> Datenschutz<https://www.docufy.de/datenschutz/> DOCUFY GmbH | KirschC$ckerstr. 27 | 96052 Bamberg | Deutschland GeschC$ftsfC<hrung: Nadine Prill (CEO) & Falko Schmidt (CFO) | Amtsgericht Bamberg HRB10571
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